Saturday, May 18, 2024

A basic guide to planets and symbols

 I was working on a concept to describe the glyphs (symbols) as a language of human behavior, and this is the result. Not complete as a total idea, but it's the basics.

Thursday, May 16, 2024

Thyroid issues and Taurus

 Just to note this for any Taurus Sun, Ascendant, or 1st-house focus folks:

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

The Astrological Arsonist: Setting Fire to their lifestyle for Excitement & Control--or incapability to manage

Meet the astrological Arsonist--an original concept of mine. They seem to self-destruct and ask for help on a continuous basis by which they use, either openly or through means, passive-resistance refusal, child-like behavior, manipulation, or pure willfulness. An Arsonist is a master of creating Controlled Chaos, and most likely a psychopath. This is the first of three articles that I am postulating on this subject.
   An Arsonist in my astrological-psychological view is someone who deliberately creates circumstances or behaviors where someone must come and figuratively and emotionally put out a fire: an event or condition that has dead-end results and misjudged expectations without consideration. The Arsonist enjoys the thrill of power-control: he/she has reinforcement of ego and importance as a new obstacle-hurdle has been put in the way of a daily routine, a long-term plan, or just spontaneous action. I would imagine those of us who are now experiencing the role of caregiver for friends and elderly parents are noticing this identity. Also, consider the Arsonist in relationship patterns: a continued sense of "My life is not exciting enough--I must do something to see others jump at my command!" A romantic involvement is often a playground for an Arsonist.
    On a separate note, I believe an Arsonist is also someone who cannot get out of his/her own way; they place obstacles, hurdles, delays, rejections, and other forms of non-compliance and resolutions in their path. And THEN they complain, worry, fret, and limit themselves from accomplishments--and in turn, will take time and engage anyone willing to listen that life is difficult and thwarting their efforts. 
      Arsonists are often bored--they seek excitement and adventure. I would therefore categorize the Fire signs (Aries/Leo/Sagittarius) as the primary candidates, but that is too obvious. Instead, consider that the other 11 signs also have tendencies, each with its own quality.
     For example, it's obvious that an Aries would easily trigger patterns of disruption for sheer initiation and "something new," but Taurus can delay, refuse, resist, and be unwilling to yield to even the most reasonable offer or request. The delaying tactic is one that creates a whirlpool of potential resolution. Gemini, in a search for endless information, may surely continue to be involved in so many commercially-driven promotions and solicitations from media sources who are sales-driven and based on self-promotion and exploitation of the consumer. Financial management problems would likely follow: "I can't get enough ideas!" Crabs surely know how to make the best of worries and fears, especially over personal safety or that of family members, in order to maintain and keep close ties. Fear and smothering demands for love and nurturance to/from others can be like quicksand to those involved. Leo, again as Fire, can be bombastic and pompous to the point of distress: "How dare you defy me?" is a phrase I heard from my own mother, who had a Leo ascendant. The sense of royal obligation by underlings is not only expected, but held as a sense of status and entitlement.
     Virgos can micro-manage even themselves into a state of Obsessive-Compulsive disorder, let alone unhinge the person who has to manage or care for someone with organization-is-life needs. Libra can be caught in the net of Co-Dependency so tightly that they can not bear to be alone for 24 hours, and may use social media formats and electronics as a tool of continuous contact. Scorpio surely knows how to be in control: paranoia and suspicion of ANYTHING or ANYONE who dares threaten must be kept at arm's length and under careful observation.
    Sagittarius can potentially be an Arsonist in both speech and action. Words can cause huge battles, especially with family members, colleagues, and social outlets of beliefs and values. Also, don't put it past an Archer to be a hoarder: "more is better." Try and manage a house where "don't throw that out!" is a mandate, and Time is left sitting in cabinets and closets, later to be discarded when it should have been avoided in the first place.
      Capricorns don't usually find a spot as an Arsonist, but there are surely those who take advantage of others for personal advantage--and usually financial gain. Aquarius in search of Freedom can be an Arsonist in style: "I'll follow my own path and disregard any action or result that doesn't give it my way." Anyone in partnership with this type knows this likely means associating with a lack of constraints on social structures: living from day-to-day in group units (shelters, collective gatherings). Pisces offers a never-ending potential of Arsonist qualities, but it's emotional-sensitive in nature and not aggressive-dynamic. A Pisces soul caught in an Arsonist pattern can be caught in a maelstrom of confusion followed up with sensitively good intentions and terrible judgment.
     What to do about the Arsonist in your life? It's clearly a matter of Power & Control--and personal boundaries. The Arsonist has no qualms about encroachment on other peoples' lives--this is a very self-centered character flaw, and may likely be hiding a Narcissistic Personality. The key factor to remember is simple: "No." An Arsonist will rise into whatever level of insistence their sign carries with a likely demonstration of unhealthy tendencies, but it is essential for anyone involved in a relationship or caregiver role to recognize the need to put out the Arsonist's ability to ignite intention and spark an inappropriate or unwise response. 
(C) MDLOP8 2024    

Saturday, May 4, 2024

It's Elemental to my students!


Okay, students, look at this image: this is a great way of learning the ELEMENTAL NATURE of each sign and "who's on which team." 

Red Fire signs, ready for action (from L-R, counter-clockwise): 
Aries, Leo, Sagittarius

Green Down-to-earth signs, ready to be steady: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn

White Lighter-than-Air signs, and away we go: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius

Blue Ocean-deep emotional water/"Tears 4 Fears" signs: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces

Additional Pairs:
Red & White; that's alright (Fire & Air)
Green & Blue; works for you (Earth & Water)

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Sun sign by egg--and lesson


Now then. I don't post serious ideas ALL the time. There's a wonderful post about how children of each Sun sign view the world-at-large. And I have a naughty sense of humor--which goes along with my Mars in Gemini and Aries Sun. 

But THESE kids are priceless--especially the way the Leo/Sagittarius just glowers at her assailant and then delivers the perfect response. Same for that little Aries girl: she gave Dad a shot that sent him reeling--and did he ever deserve it! So, on this first day of May, be thankful for the child you may have, either as your own or a family member, and remember to honor YOUR Inner Child too. Learning about ourselves, especially in the array of wisdom that astrological concepts can bring, is a marvelous way to understand the world around us. (I'd say there's a bit of a Saturn twist to the adults who were on the receiving end.) And have an egg while you're at it.

Saturday, April 20, 2024

Child*Star reports for parents--and grandparents


Mother's Day is coming up--AND Father's Day in June--and it takes a mother to make a man a father too. But what does this mean for parents to have the gift of a child? A child can't say to his or her parents, "This is who I am. This is what I need to express and develop in my character." 

It takes a Child*Star report to know the messages that need to be understood. It can give years of guidance that no pediatrician, grandparent, or even Mom or Dad can be without: astrological and psychological guidance.

Child*Star reports were developed by a Montessori teacher with 25 years experience--I've spoken with her about this material too--and years of raising her own children. Make a difference in a child's life and development--and your own as a parent and adult. Available for $25 via email.

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

The Lunar Return and month-to-month Activity cycles of the Moon

The lunar return is one method of tuning in oneself to the trends of psychological astrology as well as "what's up for me?"  Similar in nature to the solar return but in a 27.5 day phase, the lunar return offers us the chance to see what the month(s) ahead will bring, each with a new "social/public/business scene" from the Moon's energies.  And since the Moon is part of our subconscious nature, it represents what we have asked to learn and have drawn to ourselves in the process.  What better way to see "What have I asked to experience next?" in the month(s) ahead? 

I use lunar returns to keep aware of timing phases that are manageable in small scale: "What's going on with me for next/this month?" The other planets can also be identified within a lunar return; they may have a cooperative or limited flow of energy with the Moon, depending on placements for the specified time.  

The lunar return is yet ANOTHER reason that I encourage you to follow the potential flows of Life Activity during the course of a year. Note: "lunar types" (4th house Moon or Asc. or Cancer Asc or 4th house stellium) should ESPECIALLY follow the lunar returns throughout the year!

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Magi astrology Cinderella/Prince Charming Romance Timing for Soul Mate connections

(Note: the role of Cinderella 
is being played by Scarlett Johansson.)

“Dear Astrological Consultant, when will I find the man (or woman) of my dreams**?”**(Note: yes, men do have 'romantic times' too; the author Robert Louis Stevenson met his wife, who was 10 years senior, during such an event--and he wrote some great love letters to her. And there certainly are 'romantic' signs for men with Venus in their chart.)

The Magi system comes from the Shaolin monks (yes, the ones who developed kung fu as a martial arts discipline); it's based ONLY on aspects between key planets and the timing/transit activations. If you consider that horary astrology ("Where are my missing keys" or "Should I buy or sell stocks now?") is on a similar method. Are key players engaged or not either in harmony or challenge?

The comet Chiron is the planet of Cinderellas.  Like any other planet, Chiron is constantly moving as it orbits the Sun. As Chiron moves in the sky, whenever it makes a special harmonious energy to your Venus, Jupiter, or Neptune, you are at the peak of your Romance Cycle. The same is true when the position of Venus, Jupiter, or Neptune in the sky makes a harmonious energy flow to your Chiron. It is at these times that you are in your Cinderella Time and you are most attractive, most charming, and most fascinating. (A Pluto Magi time would likely bring someone who has a great $$ opportunity.)

During your Cinderella Time, people forgive you for everything. They overlook your faults and you are at the peak of your popularity. It is during your Cinderella Time that you are as irresistible as you can possibly be. You can almost walk on air. 

   ***This is when you have the greatest chance of meeting your Prince Charming (or your princess), fall in love together, and marry him (or her). But as you must have guessed, your Cinderella Gateway is open only for a few times in your life and only briefly each time. Don't miss it. It is crucial that you take advantage of it whenever it occurs in your own life.

Now: does EVERY timing mean a happy encounter? No. Keep in mind that free will is a guiding rule in all human interactions and decisions; anyone can talk him/herself into validating the wrong person's presence despite obvious warnings and refusals to accept "He/she's NOT right for me." But you MAY find yourself meeting a Significant Soul Mate who is there for a major lesson, or even to fulfill some form of obligation. The results are both yours and theirs.

Saturday, April 6, 2024

Uranus the Liberator Frees Your Life for the Unexpected!

She said, "Mitch! My life is turning upside down!! What's going on--and while you're at it, why is it so crazy and hard to handle?"

Uranus by transit in the 1st house of Personality.  Like so: "Uranus is the Social Rebel (for example, think "The Grateful Dead band's" energy) which says "I Break the Rules of Society BECAUSE Society needs a wake-up call." Uranus, and its sponsoring sign of Aquarius, really allows us to overthrow and overcome blockage, both personal and socially, on an individual and global scale. 

Uranus is a liberator--it wants us to break free from limitation--the "anti-Saturn" influence. Its purpose is evolution, experimentation, and growth. Although Uranus can sometimes live in reaction mode, it motivates us to think and act outside of the box. In fact, Uranus in its purest form is intuition itself. By house, the position of Uranus shows where individuals look to stir things up, put a new spin on situations, and go against established thought or order. 

Uranus doesn't act like other planetary energies: it has no respect or use for regulations, structures, routines. In your 1st house of Personality and Appearance, you can expect that people "see" you differently, even if not on the surface--but they can sense it. It will also impact on extension the other side of your chart: the 7th house of Relationships and Partnerships. Uranus in the 1st alters the way an individual projects personal energies onto others. You are likely to seek, nay demand, freedom in the way you present yourself to the world. Dressing simply but quirky, you will have no problems in asserting yourself. 

You are not shy in letting everyone know where you stand on issues. In fact you take pride in presenting your unique perspective. "I am a simple soul with few wants and needs," is what you tell yourself. All you can feel is an altruistic desire to change the world! Friends and relatives probably find you a trifle erratic. They know you to be good-hearted and genuine about your feelings. Your passions rise fast and you lose interest at the same rate. 

Why is this happening? It's likely about Personal Change within that indicates you are being prepared for a shift in lifestyle for reasons that are not only about you, but your place in the larger whole of society. In short, you're experiencing what I call "being a Cosmic Tuning Fork." Welcome to MY life! 

(My middle brother's birthday party: he has Uranus on the Ascendant in Leo. Guess who had to wear his custom-design outfit? You bet! His older brother! Someone just asked me if I lost a paintball fight in Haight-Ashbury, San Francisco. Yep. Feels that way.)

Friday, March 29, 2024

Astro-physiology for diet and health

Some observations on this very unique part of astrology:  the study of the human system and its physiological needs and components is fascinating because it comprises both the mechanics and the dynamics of how we function within the principles of the zodiac’s existence.  Foods, herbs, flowers, fragrances, colors, and even sounds are found in the signs.  Therefore, astrological physiology plays an integral role in the maintenance of the body and its requirements.  

Aries will likely have some presence of force or power from their head, or have ear-nose-throat problems.  Headaches are also problems.  Arians need potassium, so tomatoes and bananas are a must.  Garlic and onions are also an Aries food.  Because they can be so active, Aries often need mini-meals or sustained nutrition rather than large servings from a routine schedule. 

Taurus may be inclined to gain weight and have an overall thickness to the body; over-eating is a weakness.  A sweet tooth is also a culprit here.  Their singing helps exercise the throat.  The thyroid, vocal cords, tonsils, and neck are areas of emphasis.  They are sensitive to sodium sulfate, which controls water in the body.  Celery, cucumber, and raw nuts provide this; natural iodine in fish also helps the thyroid. 

Gemini needs dexterity toys as children: musical instruments, especially keyboards; coloring and movement for their hands, and games of catching objects.  The lungs and upper respiratory system can be vulnerable; the nerves can be high-strung and tense.  Stimulants should be avoided, such as coffee or sugar.  Mini-meals may also suffice.  The body salt potassium chloride is needed:  lettuce, celery, almonds, and apples will help.  Smoking should clearly be avoided, as this is a direct challenge to a Gemini’s lungs! 

Crab-Moon Children will get an upset stomach faster than most over internalizing emotional issues that turn to tears and frustration.  More than any other sign, they are the most sensitive to the meaning and timing of the Moon’s phases.  The breasts and digestive system are vulnerable.  Calcium chloride is needed:  lettuce, broccoli (steamed, not boiled, to save nutrients), yogurt, and tomatoes will help.  Spicy food is a risk!  Milk and dairy are often recommended (but not advised due to mucous build-up).  Pineapple and papaya fruit are especially helpful for digestion.

     Crab females especially are more tuned to the lunar phases of the Moon’s gravitational pull on the water levels (i.e., hormones and neurotransmitter flow during their menstrual cycle).  Emotional sensitivity and response to stimuli of any kind (especially social or personal issues) will kick off the worry and fears that make a Crab into a “sourball.”

A Leo is a born sun-worshipper; they need more solar energy than other signs.  This does not mean they can ignore the warnings about skin cancer and the sun.  Their heart and cardio system are key areas; the upper back and spine are others.  Leos need magnesium phosphate, available in figs, egg yolk, sunflower seeds, and romaine lettuce.  Meats are also important; iron is a second need, and cashews, dates, and raisins can help, along with oranges, beets, and spinach.

Virgos need to be exceptionally careful about their digestion; the stress and worry they put themselves through (especially a Virgo ascendant) will play havoc on the intestines:  colitis, bowel problems, skin eruptions, and distress is the result.  Analytical by nature, Virgos (and ascendants) should limit their intake of animal flesh and focus instead on vegetables and greens.  Lemons will clear their digestive system. 

Libras should mind their kidneys, and females should keep tabs on their ovaries.  One of the blessings of a Libra ascendant is beauty in some form; the social graces are also enhanced.  The subject has a charming personality that may mask a subversive nature if there are other indications to support this (such as a Scorpio moon).  The skin quality is often supple and needs extra attention to maintain a youthful appearance.  The lumbar (lower spine), and buttocks are also areas, and the throat and skin are secondary.  Relationships and the environment are a key area of stress for Libras:  any disturbance, disagreement, argument, or distress greatly unsettles them. 

        Libras must have balance in their lives:  moderation and calm.  Sodium phosphate helps them maintain acids and alkali, and their skin can help them:  yellow-sallow when a deficiency is present.  Strawberries, apples, almonds, brown rice, oatmeal, and carrots will help, as well as a lot of green foods.  Water is a must:  they must have their skin hydrated.  Skin treatments such as clay or mud baths will also help, and massage too. 

A Scorpio especially should be attentive to any type of urinary or anal irritation; the body tends to clog up easily and retain toxins.  Natural, carefully scheduled detoxing and cleansing procedures are urged; this can include sauna and mud baths too.  Irrigations are also useful, especially because Scorpios are prone to hemorrhoids or other blockages and irritations.  

      Sexual diseases are another issue, and a Scorpio has a powerful sex drive that needs a positive outlet.  Alcohol is another issue:  of all the signs, a Scorpio’s skin shows the damage done from drinking, and it also enflames their hair-trigger temper. 

Calcium sulfate is needed:  figs, prunes, yogurt, cheeses, and radishes, and fish, green salads, wheat germ, and pineapple are excellent.  Scorpios need their seclusion and a place for privacy; a place or area that is near water, like a beach or lake, is very helpful.  

Sagittarians tend to go for rich food much like Taureans and Scorpions, but the Centaurs tend to over-tax their gall bladder and liver.  The pituitary gland is also influenced.  Hepatitis and gout can be signs of indulgence.  Sciatica, hip disease, and lameness can be problems too.  

        Sagittarians find walking (and outdoor activities like hiking or golf) is an excellent way to energize and exercise the system; stationary bike or running machine work is also recommended.  Silica is needed, and found in green peppers, strawberries, skins from fruits and vegetables, potatoes, oats, and raw salads.  Foods to avoid include rich gravies, creams, and too many sweets.  

Capricorns should mind their teeth, bones, and knees.  The joints in general can be a sign of trouble (arthritis, neuralgia, orthopedic problems, or rheumatism), which can be helped by eliminating calcification (cheese and dairy) that the body can not process.  The knees represent the Cap’s lessons in facing up to humility and being humble.  The gallbladder is also sensitive.

       Capricorns are prone to depression.  Their attitude clearly impacts their health, but they are a sign that actually grows stronger with age.  

Protein and calcium are necessary because a Capricorn tends to work without watching the diet.  Calcium phosphate is needed to prevent tooth disorders, spinal curvature, and joint pain.  Oranges, figs, celery, broccoli, walnuts, almonds, and fish will go a long way in preserving their well-being.  The skin should also be kept supple with plenty of water, and body massage with oils is excellent.

Aquarians should eat more citrus (especially the white part of the peel called “rutin”) in order to help with blood flow and circulation.  The body’s electromagnetic energy field may be lower or restricted; the use of magnets may help balance this as well as massage.  The calves, shins, and ankles are vulnerable; varicose veins are a problem.  Hardening arteries, anemia, and low blood pressure are also issues.  The pineal gland is also associated with Aquarius; as the “seat of the soul,” its function and purpose are unknown but associated with mental abilities that the human mind has forgotten how to use.

     Sodium chloride is needed, but sea salt will work better than common table salt.  Seafood, fish, celery, spinach, lettuce, lentils, almonds, and fresh fruit and vegetables will aid the veins.  Aquarians tend toward grey hair early in life.  Exercises that offer limited impact on the shins and ankles (mini-trampoline, stationary bicycle, treadmill, or walking) are excellent for them.  

Pisces should watch the feet for fungus, nail problems, arches, and other complications.  Of the 12 signs, Pisces is the most vulnerable to alcohol and substance indulgences.  Their bodies will show the aging effects from alcohol faster than other signs.  Their health is not the strongest by nature, especially when the sign is found on the ascendant.  Colds, sinus problems, water retention, and sensitive systems with delicate immunity protection are often faced by Pisceans.

       The thalamus and central nervous system are other body sites that need attention.  The strong intuitive, gentle side of a Pisces can be overwhelmed by outside stimuli, and they need a place for isolation and recovery if their emotional levels are upset.  

          Ferrum phosphate is needed; iron is the mineral.  Cashews, beets, spinach, egg yolks, beans, liver, apples, oranges, apricots, raisins, grapes, and lean meats are necessary.  

     Swimming is an excellent Piscean exercise; they are fond of long showers and hot soaks in tubs.  Dancing is almost natural to them; any form of aerobics is also good. Foot rubs and reflexology massage are delightful treats for them.

 (c) MDLOP8 2010