Friday, September 3, 2010

On a Full Moon, you can see Forever

Psychologically, the Moon represents how we perceived the quality of mothering from our primary care-giver, whether or not she actually gave birth to us. Through the years, many women have given me astrological training, nurturing, and wisdom. Dedicated and inspired by the late Jill McLane, May 31, 1955-Oct. 30, 2015. Goodbye, good friend and fellow astrologer.
"On a Full Moon,You can See Forever"

Madam, I’m Adam,
But I’m not the First
Man that’s been called that;
My ego would burst.
Your skills I would reckon
Will surely provide
The answers I’m seeking
From the sea’s rising tide.
For the moon has the stories
To the things that I need
And the stars high above
Have the lessons I’ll heed.
For your words I will ponder
All these life episodes
And I hear that direction
Comes from North and South Nodes.
So shortly I’ll forward
All the facts of my birth
And ask you to translate
My mission on Earth.
It comes once again
In April each year.
The news that you’ll give me
Is worthy to hear.
So render your fee
I’ll look at it twice
But act on it timely
And take your advice. 

(c) MDLOP8 2010

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