Monday, September 13, 2010

Retrogrades Part II

Retrogrades and direct motion represent the process of internalization of the meaning of Life Challenges.  There is a 3-step process in retrograde motion. Imagine a planet moving around the Sun in its orbit. Then the planet appears to stop and reverse course. This is the first step.  

Eventually the planet again returns to DIRECT motion and once again moves forward. This is stage two. Finally, as the planet crosses the point at which the retrograde motion began, phase three of the process is initiated. Each one of these points carries with it a subtle yet pervasive psychological shifting of reflection concerning past and future. 

According to Martin Schulman, the 3-stage retrograde process is defined like this:

STAGE 1:  Jumping ahead trying to live the future now.
STAGE 2:  In the process of living out the future now, experiencing the feeling of deja vu and that one has done it before. 

STAGE 3:  Mentally repeating once again the future, but this time from the perspective of actually having lived it. One may surmise from this process that retrogrades impel the individual to reflect deeply on certain recurring patterns -- the goal being complete and final resolution, once and for all.

The particular planet, the house and sign it resides in, and any aspects this planet makes while transiting adds a complexity to analysis that seems to relate to recurring patterns in the individual's life. In fact, one concise interpretation of retrograding planets is that in a past life the person had the opportunity to grow and advance in a particular area but did not entirely complete the process. 

So, the retrograde is an indication of this unaccomplished goal. Challenges will show up in the present life to complete the goal each time this particular planet goes retrograde, and the conditions of this current challenge will be defined by sign and house placement, and the new aspects this planet makes to the natal planets. As we continue through the present life and fail to address these patterns effectively, the consequences continue to grow.  Most people can identify with these patterns when presented because they keep recurring.

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