Showing posts with label Lilith the Black Moon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lilith the Black Moon. Show all posts

Saturday, May 10, 2014

The Four Major Asteroids, Lilith, and the Emerging Feminine Consciousness

The four (Ceres, Vesta, Juno, and Pallas) major asteroids represent the Emerging Feminine Consciousness of the 21st century.  They offer access to the right-brain side of creative visualization and thinking, relationships, and emotional sensitivity, as well as healing energies and overcoming painful experiences.

Ceres can be seen as one of the Earth Mother archetypes: she deals with the subject’s externalization of caring and comfort to others—in effect, how the individual, regardless of gender, “mothers” another.  Mother Theresa’s dedication to caring for the poor would be an archetype.  Ceres can also play a role in mother-daughter power struggles in a “Snow White” dynamic with the “mirror-mirror on the wall” issue of blossoming adolescence and a jealous parent. 

Vesta indicates how and what an individual will sacrifice him/herself for regarding a social or personal cause or belief; a way of giving up something in service to the community, society, or for personal growth in areas like religious retreats or isolation for spiritual growth.  Emily Dickinson’s withdrawal from responsibilities and social contact in order to dedicate herself to her poetry and writing is an example of a Vestal energy.  Another Vestal archetype would be the men who guard the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.

Juno represents the bonds and commitments of marriage, fidelity, and ownership of rights within a relationship.  It shows how an individual will value and validate his/her status as a Significant Other as well as personal preferences for a mate.  The separate-but-equal identity of a woman in a man’s world is represented by the lessons of Juno.  The media struggles of Tiger Woods and his wife Elin during their break-up and divorce would easily represent this archetype. 
Pallas Athena represents the power of Creative Manifestation and acting as a spokesperson for those who need a protector, especially in gender rights issues or human rights.  The DVD series about “The Secret” is an archetype, as well as Amnesty International, and the “Peaceful Warrior.”  Pallas represents the ability to focus and stay on target for a goal, as well as manifestations of prosperity, success, and reward.  Persistence, determination, and endurance are tests that Pallas uses to teach the psyche.  Activism and participation in group or social functions that champion the underdog or defend those less capable are in this realm. 
Lilith, although not a physical celestial body, represents the destructive tendencies of the psyche to strike back when rejected or when one’s personal desires are thwarted or diverted.  As “The Al Gore 2nd Place Award” (my idea), Lilith represents the runner-up in a Life Challenge episode where the subject does not achieve a goal or objective, or feels blocked by forces or energies that cannot or will not cooperate or yield.  However, if discipline is applied or accepted, the lessons Lilith brings will bring rewards and fulfillment in another area of life or in a different manner.  In this way, Lilith has a limiting Saturn-like quality for delivering messages and challenges that are tests of the ego’s need for attention.

(c) MDLOP8 2010

Monday, December 31, 2012

Tony Romo meets the Black Moon Lilith

"Ballad of Tony Romo: Chalk up another painful finale to Cowboy QB's career of heartbreaks" reads a headline in the Yahoo! online sports section for American professional football. He's the quarterback. The leader. The go-to guy who should bring them victories--and championships.
     But he hasn't--ever. Yes, the team self-destructs, the ownership has been too involved in management, and for the record, the coach has made several bad decisions that ended in losses. But Tony Romo, a man who has suffered yet another defeat, has met a Lilith moment. With Lilith (the Black Moon-Denier of Success) in Virgo, he has just experienced a transit via (Lilith in) Gemini that is exactly squaring its natal position. And as true as ever to the nature of the Black Moon Herself, She has refused someone who has waited patiently and worked hard for the acclaim that was sought so earnestly.
  The lesson again: knowing how astrological timing matters--and which options to consider--can be quite invaluable. I'm not a betting man nor a person who looks at the stars for timing phases for gambling--but if I had money on the Dallas-Washington game yesterday, there's no way I would have bet on Tony to win considering that he had a strong Lilith challenge.  In the case of Mr. Romo, a professional athlete, he says it as though he has gained the perspective that Lilith meant him to know:
    He was asked how he handles these defeats, and he started to talk about caring too much about winning, then stopped.  "I'm lucky to have a great wife and a great kid," he said. "You have to hang on those things and your faith when you feel like you're down."
Three cheers for your wisdom, Tony, hard-earned and painful. Next time, consider checking out the astrological events and timing in your chart. You might come out a winner.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

The Black Moon Lilith's Struggles for Feminine Power

My thanks to lady astrologer and psychological consultant Franie LeKlerc of Montreal, Quebec.

Lilith — The Black Moon 
This article is, of necessity, a very brief introduction to the presence of Lilith in the astrology chart. She is a complex representative of the more hidden pieces of our psyches, and certainly requires greater treatment and more detailed analysis than is contained here. 

The article below is intended only to stir an interest in Lilith's influence in astrology, and is a prelude to a book-in-progress, Lilith: The Dark Moon published in The Second Road newsletter, October 1998 by Catt Foy.

A little-known element in astrology charts, Lilith is known as the "Dark Moon" and, as such, represents our "dark" or hidden emotional selves. According to Lois Daton, author of "Lilith, The Planet of the Doodler," the physical existence of Lilith was confirmed by the United States Weather Bureau in 1879. Lilith is the name used for THREE different celestial bodies - one is located in the asteroid belt and is not our subject here, the other is an invisible body orbiting the earth approximately three times farther away than the Moon, Luna. It is this Lilith which is of interest here. The 3rd Lilith is the Dark Moon, responsible for teaching us lessons about power struggles.
 Lilith's placement in the chart is especially important to women, and represents the power of the original woman. In a man's chart, Lilith's placement will reveal the hidden power struggles or other issues he may have, resolved or unresolved, with the women in his life. Again, note this is NOT the Black Moon Lilith, but the Dark Moon. She is a separate part of the Black Moon. She deals with the Feminine Power struggles. 

Lilith is perhaps best understood in contrast to her counterpart, the visible Moon, Luna. Luna receives her self-fulfillment and self-definition through the nurturing of others. Lilith is self-fulfilled and self-defined. Luna represents the visible emotions; Lilith is those emotions which remain hidden or secret. Lilith lives behind-the-scenes, usually undetected. She can be sneaky or deceptive, but she can also indicate our ability to be subtle, to guide and manage events and people without being intrusive. She is our ability to be private, and her placement in the chart will tell you what the native feels most secretive about.

As a Moon, Lilith is also associated with mothering, but she is the strength of a mother protecting her cubs. Luna is soft and kind and nurturing. Lilith is strong, a disciplinarian, and will kill any who threaten the well-being of her offspring. Lilith is protective and self-protective.  She protects herself from her own toxic emotions, becoming the guardian of shame, guilt, hatred, vengefulness, bitterness, envy and jealousy. 

We look for Lilith in our charts to discover which defense mechanisms we employ to hide our wounding.  She is also the femme fatale - the sexually powerful woman. She affects dreams, especially sexual ones, and is an influence in trances, hypnotism, the channeling of entities, inter-dimensional beings, and possession.

Here is a brief overview of Lilith's placement in the natal charts. As with anything in astrology, her influence must be interpreted within the context of the total chart.

Lilith in Aries is straight-forward about her sexuality and may use it to feel powerful. Applied in a negative manner, there may be temper tantrums or bratty behavior.

Lilith in Taurus may hide money or possessions, and there will be a great deal of secrecy regarding finances. This can also indicate miserliness, or a refusal to share one's resources with others.

Gemini - When Lilith hides herself among the twins, she may exhibit a chameleon-like ability to be whoever she must be at the moment, hiding her true thoughts and feelings. If used improperly, the native may be considered "two-faced" or be a vicious gossip.

Cancer - Hidden emotions may come out in ways that affect the physical health. When expressed in ways that are healthy, Lilith's influence here makes the native a powerful parent, or an activist for the protection of children. When negative, there may be chronic or psychomatic illness, or the tendency toward martyrdom.

Lilith in Leo wants to be admired, but she'll never admit it. In creative expression, she will do things her own way and never feel obliged to explain herself. Taken to extremes, she becomes the prima donna, demanding and unforgiving.

Lilith in Virgo will often make the native very secretive or repressed in their sexual expression, and there will be much attention to hygiene and health-related details. When negative, Lilith in Virgo can be very cold and aloof, or extremely critical of the habits of others.

Lilith in Libra may find herself concerned with the legalistic side of power. She is a defender of women here, supportive of laws that curtail abuse or sexual crimes. Taken to extremes, Lilith in Libra may be vindictive against those she perceives to be offenders, and in relationships may be clinging, jealous or manipulative.

Scorpio - There are some astrologers who believe that Lilith is the co-ruler of Scorpio, along with Pluto. When placed here, she is powerfully sexual, hypnotic, seductive and wise. When under a negative influence, she can become bitter, vengeful or obsessed.

Lilith in Sagittarius may hide her emotions beneath a facade of humor or a mask of kindness. She may keep her personal philosophies secret from others, keeping her own counsel. In the negative, this placement can indicate haughtiness, self-righteousness, and prejudice.

Lilith in Capricorn will hardly ever share any emotions, and these natives may seem unapproachable. Achievement and status will be the method employed to feed the hidden need for emotional contact. At its extremes, here is the anal retentive who must control everything.

Lilith in Aquarius will probably mask the hidden emotions with a series of ever-changing kaleidoscopic surface emotions, and will seem fascinating and elusive to others. The native may be chimerical, fluttering like a fairy from one situation to the next. At its worst, Lilith in Aquarius is irresponsible, remote, and refuses to listen to others.

Pisces - Lilith is already secretive, and doubly so in Pisces. This is usually the person who has emotional wounding buried so deeply that they don't even know it themselves. Lilith's placement here may instigate behaviors which even the native finds baffling, and is often associated with passive-aggressive and unconscious behavioral patterns.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Lilith, the Temptation and Frustration of the Black Moon

     The temptation and frustration of Lilith, the Black Moon, is one overlooked by many astrologers, healers, and those who seek answers about psychology, astrology, and the psyche.  This is not a part of the chart that is eagerly sought: by her own nature, Lilith denies, disables, and thwarts the most earnest and sincere intentions and pursuits.  Her role is not one that is welcomed:  she represents all that we find just beyond our grasp, even though we try relentlessly to overcome the obstacles and find satisfaction.  Lilith, therefore, shows us what we can NOT have, no matter how badly we desire it.  I STRONGLY urge anyone to consult with me or a psychological astrologer who understands the value and importance of this elusive and mysterious object--for she wins every time, no matter how much we try and change or chance the odds. 

      Instead, she offers an option--what I call "The Al Gore Award" (for the former Vice President's failed efforts to secure the vote for president in 2000.  The pain and anguish of his loss showed in his eyes for years, but he worked through his disappointment and won a Nobel prize and the attention of the world regarding climate change--which certainly has been brought to the global foreground regardless of political affiliation.)  In this way, Lilith offers us a second-place prize:  that of NOT being "a winner" in the respective house and sign placement she is located.

      In doing this, Lilith may be found to take on the role of an ambassador of Saturn:  limiting, restricting, frustrating, and withholding the goals that we set for ourselves--and forcing us instead to be satisfied with the lesser results that occur.  In this way, she prunes the ego of the gaudiness with which we would adorn ourselves, and makes us find wholeness in a smaller way rather than what we had been striving to accomplish.

      In the first house, she can hobble and restrict both the quality and measure of personality and appearance:  physical limitation and a thwarting of receptivity from society through denial of the way the soul presents itself.  In the second, income and self-esteem can be beaten back again and again until the soul learns to accept less and be grateful for what it possesses; in the 3rd, relationships with siblings, speech and communications, and education can be dangled overhead like a carrot beyond reach to a draft animal; in the 4th, a joyful and rewarding home life and dwelling can be taken away again and again until the soul learns to live simply and frugally, thankful for a roof and shelter; in the 5th, the longing for parenthood and romance can be denied, or a fruitful outlet for one's creative urges may go unrecognized.

      In the 6th, Lilith may bestow a dull and boring work environment without recognition for accomplishment or advancement, along with poor health that saps one's vitality. In the 7th, a happy marriage partner can be but a dream for a lonely soul, and business associates can be hard-boiled and demanding; in the 8th, sexual needs can go unquenched, and inheritances can be stolen away; in the 9th, religious dogma and restrictive philosophical values can hinder one's education and opportunity to go beyond the confines of community and home.

     In the 10th, Lilith can produce a barrage of setbacks for career promotions and recognition for achievements that go instead to others; parents of either gender and authority figures may be aloof and withdrawn from the generosity of affection; in the 11th, friends may turn into enemies without warning, or the soul may lack social graces that allow for congenial mingling among peers, and in the 12th, Lilith can haunt the soul with substance abuses, neuroses and unfounded fears, and incarceration in hospitals or prisons which carve up years of life.

    Despite the doom-and-gloom of Lilith, she offers us hope:  not everyone is meant to be in the spotlight of attention; not every soul is destined to be a glamorous celebrity or shining star in their respective field or endeavor.  Instead, try and be content with the little things in life that make the difference in the ways that the soul helps and benefits the lives of others.  In this manner, Lilith then rewards the soul with treasures laid up in heaven rather than squandered on Earth--and the ego learns humbleness in order to free itself from the chains that it has created on its own.

(C) MDLOP8 2011