Showing posts with label Astrology and reincarnation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Astrology and reincarnation. Show all posts

Friday, September 6, 2024

Past lifetimes and astrology - a view with a laugh

 Steven Forrest gives a great analysis of how the South Node's patterns, including signs and house placement, but also challenges via squares and oppositions, but also conjunctions to tie in with past lifetime talents, gifts, and roles of choices/actions and social identities of "Who you were and what you did {for a job skill and how you related to society}."

But just for fun, I did this as a challenge:

For my next lifetime, I will...

Aries: Initiates life on a barren planet.

Taurus: Spends the next lifetime as a tree.

Gemini: Comes back next lifetime as a crow: can't stop telling everyone about it.

Cancer: Sustains the primordial soup of life after Aries is finished.

Leo: Solar flare. What did you expect?

Virgo: Oversees evolution on planet after Aries and Cancer.

Libra: Makes sure that flowers are part of the process after Virgo.

Scorpio: Spends the next lifetime as a great white shark. Just keep orcas away from me.

Sagittarius: THERE's your comet. 

Capricorn: Spends the next lifetime as a mountain. Bigger. Better. Famous.

Aquarius: Exists as a different lifeform on the evolving planet. CERTAINLY not as a human.

Pisces: Nope. Not incarnating or doing anything except chilling out for...well, time isn't measured in that reality.