Showing posts with label Fixed Signs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fixed Signs. Show all posts

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Aquarius - Universal Knowledge and Independence of Self

(Just a note:  not ALL the classic social role models ("archetypes") will fit the sign's characteristics--but these are good examples of people who outwardly express the qualities of the sign.)


(January 21 - February 19)
I Am Unique in order to Liberate Myself and Others

Aquarians are the independent, free-spirited souls of the zodiac, answering to none but their inner voice that makes them unpredictable in thought and behavior. The symbol for Aquarius is a man pouring a pitcher of water onto the earth:  the representation is the water of knowledge that Aquarians pour to share with all mankind.  Thus, Aquarius is NOT a water sign, but an air element because water flows (and air does not readily do this).  Humanitarian endeavors naturally draw an Aquarian. They see no boundaries between social or nationality lines, embracing the brotherhood/sisterhood of the world. Aquarians are friendship-minded and group-oriented, and the agility and ease with which they find new associations, organizations, and ideas to share within those groups are more important than one-to-one relationships.

 The rulership of Uranus makes many Aquarians feel as though they are going through life on a roller coaster, with unexpected turns and upheavals. Anyone who comes into contact with an Aquarian may also be puzzled by their strong, stubborn sense of freedom and independence, as well as their choice to change the rules according to their own whims. Aquarians also display an amazing mental aggressiveness that characterizes air signs. Their thoughts can range from eccentricity to genius, at the same time and depending upon whose opinion is being considered! The changes in gender-identity are Aquarian; they are aware that we are transforming within our existence in the human experience and will eventually reach a level where there is no need for gender assignment or specification. This is a variable that exists in some but not all other planetary physical lifeforms, but is recognized and accepted. Aquarians have the capacity to live-in-the-moment but be aware of social patterns and trends that go decades or even centuries beyond the current times.

 The Aquarian phrase is "I Know," and they are quite honest in their confidence that much of the knowledge of the universe is accessible for them. Aquarians must have their sense of freedom to explore their need for change and new, exciting ideas to share with others. They can detach from commitments at a moment's notice without a need to explain, making them seem cold and distant. They can remain loyal to those with whom they feel worthy of attention, but mental challenge and intellectual rapport are critical to keeping them interested.  Aquarians also enjoy the determination and stubbornness that is typical of fixed signs. They can make dedicated workers, as long as their effort leads to the benefit of a group effort.

 Aquarians also share the rulership of Saturn, which lends a grounding effect to their sudden and erratic actions, as well as a desire to follow through to completion a disciplined end to what they have started. Aquarius also rules the world of electronics, radio communications and new inventions. Many Aquarians find great enthusiasm with the world of video or computers and their accessories.

 Aquarius rules the electrical aura of the body, as well as the ankles and shins. They often enjoy activities that challenge them with the physical use of their legs, such as swimming, biking, or skating. They are also prone to a loss of heat in their circulatory system when they have emotional upset or other illnesses weaken them.

Brother/Sisterhood - Universal Knowledge and Thinking (Uranus - Saturn)
Independence & Originality - Eccentricity
Social Unity
The Humanitarian
“Different Drummer”

The Social Rebel  The Genius    Social Revolution
The 60’s  The Grateful Dead band

George Sand   Edison - Tesla   Einstein - Physics
Facebook and other social media  

The Matrix Trilogy

 The classic composition "Uranus, the Magician" by Gustav Holst represents the quirkiness of Aquarius.

(c) MDLOP8 2010

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Uranus direct (and Uranus transits): Thrill-seekers and Wild Rides

Here we go again: it's time for "Uranus goes Direct," and YOU get to be the rider on the the Unpredictable, Unexpected, Unusual, and Exciting Roller Coaster planet. Up-is-down & down-is-up once again.

During the transits of Uranus to your natal chart, you will experience phenomena that are out of accord with your everyday life.  The events that occur will be unusual, upsetting, sudden, and unexpected.  For this reason, astrologers are often reluctant about giving precise consultations about Uranian activities.  Almost all that can be said for sure is to “expect the unexpected, and let the craziness be your guide.” 

But the transits of Uranus are not to be feared or harmful; rather, they confront us regarding our extent of what we are unwilling to accept regarding newness and change in our lives.  Uranus challenges the rigid structures in life that most people work so hard to build.  Many people value regularity and predictability so much that they will even sacrifice personal happiness to get it.  (Think of all the unhappy marriages that continue only because both persons are afraid of the insecurities that breaking up would bring.)

But this kind of rigidity is ultimately destructive to life in its highest sense—change is inevitable, and the potential to adapt to it and continue is vital.  Life is—or should be—a constant, ongoing confrontation between yourself and the world, with an energy that keeps everything fresh and lively.  The problem with this confrontation, however, is that there is always the danger of losing, so most people avoid the confrontation or circumstances within if they can.  To survive half-dead, they reason, is better than to lose.  However, those are not the only alternatives:  it is only fear that makes it seem that way.

Some birth signs are more intuitively understanding of a Uranus transit:  the Cardinal signs (Aries-Cancer-Libra-Capricorn) are governed by major life events and change, so even though an upheaval may come, they seem to be ready to face it. (Aries may say, “Oh, a new adventure that I never considered--but it's something I can sink my teeth into!”; Cancer will think of how it will affect their home and security ("I didn't plan on yet another home improvement!"); Libra will anticipate how to keep peace with the relationships it has established--or how to handle that exotic new connection; Capricorn will look to see how it affects a long-term legacy that has been a lifetime goal--and how to manage the challenges to the long-term project.) 

The Fixed signs (Taurus-Leo-Scorpio-Aquarius) often resist the hardest (especially Taurians, who do not like to change until they are ready—and Uranus does not give any chance for planning this; a Leo may wonder how it will reflect upon their need for attention and love given and received; a Scorpio will fight it relentlessly, then cast off the old conditions as though they were a dead issue, but Aquarians, being ruled by Uranus, often go with it after an initial stand-off, anticipating a new sense of freedom of self. 

The Mutable signs (Gemini-Virgo-Sagittarius-Pisces) are more adaptable to a Uranus transit time.  (Gemini might find an opportunity to learn something new and wild; Virgo will incorporate the maintenance of schedules into their calibrating-sorting mindset to ensure things get done--sort of a "chaos management"; Sagittarians may seek new unique and visionary venues of philosophy of lifestyles and values that are socially advanced; and Pisces may sigh quietly and just consider it another burden to be accepted in a lifestyle that requires sacrifice regardless--and that the storm will someday mellow when Life's demands are done.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Resistance has its merits for Fixed Signs, times

The Fixed Sun Signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius) are remarkable for their tenacity, perseverance, determination, endurance, durability, and steadfastness for a purpose, cause, belief, value, or ideal of commitment.  It is one of their greatest strengths.  This can also be found through those who have an ascendant, Moon, or Mars in one of these signs. Their capacity to move over hurdles, obstacles, limitations, setbacks, delays, or other forms of confrontation are legendary: a proverbial bulldozer in action once the motor is engaged. On the other hand...

It is also an indication of one of the Fixed signs' remarkable frustrations: a refusal to take action; an insistence for resistance to Life Challenges and Changes (often brought on by Saturn transits) which will NOT go away and yet are avoided (or so believed).  
To that end, there is nothing gained by flat-out denial, especially when astrological counseling is provided--and then ignored because the answer was not "desired." The concept of "No" is not always what we want to hear--nor is "You have to do something about this issue in order to make progress." If it were so possible to only have the outcomes that we want without the effort to make it possible, we would not achieve much--if anything.  And astrologically, there are enough reasons to be thankful for insights that provide us the wisdom and knowledge when the sign says "push" and we insist on "pull" instead.