Showing posts with label Sun sign egg. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sun sign egg. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Sun sign by egg--and lesson


Now then. I don't post serious ideas ALL the time. There's a wonderful post about how children of each Sun sign view the world-at-large. And I have a naughty sense of humor--which goes along with my Mars in Gemini and Aries Sun. 

But THESE kids are priceless--especially the way the Leo/Sagittarius just glowers at her assailant and then delivers the perfect response. Same for that little Aries girl: she gave Dad a shot that sent him reeling--and did he ever deserve it! So, on this first day of May, be thankful for the child you may have, either as your own or a family member, and remember to honor YOUR Inner Child too. Learning about ourselves, especially in the array of wisdom that astrological concepts can bring, is a marvelous way to understand the world around us. (I'd say there's a bit of a Saturn twist to the adults who were on the receiving end.) And have an egg while you're at it.