Aspects Part II: Mixing & Matching Planetary Effort
Arcs: The Energy Interaction of Signs
• 6 +/- degrees of REAL separation!
• Cooperation & Adjustment
• Frustration & Resistance
• Resolution Management of Life Crises
Aspects represent the dynamics of cooperation or
resistance between planets; a kind of dance between two distributors of
energy. With some aspect patterns, the relationship is fluid, vibrant, resourceful,
and collaborative; in other cases, it's a duel between (and among)
disgruntled participants. (Aspects can work in pairs, trios, or even
planets are matched and how this is determined is done through the
geometry of astrology, keeping in mind a specific range of contact
called "arcs." An arc is like an individual's arm span: as far as he or
she can reach, that's within their arc of contact. Some objects may be
closer or just at fingertip range; this also is a condition of the arc
and aspect formed. It's an emotional-psychological-intellectual-physical bonding with another planet's energies.
more involved but advanced option is to consider whether the
mathematical aspects between two planets are approaching: like two
magnets attracting each other--or separating: losing their attraction
and drifting apart. If applying, the soul's experience is to LEARN this
circumstance; if separating, the soul has already learned this dynamic
and is getting a refresher class.)
(Author's note): I
prefer the five major "hard" ones most commonly used--the conjunction, square, opposition, trine. No, I think the sextile is too mushy. I do use one minor:
the quincunx. It's a minor aspect but it's not
easily managed in behavior because it's too irritating to ignore and quite obvious.)
Each arc/aspect has its own range of mathematical reach for
contact with another planet's potential dynamics; if either is beyond
the specific range of encounter specified for an aspect, then neither
are engaged. That "extended reach forward-&-backward for contact to other planets" gives valuable clues about behavior and choices made.