Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Aspects (part 1) - dynamics of Cooperation and Resistance

The aspects are a vital and detailed way for psychology and astrology to show how the psyche is engaged in lessons of cooperation or frustration in handling and managing Life Lessons.  (Note:  I am using five of the basic aspects, and will also discuss only ONE minor aspect, the quincunx.  I think these are the ones which most readily show the factors which I find most accessible in overall psychological analyses.  However, I concur and agree with those who use the remaining minor aspects.)

Aspects (and arcs):  measuring cooperation and resistance (with geometry!)

Arcs:  The Energy Interaction of Planets and Signs
6-10 degrees of REAL separation! +/-
Cooperation &  Adjustment or Frustration & Resistance
Resolution Management of Life Crises

Astrology has a built-in guideline for gauging the psyche and its dynamics:  the measurement of aspects, the markers of cooperation and tension-resistance (C&T) between coordinating planets and their energies.

The idea is simple enough:  match up two planets by a system that uses a set proximity of numerical degree value and see what pattern is formed that represents C&T as a goal--or not.  Not every planet has a matching interaction, and not every match has a result of C&T.  In fact,  the aspect patterns that form in a chart for psychological analyses may indicate that the soul's lessons are difficult (for soul growth):  exactly WHY it matters to know psychological astrology concepts in vocational, familial, educational, and other counseling endeavors.
The game of Six Degrees of Separation is a close reference, but it’s a plus-or-minus range from zero to 30 in astrology.  Twelve ways x 30 = 360 degrees, or a perfect circle:  the chart as a Mandala of Life.  Here we find cooperation and adjustment to Life Challenges as well as frustration and resistance to growth patterns and lessons that will not go away.  This is Resolution Management of Life Crises and Opportunities, and the aspects are symbolic indicators of the energy exchanges between different parts of the psyche.  Cooperation and teamwork (C&T) are the basic structure; adjustment and flexibility are the goal. The conjunction, square, trine, sextile, and opposition aspects have a +/- range of @6 degrees (depending on the astrologer's view). A quincunx, if used, has a range of @3 degrees. However, the Sun and Moon are given ranges up to 10 degrees maximum (again, depending on the astrologer's view).

What aspects bring is a display of planetary and sign energy in harmony--or not--and when conflict is indicated, what can be done about managing it.  As personal a blueprint of Life and Action as there ever could be!  Aspects do not need exact time frames for calculation; this is one reason why I endorse using an ephemeris WITHOUT an exact birth time.  If the aspects show the levels of "yes-or-no" among the players of our Life Experience Team, then it's obvious that we are the coach who needs to be responsible for their best effort.

  I have found the work and research of the Magi Society and their historical perspective of aspects to be one of the reasons why people have trouble understanding the variations within astrology.  The Magi Society was originated in China in 1625, and their technique of using aspects as guide markers instead of house systems and cusps made their work that much more significant.  In effect, they have been doing the calculations and chronicles of astrological research for almost 400 years—and the volume of knowledge they have to validate their work is quite substantial.  It could be said that they were doing the work of the Gauquelins from Switzerland, but hundreds of years earlier.

In the years of evaluations on the lives of the subjects whose charts were cast by the Magi Society, they became more convinced than ever that aspects are truly what characterizes the individual; that these dynamics of tension and cooperation are the keys to the psyche’s growth.  They see that the house systems can change depending on what type is used to delineate the chart, and so placements of planets can vary up or down within a cusp (doorway) if that planet is close enough by degrees to “move over.”  

With the aspect system ONLY, the psycho-dynamics are revealed in a more open way as “either resolved or learning to be resolved” nature:  the subject has either shown soul achievement and growth through a challenge, or they have not.  All the “avoidance and excuses” that we use as denial methods will not hold validity because the aspects define the life challenges and opportunities, for better or worse.  There’s not much room for rebuttal with an aspect.  They get results from us and they don't take "no" for an answer because we have a lifetime's worth of opportunity to master them.  (Astrology also says that they can come back in a NEW lifetime if we haven't done them properly if you consider the Nodes and Saturn and the Black Moon Lilith.)

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