Showing posts with label Pluto in Aquarius. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pluto in Aquarius. Show all posts

Sunday, May 3, 2020

Pluto exits Capricorn into Aquarius: the Transformation of Society beyond 2020

We have experienced a global pandemic. This is our New Reality. And there's a lot of people asking about careers, money, and other plans. I note this may not the kind of business planning you want in life--but you have to deal with it. Or maybe you are looking forward to change--and need some reassurance. 

Therefore, some awareness regarding Pluto (Change, Transformation, and Metamorphic Principles) in Capricorn (Business concepts and large social structures): things are in an eminent state of collapse, turnover, and rebuilding. That goes for national, political, economic, religious, and geo-physical boundaries. Remember: nations and their respective governments have a general lifespan of 225 years+/- before something happens and it goes under. Sometimes a leader arises from within--or there's a confrontation from another source. 

Capricorn is a sign dealing with political and economic power structures, profession, status, ambition, and leadership. During the {prior} years in which Pluto was in Capricorn, new concepts of government were born. Their most notable manifestation was in the American Declaration of Independence. The birth of democratic forms of government at this time began the displacement of aristocratic power structures. (The follow-through ripple effect was the fall of the European monarchies and the rise of the working man and the Industrial Revolution. The rise of factories and large industries--Capricorn--and businesses took hold. Now it is time for it to be torn down and rebuilt. This also includes geo-physical Earth changes to nations in power. Expect this as earthquakes that devastate large economic and financially vital areas and also disrupt food cultivation and distribution.)

Now that Pluto is ending in Capricorn (and stays in it on/off/on until 2023-25), a world government {based on what we ARE TOLD are the best interests of all mankind} will begin. This government will be founded on new social, legal, educational, and religious concepts, which will be developed during Pluto's stay in Sagittarius. 

However--a caveat: this will be a continuation of the deception of the System; the Matrix as an entity of private government-business. The "new government" will still be part of the passing away of the old System. There WILL be the birth of a new movement as Pluto moves into Aquarius that fosters and nurtures world harmony and unity: "Cooperation, not Competition" {my words}. This will be part of an effort to work together regardless of the boundaries that have divided us by color, the concept of race, nationality, or creed--or personal relationship choices or gender identity. But it will still be competing with the "old ways" until enough time has passed--and much of the population changes their thinking about "me and not 'us'". 

The generation born with Pluto in Capricorn will manifest dynamic, practical will in organization, business, and government. This will be based on the concept that all human beings must be given a chance to develop their own potential according to their ability and self-discipline. {This is why the difference matters now more than ever: we are in the emerging existence of the 5th dimension and "Creativity and Thought-Manifestation" exploration. We will literally build with our minds when focused together: we can manifest realities in group concentration.}

{But the movement for humanitarian efforts is the leading focal point because it is also the start of the global government as seen in the Star Trek series: the United Federation of Planets. Part of the birth of an independent world government will begin most likely well into 2040-50 and beyond that embraces harmony, unity, and an acceptance of "All Men and Women Brothers and Sisters"--will involve awareness of visitors from the Pleiades and other star systems. This will also involve the return of what has been called "Planet X"or "Nibiru", its inhabitants--the ancient ones known as the Annunaki--and the hidden history of Earth. It will begin when Pluto has its time in Aquarius, the Sign of Higher Cosmic Knowledge, starting in 2025. (It's not going to be an instant thing either--unfortunately, the Baby Boomer generation--including me--will need to exit. The children being born now are the ones to really watch!)