Thursday, September 27, 2012

Saturn in Libra: the Obligation & Lessons of Commitment to a Partner

A very fine article (with some minor add-ins by me) from Lynn Hayes at Astrological Musings

From Mitch: I also want to coin a phrase in honor of Saturn's passage through Libra and the Life Lessons it bestows about Partnerships & Relationships: "Partnered. To be Partnered is to lose one's Life Companion when no formal marital arrangements were ever made. This also applies to same-sex couples and and heterosexuals. If you've lost your mate, your status is "Partnered." 
Saturn first entered Libra in late October 2009, but then retrograded back into Virgo in March 2010, cleaning up issues of healthcare reform and other mundane details of life and the tender ecological balance that holds our body, mind and spirit together.  Saturn’s passage through Virgo encouraged thrift and savings, along with a more cautious approach to life.  Virgo’s domain is the daily details and responsibilities of living in the world, and Saturn has made certain that we attend fully to those details.

Saturn at 29 degrees Libra is the last measure of intensity of a psychological threshold in the sign of relationships and balance between two polarities. In Libra we understand the yin and the yang, the plus and the minus, the inner and the outer, and recognize that both ends of the polarities are valid.

Saturn is said to be exalted in Libra, but this does NOT mean that everything Saturn touches while in Libra is hunky-dory. Saturn’s crochety penchant for discipline and commitment is best expressed through the harmony of relationships, and the desire of Libra for balance and harmony helps to bring out the best of Saturn. However, Saturn has a tendency to create tests and challenges in any sign that he passes through, and he particularly dislikes an over-romanticized and impractical view of the world. In any area of life or the political spectrum where strange bedfellows have been made, Saturn is likely to shine his microscope and reveal the chinks in the construction of our sandcastles.

   Saturn in Libra also brings a desire for charm and a harmonious approach to life. Saturn desires to build structures, and in Libra Saturn wants structures that will build relationships and alliances. But Libra can also sometimes be superficial, with its love of beauty and an appearance of harmony.

   Saturn rules diamonds, the brilliant jewel that is created when a lump of coal is put under tremendous pressure. This is the perfect metaphor for the way that Saturn works in our lives, and whether we end up with coal or a diamond really depends on us and how well we manage the tests that Saturn puts in our path. Saturn cycles can be depressing and burdensome, or they can be times of material success and wealth.

   Saturn’s last passage through Libra coincided with one of the worst recessions in the 20th century in 1982. Saturn conjoined Pluto at the time, and during Saturn’s passage through Libra we will see Saturn forming a square to Pluto. Libra is ruled by Venus, and Venus is involved in the attraction and creation of wealth so Saturn’s passage through Libra can create tests and challenges in the realm of prosperity and force us to evaluate (Saturn) what we value (Libra).

   While Saturn passes through Libra, it will be evaluating our progress in all Venus-related issues. Much attention is given to Libra and Venus’s rulership over relationships, and all kinds of alliances will be both forged and tested under the influence of Saturn in Libra. Other aspects of Libra include beauty, and with Saturn (aging) in Libra (beauty), we may find ourselves faced with some difficult facts about the processes that we use to stave off the aging process. We could also embrace the aging process and discover the beauty that lies in the growing strength and stability that we experience with age, a true Saturn in Libra achievement!

     The forging of alliances requires the kind of balance and integration for which Libra is well-known, and Saturn’s travel through Libra will bring with it a requirement that we consider all sides of a question in order to bring about a truly harmonious result. Libra is the consummate diplomat and negotiator, and during this period great things are possible in the realm of peace negotiations. Saturn in Libra also tests our ability to make commitments. The generation with Saturn in Libra has exemplified this challenge as Saturn in any sign shows where we feel insecure and where we need to compensate.

In any matter with which Saturn becomes involved, he does not give success easily. It must be earned, and the Saturnian qualities of discipline, hard work and achievement must be utilized.

     I like to think of Saturn as a mentor rather than as the Celestial Taskmaster as he is sometimes known.  Saturn holds our feet to the fire and tells us where we’re being sloppy; where we are underutilizing our talents and taking the easy way out.

  Saturn’s gifts include success and accomplishment, and these are no small favors!

Friday, September 14, 2012

Mercury in Libra - "Give Peace a Chance in your Mind"

When Mercury moves into Libra, during this fast-paced event, messages of diplomacy, reconciliation, negotiations, reconsideration, and sharing SHOULD be the theme for personal and extended levels of communication--and hopefully, be noticed on national and a global level. 

 But on an individual level, try thinking about "your other half" in relationships, and not just intimate ones: as possible, be more reflective about "us" and not "me" during the next few weeks. It could make a difference not only in your own life, but perhaps in others as well.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Libra and the Fall Equinox: starting or ending trends

On September 22nd (and sometimes, 23rd), the Sun enters Libra, the sign of Balance in Perspective, Compromise, Negotiations, Fairness, Equality—and the Fall Equinox marker. This is a time that affects EVERYONE on the planet, but especially so as “the beginning-and-ending point” for all. 

For those who live north of the equator, this begins the time when solar energy fades: closure and completion. For those south of the equator, the renewal and beginning cycles of growth are ahead—the “other side of Spring.” Where is your life purpose, goal, and direction taking you—and what have you done to prepare? Look for Libra in your chart to see where you either face “an ending and resolution” for the next 6 months, or a “new beginning and awakening time.”

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Venus in Leo says "Lucky you to have me in your life"

With Venus in Leo, it's time for some appreciation, enjoyment, and loving for all you cool cats.   
      It's time to seek the Hero, the Prince or Princess, someone you can idolize and adore, someone you have great pride in or someone who can sweep you off your feet. You may crave love, appreciation, and attention from others and like to be at the center of things: susceptible to flattery and love to feel SPECIAL. You may want and enjoy drama in your love life and find some grand romantic gesture or extravagant expression of generosity that impresses you. You may find it easy to be in love with love, or expect too much of people and thus become easily hurt. You must watch a tendency to be preoccupied with your physical appearance when you should be developing your inner potential. Vanity and becoming a show-off is possible--but that's to be expected with Venus in Leo.

You need to be admired for your inner and outer beauty.
And guys, that's how your woman is going to feel--especially if she's got Venus in Aries, Leo, or Sagittarius. Venus in Taurus and Scorpio won't be ignored either. How are men supposed to react? Every Queen deserves her King. Be one.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Transform yourself and make a stand with Mars in Scorpio!

Like Gandalf confronting the Balrog in the depths of Moria's mines, as Mars enters Scorpio, it's time to face Life Issues and Challenges with personal power, intensity, passion, strength, and fortitude. Make a stand FOR your beliefs, values, and principles--and know you will possess the ability to withstand the threats and dangers that confront you and dare you to withdraw. 

Sexual energy (especially with Mars and Pluto's influence in Scorpio and its co-rulership with the Red planet) will be churning, boiling, and needing release--can we say "Cosmic Viagra"? >:) devil Or, if desired, sublimate the physical and embrace the alchemical dream of turning the base metals within your soul and psyche into gold. Embrace the Phoenix mastery within yourself! BECOME the master of your destiny!!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Jupiter transits - fortune and opportunity are here!

At the most fundamental level, Jupiter signifies the individual reaching out to include more and more of the universe and its experience within him or herself. It is a planet of growth and enlargement. Do consider learning where and how Jupiter is bringing "more, bigger, and better!" for you!

Additionally, Jupiter will elevate the highest aspects of life: one’s personal view, attitudes toward philosophies, faiths, and social values, and idealism. It is a consciousness-raising/expanding influence.  
A Jupiter transit in a chart is like having a check come in the mail--a BIG check--or maybe even winning a lottery; it's like the door that you have waited to open has suddenly moved on its own and welcomed you; it's a bigger, better, and happier place and time in your life experience. Jupiter transits (moves through) our charts in a complete cycle in 12 years, so it more-or-less spends one year in each house/wedge.

One of the more fruitful memories I have of a Jupiter transit was to my 2nd house of assets and values; in the two times that I observed it, money just flowed like water. However, some people think that a Jupiter transit to the 7th house of relationships means marriage; it may mean liberation from a bad relationship that needs to end. Robert Hand describes a Jupiter transit this way: Jupiter is traditionally known as “the greater Benefic” and in old astrology was thought to produce only good responses and reactions.

And indeed a Jupiter transit (or “movement of responsive action”) is usually quite pleasant and often very beneficial.  Life seems to flow more easily during a Jupiter transit, and whatever you set to do usually succeeds just as you intended in that particular area of life that Jupiter is emphasizing.

In fact, at a trivial level, Jupiter will sometimes enlarge something or make an action grandiose or overdone.  The effect of Jupiter’s energy on your life can range from making one gain weight to enlarging one’s mind and consciousness. Jupiter has a very strong social dimension as well. It is concerned with the social “glue” that holds everything together. Thus, it rules law and the legal system, as well as persons in power and government officials, a function it shares with the Sun.  One negative manifestation of certain Jupiter transits can be problems with the law, especially if Jupiter has a connection to the 9th house (the natural home of Sagittarius; the Law-Truth). On the other hand, there may be legal/moral judgments that you are called upon to render.

The house (realm of life focus) that Jupiter transits indicates the area of life in which you are trying to grow and the means by which you are doing this.  The process may be necessary growth that makes you a wiser and more successful person (in a philosophical sense) or it may be pathological growth—in other words, you are trying to get too much or go too far in this area.Wherever Jupiter transits, you should not take the matters ruled by that house at face value.  The chances are that everything will work out very well, but you should always make sure that you aren’t overdoing or going too far. It is also important to avoid taking more than your share. 

Planets (energy motivators) in your birth chart that are activated by Jupiter’s movement represent energies in your personality that are working smoothly and attaining your objectives. But the warnings given above in connection with the houses (areas of experience) apply here too. Do not overdo. One problem with Jupiter is that you should be careful about what you want, because you are likely to get it.

Nevertheless, most Jupiter transits (movement and action-reaction phases) are quite beneficial for the areas of your life that they relate to. Most people have a relatively easy time with Jupiter squares and oppositions (challenges and compromises).

Friday, May 11, 2012

Uranus opposition cycle - the Mid-Life Crisis Challenge

"Life's a bitch and then you die" is not true. It's more like "Life's a bitch, and THEN you wake up and {hopefully} live it with honesty to yourself." Here are three articles, including one by the excellent authority on life cycles and transits, Mr. Robert Hand, on the subject of the Uranus opposite Uranus crisis that we all experience in our early 40s. *Note: due to the pattern of outer planetary orbits NOT being "perfect circles" (but rather egg-shaped), some of us will experience your Uranus opposition in our mid-40s; others will feel it later.

Life Begins at 40: Uranus opposition Uranus

Uranus opposition Uranus is the source of the old saying that life begins at 40. This transit takes place between the ages of approximately 40 to 42. And it's a doozy. 

Uranus is sometimes called the 'Awakener' and this transit does have a tendency to light a fire under a midlife person's butt. Suddenly the person feels more alive and impulsive than they have in years, and intense desires to live lead to all sorts of behavioral changes, fresh starts, sports cars (I bought one!), crises marital and otherwise, desires for meaning, startling insights, and bold new actions. It's not a coincidence that my latest copy of People Magazine has a stunning array of pictures of female celebrities aged 41--all with their first children. Talk about a major life change at age 40. 

In fact, the potential changes that can occur at this time run the gamut. John Wayne became a real star for the first time in his life after he got his lucky break during the Uranus opposition Uranus transit. He finally became popular at the age of 42--which turned his life around. For others, the trend seems to go in the opposite direction. After years of corporate success, a top executive gets fired. Or after years of corporate loyalty, a top executive burns out, climbs off the career ladder and goes home to figure out how to do something more meaningful with her life. Careers change, marriages change, domestic life changes, inner life changes, begins. 

The tricky part is that although Uranus opposition Uranus can be the best news you'll ever get in your life--it often comes wrapped in packaging that doesn't look all that great. Instead of an attractive Tiffany box, Uranus opposition Uranus can come into your life disguised as an upsetting event or a series of them. If your life has suddenly started to feel turbulent in a way you don't much care for, or if you have received some rather upsetting news, you could be entering the initial stages of Uranus opposition Uranus. Bottom line with this transit: It can be the best thing that ever happened to you, but you gotta figure out how to hang on until the good stuff appears.

Uranus oppose Uranus by Robert Hand

This is one of the most important transits of your life.  Like the Saturn return that occurred when you were 29, the Uranus-Uranus opposition when you are 40-42 marks a period of major transition in your life.  This is the crisis of middle age when you have to come to terms with a number of realizations that may not at all be pleasant.  For example, even though you are not very old, you are no longer young.  Have you accomplished or begun to accomplish what you wanted when you were younger?  If you have, was it an appropriate accomplishment for you?  Are you happy with your close relationships, your marriage, and your work?

Many people encountering this transit discover that the answer to several of these questions is “no.”  If this is your situation, you may become seized with a feeling of urgency that you have only a short time to correct the problem.  Consequently, you may begin to act rather disruptively and quickly.  You may leave a marriage or an old job and take up a lifestyle quite different from your earlier one.  Your friends are likely to be rather shocked at the change.  You may spend more time with younger people, for their youth is a symbol of the opportunities you feel you have almost wasted.  This seems to be your last chance to take advantage of those opportunities.

It is also quite possible that you may make none of these drastic changes.  If you have taken advantage of opportunities right along and have not allowed your life to become prematurely old and rigid, this transit will not be so upsetting or disturbing.  You will experience the real meaning of this transit:  a climax of the direction your life has taken since childhood and a shifting of direction toward the issues you must confront in old age.

Each period of life has particular functions.  Roughly speaking, during the first half of your life, prior to the Uranus-Uranus opposition, you encounter the outer world, make an impact on it, and learn all you can about it.  During the second half of your life, you will turn your focus inward and begin to reap the consequences of what you have done and encountered in the first half.  From now on you will turn your experiences inward and recreate—make something new of—yourself.  You will deal with issues of ultimate concern:  the meaning of your life, your relationship to the universe and so forth.  This is why some people begin to get a “last chance” feeling, because the main thrust of their life is turning away from issues that they haven’t dealt with fully.

If you have been successful in your dealings with the outside world, you will continue to be, but now it will have to mean something in terms of your own life and perception.  You will not be able to life for some external purpose; the purpose must come from within.  If you don’t reorient yourself, your life will become hollow and meaningless, regardless of what you accomplish from here on.

The Uranus Opposition by Maria Shaw

People are going through their mid-life crises earlier than in past decades. This is partly due to the fact that some planets have been moving a bit faster than usual in recent years. Normally, things start to heat up around age 40-42, but recently I have seen clients as young as thirty-six start to feel the pressure of what we astrologers call the Uranus opposition.

When the planet Uranus in our birth chart opposes transiting Uranus, it’s as if something “strange” begins in our lives. It's a period when people feel as if they only have one more chance to make something out of their lives. The Uranus opposition/mid-life crisis usually lasts a little over a year and in some cases up to two. But the effects can be felt even longer; sometimes for several years. It marks a period of major transition in our lives. Most of us come to terms with realizations that aren't always pleasant.

It's an awkward cycle to be in because we aren't old, but we aren't getting any younger, either. People assess where they’re going and where they’ve been, and do so with an intensity like never before. Some people will feel as if they haven't lived up to their potential. Others may feel ambivalent about the future. Did they plan for old age? Will they be ready for retirement? Are they happy in their marriage? Should they get married?

We all have certain goals we set in our twenties that we expect to reach by our forties. Some of them are likely to be centered around a career, a beautiful home, or a happy marriage with children. The Uranus opposition is a time in which people are forced answer their own questions of self-worth. Many will feel as if time is running out and they have one last chance to make their dreams come true. Some will question the goals they set when they were younger and either change them, furiously pursue them, or just give up!

If you are one of the those folks who don't feel the usual effects of the mid-life crisis, then it is likely you've accomplished many goals you've set for yourself and at the same time fulfilled inner and spiritual needs. However, there are many other people that become overwhelmed by feelings of inadequacy, or an urgency need to do something NOW to make things happen.

I went through my mid-life crisis last winter. My friends couldn't believe it when I told them that I felt like a total failure in my own life, especially with my career. I had gone through a period of feeling total disgust with what I perceived to be a lack of accomplishment. This period lasted from last February through June. Yet my agent and my friends couldn't believe I was feeling like this. Llewellyn has just released by first book; I was making regular appearances on national television; I was in the middle of a successful lecture tour across the country; and business was booming. Still, I felt like a complete failure. No one could tell me different. When the Uranus opposition was over, it was like a dark cloud had lifted. Luckily for me, I know astrology and could ride this cycle out.

Unfortunately, many people in similar situations act without thinking. They’ll end a long-term marriage or quit a job. Many long for a much more exciting, new lifestyle. Some want to dress differently, act younger, hang out with a younger set of friends. Some will have an affair and, yes, many do buy that infamous expensive red sports car—all hoping to hang onto the symbols of youth.

As I mentioned earlier, some people never make drastic changes, and many escape without feeling the negative effects of the Uranus opposition. If a person has taken advantage of opportunities and has not allowed life to become rigid, then the mid-life crisis may not be upsetting. It is possible for one to experience the true meaning of this astrological influence. The Uranus opposition can be a peak time in your life—a climax to all you have worked for. It can also indicate a major change in life direction that coincides with issues you will deal with later on. Many of you will one begin to plan for retirement, the empty nest, and so on.

The spiritual lesson of the Uranus opposition is that you will come to terms with your perception of life and its true meaning. The outside world is not as important as it was in the past; accomplishments will have to mean something to you on the inside. You will no longer live for approval and applause from the outside, world but rather seek spiritual fulfillment. If you don't work toward spiritual fulfillment in the years following the mid-life crisis, life may grow empty and meaningless. But if you choose to work from your spiritual side, you will find the mid-life crisis to be a true blessing.

You can find out the exact times that your mid life crisis begins, peaks, and ends in your natal chart or by contacting an astrologer. We all experience some sort of change in our lives—but what the change is is different for everyone based on his or her birth chart. While some deal with marriage issues, others may deal with career questions. Still others may face past-life issues or family situations. The Uranus opposition is a major astrological cycle in our lives. It can turn our lives upside down and inside out. But knowledge is power, and learning the when’s, where’s, and what’s of your Uranus opposition can help you be prepared to make better choices when the time comes in your life to let go of the past to make way for your future.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

The Emotional Moon Qualities, Your Needs, & Your Mother

The emotional nature of the Moon's psychological effects on our personality, subconscious, and behavior is connected by the gravitational pull on our endocrine system.  Being made primarily of water, the fluids of our bodies are naturally responsive to the physiological attunements that our birth moon sign brings, as well as the 2.5-day changes that the Moon Herself undergoes each month.  

You could say that the Moon is "colorful" this way; She energizes and activates our psyche on a daily schedule as well as a lifetime pattern. 

Just as significantly, the Moon indicates our imprinting by our mother or our primary female caregiver. For men, this is crucial to learn: it shows how we seek a woman to share our lives and what qualities she reflects in our own life pattern. As the representation of our Inner Child's needs for security, our Moon sign shows what we seek in our lives for safety and nurturing.

Nancy Cassidy wrote about the elemental and psychological nature of the Moon in each sign; I give her the credit and thanks for the general idea.

Fire Sign Moons: Aggressive, dynamic, spontaneous; passionate
Aries moon:  "Impatient moon; Emotionally Independent"
Aries squares Cancer moon’s rulership qualities of nature & nurture; A Need to be independent - solo entity who can act alone; A "need-to-be-me" and very self-supportive;
Need for extreme lifestyle; aggressive partner;

Leo moon:  "Regal moon; Emotionally Dramatic"; (sun and moon both shine within); A need to shine and be appreciated/validated by one's Significant Other or Lover;
A need for display and presentation; Enjoyment of social events and excitement (gambling)

Sagittarius moon:  "Bachelor moon; Emotionally expansive"
(Sag challenges Cancer moon's qualities of safety and home base); A need to be free; seeks advising/teaching as means to nurture; Travel, games, and challenging activities are needed from partner.

Air sign moons: mental; social; detached from feelings/emotions
Gemini moon:  "Intellectual moon; Emotionally superficial"
Needs to communicate: writing, texting, phone calls;
Not strong for nurturing unless other factors involved; mental detachment from feelings fuels sense of distance and aloofness;
Letters, exchange of thoughts, and cards needed from partner.

Libra moon:   "Cinderella moon;  Emotionally refined"
A Need for Others:  relationships, commitments, connections;
Conflicts between Mother (moon) and Father (sun) figures;
Need for Significant Other/Life Partner/Marriage fulfillment;
art and beauty in life is needed; compromise and peace.

Aquarius moon:  "Unconventional moon; Emotionally detached"
A Need to be different and Independent in life and actions/choices; uncomfortable with Cancer moon's nurturing.
Awkward balance of home and freedom from commitment;
Deep need for space from partner; Needs distance, location, time.

Earth sign Moons: grounded awareness; determined; practical  

Taurus moon:  "Faithful moon;  Emotionally cautious"
A Need for security and stability; Total commitment from partner to support T-moon ideals. Needs tactile support from partner; acquiring luxuries or keeping land or assets.

Virgo moon:  "Analytical moon;  emotionally managed and organized"; a need to be of service to the community.
Dissects and parses emotions and feelings; Rationalizes actions and means; Needs to follow routines and schedules; keep environment in order.

Capricorn moon:  "Business moon;  emotionally reserved and calculating"; ambitious needs to prove oneself to authority;
Opposes Cancer moon's rulership:  early conditioning of “meet my expectations first” from Mother figure; Inhibited naturally by Saturn’s rulership to accept nurturing; difficulty accepting praise; Will bond for survival or practical means.

Water sign Moons: vulnerable, empathic, sensitive, emotional
Cancer-crab moon:  "Motherhood moon; emotionally protective"; receptive to other water moon signs; 
Need to nurture & comfort; intuitive and sympathetic; Maternal nature for men and women; extended to animals and groups; friendships; associations; 
Gruff nature can hide real need to show caring and vulnerability.

Scorpio moon:  "Jealous moon;  Emotionally intense";
receptive to other water moon signs; A need for secrecy; need for power and control, especially with sex and sharing self and assets; suspicious of others' intentions; Difficulty trusting a partner; needs distance and space.

Pisces moon:  "Idealistic moon;  Emotionally sensitive"; receptive to other water moon signs; A need to fantasize and
mentally escape from environment, challenges, or lifestyle;
Needs to release collection of feelings from others;
Needs to stop escaping problems in relationships.


Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Slow-and-steady, it's time for Taurus!

(Just a note:  not ALL the classic social role models ("archetypes") will fit the sign's characteristics--but these are good examples of people who outwardly express the qualities of the sign.) 

Taurus (April 20-May 21):
"I Am What I Have"

The birth sign Taurus gives emphasis to the credibility of determination, perseverance and endurance of principle. Taurean natives have a practical, down-to-earth steady way that allows them to build a stable, secure foundation from which to plan a future.

A Taurus moves slowly, but surely. Taurus rules possessions, material objectives and values, and obtaining the means and methods to establish financial and visible long-lasting tangible rewards are pursued with a directed pace. Security is the real key: Taureans want to be able to enjoy the comforts of their labors, and work is a natural outlet for the acquisition of the good things in life. They can be almost obsessive with possessions and affections, both their own and of others. A Taurus might say, "What's mine is mine, and you and yours are mine, too!"

Because the need for comfort and security of tangibles are a major part of their lives, Taureans can often be found in business endeavors where speculation of finances are concerned, but in a more practical application without risk, such as banking or real estate investment. Farming or raising produce off the land for financial speculation, such as tree farms or garden centers, livestock for food/profit, or valuable objects like antiques or gems are outlets for the Taurean nest egg. Like their sign, the bull, Taureans are known for their strength to produce hard effort over a long period of time. They can plan ahead with a vision of purpose that would tax the patience of others, but they have the ability to pace themselves and not lose track of their energies.

Taureans are ruled by Venus*, and are physically aware of the appetites of the senses. They appreciate and enjoy good food, music, art, and the sensual needs of their bodies. Taurus rules the neck and throat, and those with Taurus emphasized in their charts often have melodic or powerful speaking voices. They can also be thought of as "bullish" or "stiff-necked" in their insistence to resist change. A Taurus will make a decision after careful thought, and when they are sure of a choice, they will act, but not until they wish to put their plan into motion.

(*Antero Ali suggests moving the rulership of Taurus to the Earth.)

Values - Possessions
Stability - Groundedness
Sensuous Gratification
(Venus (Earth*)  
Feminine Principle   
Appreciation of Beauty
The Property Owner    
The Pack Rat       
The Unmoved Force    
The Craftsperson 
Sex Symbols
Orson Welles   
Henry VIII   
John Wayne  
Sak’s 5th Avenue
Warren Buffett  
Britney Spears
Antiques Road Show

(c) MDLOP8 2010

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Resistance has its merits for Fixed Signs, times

The Fixed Sun Signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius) are remarkable for their tenacity, perseverance, determination, endurance, durability, and steadfastness for a purpose, cause, belief, value, or ideal of commitment.  It is one of their greatest strengths.  This can also be found through those who have an ascendant, Moon, or Mars in one of these signs. Their capacity to move over hurdles, obstacles, limitations, setbacks, delays, or other forms of confrontation are legendary: a proverbial bulldozer in action once the motor is engaged. On the other hand...

It is also an indication of one of the Fixed signs' remarkable frustrations: a refusal to take action; an insistence for resistance to Life Challenges and Changes (often brought on by Saturn transits) which will NOT go away and yet are avoided (or so believed).  
To that end, there is nothing gained by flat-out denial, especially when astrological counseling is provided--and then ignored because the answer was not "desired." The concept of "No" is not always what we want to hear--nor is "You have to do something about this issue in order to make progress." If it were so possible to only have the outcomes that we want without the effort to make it possible, we would not achieve much--if anything.  And astrologically, there are enough reasons to be thankful for insights that provide us the wisdom and knowledge when the sign says "push" and we insist on "pull" instead.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Venus in Taurus - Love To Love You Baby...ooooooh yeah

It’s the astrological version of the hit TV series, “Sex and the City”! Venus, the Goddess of Love and Pleasure is sending out a personal invitation as She transits through Taurus to participate in a party for the senses: all we can eat, drink, touch, taste, smell, see, and ESPECIALLY feel. During this time, we can find the value and appreciation of the exquisite, the earthiness, the indulgent. It’s almost a personal license to be hedonistic. Venus in Taurus also indicates holding on to objects and people we love because we value them. 

Venus now says there’s nothing wrong with showing a little affection—and more—to that special someone, especially if it’s in front of a roaring fireplace, on silk sheets, in a tub of soapy water, or even on a beach. Like Donna Summer sang, “Love to love you, baby…ooooooh.”