Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Chart Patterns Part II

Anybody play dice games like craps? Sevens, 11s, Little Joe; Boxcars. Snake Eyes. Each throw produces a different spread--just like the chart can show by the placement of planets with signs in the houses (wedges). 
   I don't know the original author, but this is a simple way of looking at another way of interpreting the psyche from the pattern of the chart. I also wrote on this at

The positions of the planets fall into seven types or patterns--bundle, bowl, seesaw, bucket, splash, locomotive and splay. Marc Edmund Jones first described these patterns, associating them with distinct personality types (in natal charts) and prognostic indicators (in transit, progressed, returned or horary charts).

  • Only the ten planets (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune AND Pluto) are considered in determining patterns. Leave out the Nodes, POF, asteroids etc. to get the essence of the 'whole view'. 
     Seesaw - Planets occupy two opposing areas of the chart. Focus is on binary opposites requiring objectivity, awareness and balance.

`Bucket - Bowl pattern with one planet in the opposite arc--the 'handle to the bucket. A strong focus with much energy pivoting around the singleton planet.

Splash - Planets evenly distributed around the chart - scattered interests, diversity, flexibility and wide range of interests.

Bundle - Planets all within 120 degrees. Focused interest in the houses occupied. Intense, determined, relentless.

Locomotive - Planets occupy 240 degrees of the chart, the remaining 120 is empty. Emphasis is on the first and last planet to rise. Much drive, energy and enthusiasm.

Splay - Planets create three points of emphasis - highly individual, grounded and confident. Focus on occupied houses. If grand trine, the element dominates.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Uranus direct (and Uranus transits): Thrill-seekers and Wild Rides

Here we go again: it's time for "Uranus goes Direct," and YOU get to be the rider on the the Unpredictable, Unexpected, Unusual, and Exciting Roller Coaster planet. Up-is-down & down-is-up once again.

During the transits of Uranus to your natal chart, you will experience phenomena that are out of accord with your everyday life.  The events that occur will be unusual, upsetting, sudden, and unexpected.  For this reason, astrologers are often reluctant about giving precise consultations about Uranian activities.  Almost all that can be said for sure is to “expect the unexpected, and let the craziness be your guide.” 

But the transits of Uranus are not to be feared or harmful; rather, they confront us regarding our extent of what we are unwilling to accept regarding newness and change in our lives.  Uranus challenges the rigid structures in life that most people work so hard to build.  Many people value regularity and predictability so much that they will even sacrifice personal happiness to get it.  (Think of all the unhappy marriages that continue only because both persons are afraid of the insecurities that breaking up would bring.)

But this kind of rigidity is ultimately destructive to life in its highest sense—change is inevitable, and the potential to adapt to it and continue is vital.  Life is—or should be—a constant, ongoing confrontation between yourself and the world, with an energy that keeps everything fresh and lively.  The problem with this confrontation, however, is that there is always the danger of losing, so most people avoid the confrontation or circumstances within if they can.  To survive half-dead, they reason, is better than to lose.  However, those are not the only alternatives:  it is only fear that makes it seem that way.

Some birth signs are more intuitively understanding of a Uranus transit:  the Cardinal signs (Aries-Cancer-Libra-Capricorn) are governed by major life events and change, so even though an upheaval may come, they seem to be ready to face it. (Aries may say, “Oh, a new adventure that I never considered--but it's something I can sink my teeth into!”; Cancer will think of how it will affect their home and security ("I didn't plan on yet another home improvement!"); Libra will anticipate how to keep peace with the relationships it has established--or how to handle that exotic new connection; Capricorn will look to see how it affects a long-term legacy that has been a lifetime goal--and how to manage the challenges to the long-term project.) 

The Fixed signs (Taurus-Leo-Scorpio-Aquarius) often resist the hardest (especially Taurians, who do not like to change until they are ready—and Uranus does not give any chance for planning this; a Leo may wonder how it will reflect upon their need for attention and love given and received; a Scorpio will fight it relentlessly, then cast off the old conditions as though they were a dead issue, but Aquarians, being ruled by Uranus, often go with it after an initial stand-off, anticipating a new sense of freedom of self. 

The Mutable signs (Gemini-Virgo-Sagittarius-Pisces) are more adaptable to a Uranus transit time.  (Gemini might find an opportunity to learn something new and wild; Virgo will incorporate the maintenance of schedules into their calibrating-sorting mindset to ensure things get done--sort of a "chaos management"; Sagittarians may seek new unique and visionary venues of philosophy of lifestyles and values that are socially advanced; and Pisces may sigh quietly and just consider it another burden to be accepted in a lifestyle that requires sacrifice regardless--and that the storm will someday mellow when Life's demands are done.

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Neptune transits the 7th house of Relationships & Partnerships: "I'm confused about Someone"

I've had a plethora of requests regarding clients with Neptune transiting the 7th house of Relationships & Partnerships, and I want to "clear the air" from this foggy type of Life Event. As Neptune is the planet that represents (to me) "our existence as Spiritual Beings having a Human Experience here on Earth," it's not easy at all to understand the subtle-but-significant messages that this transit brings. It's even harder because we tend to glamorize the circumstances, and especially with the 7th house, it's more likely a Significant Other or someone with whom we share interests in a common endeavor--like a business effort.

To that end, I've again turned to Robert Hand (and some edits of my own) to help make some sense of this transit. I also need to point out that no matter what house cusp system you use, a Neptune transit lasts for YEARS, and with the patterns of retrograde, there are all kinds of periods of "I can't see my nose in front of my face" bewilderment and fuzzy thinking about our dealings with that Special Person.

Neptune in the 7th house of Personal and Professional Relationships, Partnerships, and Open Enemies

This transit can have several effects, but in general it affects all the one-to-one relationships in your life. These include your marriage or living with someone, other partnerships (including business), conflicts with others, and relations with people whom you consult, such as medical or legal professionals, and other counselors. In any or all of these relationships there is the danger of poor communications, misunderstandings, and misrepresentation.

If you are married, you may have problems because resentments are not brought out into the open where they can be handled. Remember: Neptune confuses, clouds over, disguises, and weaves webs of fantasy over your perception of reality! One or both of you keeps your feelings hidden and acts in a concealed manner, making it difficult for the other to help solve the problem. There is also the danger of over-idealizing your relations, which can be a problem even if you are not married. You may simply idealize your relationship out of proportion to the facts and reality of the situation and think everything is just fine when it isn’t. This is the old Neptunian problem of thinking that what you want to be true is there before you, and therefore, it’s a valid fact and reality. If you are truly attentive to what is really happening in the relationship, you will be able to see the truth. (This is how and why a Neptune transit to this Area of Life fogs over our view by creating an illusion: we see the mirage instead!)

Also during this transit, you may have to take care of someone close to you who is sick or has some other problem that requires care. This person is most likely to be your living partner, but it could be someone else who is close to you.
If you are in business, be very careful about forming any new partnership at this time. It is not very likely to work out as you want it to, and your partner may be more of a problem than a help. In extreme cases this transit can even indicate being swindled or otherwise financially manipulated or deceived by a partner. An established partnership that has worked out well in the past will probably continue to do so, but be careful to communicate clearly with each other. 

Misunderstandings are a standard consequence of a 7th house Neptune transit. This transit is normally not preferable for dealing with lawyers and lawsuits because the 7th house rules people whom you consult, as well as lawsuits. You probably won’t get a good deal if you do hire a lawyer to represent you. 

Also, the factions that will determine the outcome of you case would be difficult to discover, let alone deal with. This same advice applies to other people whom you hire for consultation. This includes astrologers too: a consultation done while Neptune is transiting your 7th house is a good reason for YOU to take ownership of decisions that we suggest, rather than you creating an image in your mind that that we are unerring seers.

Friday, November 23, 2012

Astrological Relocation: Changes in Your Life Chart

Made any significant relocation to another country or state since your birth?  Your astrological chart may have changed dramatically. When we move across lines of latitude or longitude, our birth charts may vary in ways that affect timing phases and impacts of major events in our lives.  What can happen is that you create a sort of "alternate reality" where timing runs simultaneously both in your "relocated" position and your place of birth.
The planets stay the same, but the house cusps and signs often--but not always--change.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Magi astrology for marriage

 I am often asked, "Am I compatible with this person? Will we marry?" It's the kind of answer that gets the most accurate response with Magi astrology and the energy patterns of success/failure with the planetoid/comet Chiron. Chiron is the "planet" that symbolizes love, soul mate, children, the spouse, pregnancy and karmic ties! 

(*Note: the asteroid Juno describes WHO you want to attract as a Life Partner--not "will we be married." Venus describes how we are attracted to someone and how we enjoy sharing/receiving love; Mars describes our sexual energy with a partner.)

Formed in China in 1625, Magi astrology differs from other astrological techniques because exact birth times are not necessary to do competent astrology within the Magi astrology system. While having an exact birth time is helpful, it is not crucial to providing accurate astrological information.

Magi astrology ONLY considers the dynamics of cooperation/union as successful indicators--especially when patterns are formed to Chiron from Venus, Jupiter, Neptune, and Pluto; the other planets are helpful, but not as significant. Stressful patterns indicate an unhappy resolution to a relationship or possible marriage.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Decanates (or "Decans") - 1/3 of each sign

The 30 degrees allotted for each zodiac house can be divided into three groups of ten degrees each as 0 to 9 degrees, 10 to 19 degrees and 20 to 29 degrees. These divisions are termed as Decanates. The first ten degrees are called as the First Decanate, the second ten as the second Decanate and the third ten degrees are the Third Decanate. (Another way of seeing a decanate would be "which day in 30 is this?" Example: April 1 would be @11-12 days = 2nd decanate).

The first decanate of any sign corresponds to to the sign being studied: for example, the first decanate of Aries will relate to Aries. The second decanate of any sign takes on the characteristics of the next sign in the same element, and hence, the second decanate for Aries is Leo. The third decanate of any sign is the last sequential sign within the same element and so for Aries it would be Sagittarius. Just follow the pattern below for your sign and its decanates.

Each decanate in a sign gets the traits or qualities of the sign ruling it. The first decanate is the strongest, and it corresponds to the double strength of the sign. A person born during the second and third decanate will be less typical of the sign under consideration.

The decanates are said to have psychological and physical significances and are related to the mind, body and soul.

0 to 9 degrees - This decan corresponds to the physical side and relates to the body.  When a person has many planets in these degrees, they would be practical, materialistic, and sensible. These degrees are very powerful. The 0 degree represents the beginnings and the 9th degree represents the endings and the physical aspects.

10 to 19 degrees - This decanate corresponds to the mental or the Mind side. Those with more planets in this decanate are said to be intelligent and concentrate more on mind activities. They are logical thinkers and are well-informed about the latest trends. Degree 10 represents new pursuits and degree 19 represents the peak of mental activity.

20 to 29 degrees - This decanate corresponds to the spiritual aspects of a person.  When many planets or in this decanate, the native would be spiritually inclined. Some might have problems like addiction and self-destruction.  Degree 29 relates to the spiritual peak or an acute nature: the 29th degree is often referred to as an intense representation of the sign's action and energy.

Aries                            Aries-Leo-Sagittarius
Taurus                         Taurus-Virgo-Capricorn
Gemini                         Gemini-Libra-Aquarius
Cancer                         Cancer-Scorpio-Pisces

Leo                               Leo-Sagittarius-Aries
Virgo                            Virgo-Capricorn-Taurus
Libra                             Libra-Aquarius-Gemini
Scorpio                         Scorpio-Pisces-Cancer

Sagittarius                  Sagittarius-Aries-Leo
Capricorn                    Capricorn-Taurus-Virgo
Aquarius                     Aquarius-Gemini-Libra
Pisces                          Pisces-Cancer-Scorpio

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Mars in the 1st house: "You talking to ME?"

Feeling fighting mad, perhaps? Is Mars transiting your first house; has it just left your ascendant? If so, your personality is up for the challenge--and you've got a chip on your shoulder that you're ready and willing to dare the world to knock off, too. Asserting yourself is not only the right thing to do, it's expected.  And ask me where is Mars in YOUR chart--and rise to the Red Planet's call.

Mars in the 1sthouse (Care of Mr. Robert Hand):

This should be a time of great activity in your life, when you work very hard to further your own interests and assert yourself among others. You have the chance to show the world what you can do now.  You come on to others with much more vigor than usual, and you are likely to make a great impression upon them at this time.

If you are insensitive to other people, however, this can be quite a difficult time for all your relationships.  Every relationship requires that you bend a bit to the needs and demands of the other person, but you are not especially inclined to do that now.  In fact, you will be much better off if you can work independently without worrying about how your actions affect others.  With Mars in this house, your personality is much more dominant than usual, but you aren’t interested in having great power over others as long as they don’t try to dominate you.  You are perfectly happy as long as you are completely free to do whatever you want and to have your individuality acknowledged by others in whatever you do.

During this time you are much more a fighter for your own rights than usual.  You will not let anyone take anything away from you, although you will not be especially irritable or touchy.  You will fight if someone attacks you first.  Your physical energy level is quite high, and you should be able to do a lot of work during this transit.   

If there are strong challenges indicated by other activity via transit to this house, you should be careful of illnesses or accidents as these planets are touched off and ‘activated’ by this transit.  This should be a period of upbeat independent activity, when you can work out a lot of problems and accomplish a great deal.  This should be a positive time in your life.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Saturn dynamics for Taurus-Leo-Scorpio-Aquarius

Saturn, the Master Teacher of Needed Life Lessons (that you DON'T enjoy) is now beginning its way through Scorpio. This means several things to people born in key signs: Taurus, Leo, Scorpio itself, and Aquarius. Being that you're Fixed signs (,
you don't like Change or Adjustment--and that's EXACTLY what you need to face as Saturn contacts your Sun. 

For all Scorpions:
This transit (or level of current activity) can bring both fulfillment and difficulties.  Roughly 14 years ago, you encountered a period of adversity and low vitality.  But at the same time, you made new beginnings that are now having results.  These efforts will either reach a climax and be successful, or you will realize that they have failed.  In any case, this is a time of tremendous responsibility and hard work to guarantee the successful conclusion of your old projects and endeavors or to salvage the best from the failures.

Do not take on any new projects at this time that are not directly related or connected to what you are already doing.  The additional responsibility could be too much for you and could cause health problems, especially with your heart and circulatory system. (Reiki treatment helped me very much.)  When you have successfully completed all your current projects, you may start new ones.  This is a time of perseverance, hard work, and responsibility, and there is great potential for reward.

Those areas of your life that have not worked out as expected should not be regarded as complete failures.  Several years ago, when you embarked on these projects, you may not have understood as much as you do now.  This transit will make you aware of this fact.  Don’t start out on a new course until you have cleared up whatever may not have worked out.  Otherwise you will only work hard to no avail and cause possible damage to your health.  This can be a time of personal and professional defeats.

The energy of Saturn holds back the energy of the Sun, which is your basic life energy.  Saturn confines and restricts it so that you can do only certain things.  As a result, you may feel cut off from others and lonely, but do not be too concerned about this.  Even if this transit coincides with the breaking up of a relationship, which it may, it means that the relationship itself is distracting you from matters that you must attend to now.  This is a time for concentrating energy, not scattering it.

Leo & Aquarius: expect that you may feel unusually discouraged at this time because your vitality and life force is at a low point.  It may be best not to struggle too hard against any adversity or setbacks that challenge or restrict your life.  Patience and perseverance will carry you through until your energy level is up again in several months.  However, do keep in mind that a Saturn transit lasts for @ 2.5 years, so the lingering effects will be there.  Saturn teaches us to improve and correct; the Sun represents Ego and Self-Identity, and a square means that a correction or flexible change must be applied.

          Authority figures, such as employers, government officials, or parents may now be sources of frustration or resistance to your method of self-expression.  You may find that they are not receptive to your plans or suggestions; that you are being thwarted or held back.  It is advisable to work patiently to bring them around to your point of view.  Don’t withdraw from the confrontation, but don’t fight them blindly and without a chance to discuss or reason with them.  That would guarantee defeat.

          This period of your life is directly linked to a time seven years ago when you made a series of new beginnings.  The projects you began then are encountering their first major crises points.  This transit is made especially difficult by the fact that many of these projects have been going quite well and the current difficulties seem totally unexpected.

          However, this is a period of trial, which will demonstrate whether or not those new beginnings were valid.  Anything invalid will likely fall away from you now, and may be regarded by you as a failure.  You may not consider this or notice it, especially if you have not paid attention to details.  If you are trying to save something that is not worth keeping, you may be able to temporarily fool yourself, but it will only reappear seven years from now, and in less shape or condition to be saved than ever—and the losses will be that much more painful.  Cut the losses now that you are experiencing as soon as you accept them for what they are:  dead-end finalities.  Concentrate on the successful areas now to bring them to a climax at the end of the same seven-year period.

          Your ambitions may be thwarted now, but be patient and make sure you are on the right course.  If you are, this transit will be worth the delays and frustrations rather than a defeat.  If it is a defeat and projects or efforts are closing, you can accomplish a great deal by refocusing your energies on more productive and successful areas.  At the same time, do be cautious about health, especially your cardiovascular system.  This would be an excellent time to get a check-up or begin to incorporate better health practices.

Born under Taurus? Time to be pulled apart by Saturn as it opposes your Sun: This may be a very discouraging time.  Your vital energies are at a 29-year low, and you may feel quite incapable of dealing with the adversities that often accompany this transit. These adversities may come from a number of sources.  First, other people—particularly employers and other persons in authority—may oppose your plans in several areas.  This is usually not a good time for successfully attaining your goals or promoting yourself.

You may feel physically tired, as if the burdens of your life are too much to handle.  Quite commonly during this transit, people feel old, even if they are in fact quite young, and there is a profound sense of world-weariness.  Avoid excessive strains on your health, because that can lead to a major health breakdown, particularly if you are older. Be careful of your health and conserve your energies.  You will have plenty of opportunities to use them later, despite your feelings at the moment.

Your ambitions may also be thwarted by circumstances or by other people.  Even though you and your associates have the best intentions for your future, something seems to block you.  It is possible that you may be caught in some kind of relationship, for example, a bad marriage or love affair that limits your self-expression.  Quite frequently, this transit brings such relationships to an end.

This transit is best dealt with by understanding that it is a part of a natural cycle in your life.  Nothing is gained by fighting it; instead, you must learn to flow with it.  This transit is the end of a 29-year cycle in which you have put energy out into the world and built up important structures in your life.  From them will come the foundation of a new cycle.  This transit represents a period of endings, which will be followed by new beginnings.  The problem is to avoid being discouraged and frustrated by the endings.  Soon you will have the opportunity to begin new projects that will build up to new peaks of achievement in about 14 years, when Saturn conjoins your Sun.  There will be a time of significant trial in about seven years when Saturn squares your Sun as your new projects are tested to see if they are of real value in your life.

If you hang on and are patient, opportunities will soon return for success and achievement.  But don’t try to strike out right now, for you would not be likely to succeed, and you would only have to start over again.  Your life is changing very rapidly, and it will be difficult to anticipate what course it will take from here on.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Aries Sun or Ascendant? Your menu is at hand.

Today's astrological-physiological public service (6th house) special: calling all and any Aries Sun/Ascendants. Aries needs potassium; here's where we get it. Your plate is now full. (I'd recommend a beet head in your juicer; even a slice is great. Add a red apple too to put in some tangy flavor. Go easy on the Brussels sprouts because they're gassy). Steam the broccoli; the heads are also great in juicers. Same for Bok choy. Can't beat tomatoes and avocados together for lunch. Figs for dessert or with some good cheese!

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Uranus & Pluto: Unexpected Huge Change in social and personal ways

   If you're 21 years old, this should be a great time in your Life Cycle. You're at the 3rd leg of Saturn's 7-year phase (you passed the Square at 7, and then the Opposition at 14), and now you're in the Trine. So what's here to greet you? Pluto conjunct Uranus.

   Now, don't mistake this for the transiting phase of Uranus squaring Pluto on a global (mundane) level. What I'm talking about here is a natal union to your position of Uranus from "Wasn't such a good idea to demote me, eh?" Pluto. (The mundane global impact affects everyone; the natal conjunction is another matter--and it's personal IF you're 21, etc.) So what does it mean and how does it work?
   Uranus indicates the Roller-coaster of Life Events & Activity. Where it sits in your chart, expect surprises, explosions of some sort, upside-down, and out-of-nowhere. Think of the Tower in the tarot deck. Your legs are knocked out from under you: it can be an emotional, mental, physical, financial, educational, inter-personal, professional juggling session that totally surprises you. In some manner or form, it's where you release your Inner Rebellious Nature--which is part of your own unique creative power. 
   Pluto is pure volcanic process: molten melting power to totally change anything it touches (including Life Experiences above); huge shifts of personal response. Expect cross-country moves; deaths, inheritances, closing off personal doors and roles, but always, the end of one phase and the beginning of another. Think of a lump of carbon being compressed by pressure over time and weight until its atoms are packed so tight they become...crystalline. A diamond. Your character and soul fabric are being built anew--and you have been transformed in some way. You walked through the Threshold. 
     Says Robert Hand, "This transit affects us in our formative years when we are most vulnerable to long-term Life Challenges that affect us years later. The combination of these two planets signifies that you want to break away from limiting-restraining circumstances. You may feel that if things aren’t going the way you want, you may impatiently make changes in order to get your way. Don’t count on discipline either. (This is like an anti-Saturn moment.) And a self-righteous nature may be more open in public matters.

     However, it would be a shame to waste this energy in challenging everyone around you or blindly rebelling against all restriction. You can learn a great deal about matters that are really important through this transit’s influence. Both planets are profound and powerfully explosive: spend time learning how to know and understand as much as you can about their potentials. You should not ask yet how you can bring about change because you won’t understand it until this transit is well completed.
     The outcome may very well be that you become wise beyond your years in your depth of understanding, and through this wisdom you will be in a better position to make either conservative or quite revolutionary changes later on. Even if you do not feel inclined to rebel or push for changes in your immediate environment, you may find that very tremendous changes are taking place within you. This may be quite upsetting, but try to remain calm and see what is really happening. Here again you have an opportunity to gain an understanding that is considerably beyond your years."

Friday, October 5, 2012

Life, Death, Love, Release, Renewal: Saturn in Scorpio

Or if you prefer, the Book of Ecclesiastes: for every thing, there is a time and a purpose in your life to learn. Consider this the message of Saturn in Scorpio: the Process of Learning to Let Go and Renew Yourself in ways that are Evolutionary for your Psyche and Soul. 
    This involves what--and who--you desire. Your Ability to Manifest (The Secret) now come through more powerfully than ever. The trial of fire will come through seeing your Path develop as Release and Recovery become themes: fears if you have them are confronted in Life & Death events, and worries, obstacles, delays and loss are encountered, then reborn in the next phase that was necessary to be prepared. 
    The Discomfort of Being Emotionally Torn Apart by Scorpio is also passionate--which isn't just sexual, but also about LIVING. What have you found out and appreciated because you felt DETERMINED to Survive? And when it's over, you'll never look again in the same way at the small details that don't matter--and how to release the lies that keep you trapped in your mind and don't need.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Jupiter Retrograde: Reflection, Contemplation, Vacation

Jupiter retrograde: Expect things you want immediately to be slower rather than hurried

    I mean personal goals, expectations, desires and eagerness for something/one, and overall enthusiasm. It's all good though--Jupiter retrograde will let things simmer for a while. It's like using a slow-cooker. Take your time. The planning and vision that you have will come to a release. The legacy/testimony/accomplishment/plan will come forward--but now it's time to take care of your Personal Growth.
    Take some time to explore your world--or the world around you. Spend it in quiet time: let yourself think about where you are in your Life Cycle. What have you learned--and who can teach you something you need to know? Astrologically: what are you learning about yourself that has made an improvement? Why? 
    Travel or sports may also offer insights. Consider that vacation now that you always promised yourself, or pick up your passport and go somewhere to find Great Truths. You'll have a friend alongside you all the way: Jupiter retrograde.