Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Aspects (part 1) - dynamics of Cooperation and Resistance

The aspects are a vital and detailed way for psychology and astrology to show how the psyche is engaged in lessons of cooperation or frustration in handling and managing Life Lessons.  (Note:  I am using five of the basic aspects, and will also discuss only ONE minor aspect, the quincunx.  I think these are the ones which most readily show the factors which I find most accessible in overall psychological analyses.  However, I concur and agree with those who use the remaining minor aspects.)

Aspects (and arcs):  measuring cooperation and resistance (with geometry!)

Arcs:  The Energy Interaction of Planets and Signs
6-10 degrees of REAL separation! +/-
Cooperation &  Adjustment or Frustration & Resistance
Resolution Management of Life Crises

Astrology has a built-in guideline for gauging the psyche and its dynamics:  the measurement of aspects, the markers of cooperation and tension-resistance (C&T) between coordinating planets and their energies.

The idea is simple enough:  match up two planets by a system that uses a set proximity of numerical degree value and see what pattern is formed that represents C&T as a goal--or not.  Not every planet has a matching interaction, and not every match has a result of C&T.  In fact,  the aspect patterns that form in a chart for psychological analyses may indicate that the soul's lessons are difficult (for soul growth):  exactly WHY it matters to know psychological astrology concepts in vocational, familial, educational, and other counseling endeavors.
The game of Six Degrees of Separation is a close reference, but it’s a plus-or-minus range from zero to 30 in astrology.  Twelve ways x 30 = 360 degrees, or a perfect circle:  the chart as a Mandala of Life.  Here we find cooperation and adjustment to Life Challenges as well as frustration and resistance to growth patterns and lessons that will not go away.  This is Resolution Management of Life Crises and Opportunities, and the aspects are symbolic indicators of the energy exchanges between different parts of the psyche.  Cooperation and teamwork (C&T) are the basic structure; adjustment and flexibility are the goal. The conjunction, square, trine, sextile, and opposition aspects have a +/- range of @6 degrees (depending on the astrologer's view). A quincunx, if used, has a range of @3 degrees. However, the Sun and Moon are given ranges up to 10 degrees maximum (again, depending on the astrologer's view).

What aspects bring is a display of planetary and sign energy in harmony--or not--and when conflict is indicated, what can be done about managing it.  As personal a blueprint of Life and Action as there ever could be!  Aspects do not need exact time frames for calculation; this is one reason why I endorse using an ephemeris WITHOUT an exact birth time.  If the aspects show the levels of "yes-or-no" among the players of our Life Experience Team, then it's obvious that we are the coach who needs to be responsible for their best effort.

  I have found the work and research of the Magi Society and their historical perspective of aspects to be one of the reasons why people have trouble understanding the variations within astrology.  The Magi Society was originated in China in 1625, and their technique of using aspects as guide markers instead of house systems and cusps made their work that much more significant.  In effect, they have been doing the calculations and chronicles of astrological research for almost 400 years—and the volume of knowledge they have to validate their work is quite substantial.  It could be said that they were doing the work of the Gauquelins from Switzerland, but hundreds of years earlier.

In the years of evaluations on the lives of the subjects whose charts were cast by the Magi Society, they became more convinced than ever that aspects are truly what characterizes the individual; that these dynamics of tension and cooperation are the keys to the psyche’s growth.  They see that the house systems can change depending on what type is used to delineate the chart, and so placements of planets can vary up or down within a cusp (doorway) if that planet is close enough by degrees to “move over.”  

With the aspect system ONLY, the psycho-dynamics are revealed in a more open way as “either resolved or learning to be resolved” nature:  the subject has either shown soul achievement and growth through a challenge, or they have not.  All the “avoidance and excuses” that we use as denial methods will not hold validity because the aspects define the life challenges and opportunities, for better or worse.  There’s not much room for rebuttal with an aspect.  They get results from us and they don't take "no" for an answer because we have a lifetime's worth of opportunity to master them.  (Astrology also says that they can come back in a NEW lifetime if we haven't done them properly if you consider the Nodes and Saturn and the Black Moon Lilith.)

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Mixed astrological elements create the signs

Elements are ways that the soul is energized and motivated toward activating the personality.  It makes sense to me that the signs are potential combinations of elements--which sort of coincides with the idea that some signs DO get along with others, even when they're not in natural harmony.  (Squares as an aspect work this way: they force our psyche to develop new ways of resolving obstacles.)

Therefore, this is my original idea of "Mixed Elements."

Astrologically speaking, there are four elements:
Fire, Earth, Air, and Water.
Each represents a dynamic expression of energy. 
Fire is Action based on Intuition;
Earth is Stability and Grounding; 
Air is Intellect and Extension of thoughts (Extrapolation);
Water is Emotional Sensitivity

When they combine with each other...they form the zodiac signs:

Fire mixed types:

Fire/Earth: Aries. They act to ground and create
an established concept as a source of Action and Purpose.
Fire/Air: Sagittarius.  They act to expand
the Higher levels of Knowledge.
Fire/Water: Leo.  They act to expand
the depths of Love and Appreciation of Existence of Life.

Earth mixed types:

Earth/Fire: Capricorn.  They stabilize and create Institutions
of grounded large-scale plans.
Earth/Air: Virgo.  They stabilize and organize by establishing coordinated ideas which serve Humanity.
Earth/Water: Taurus. They stabilize and establish foundations
and security for emotions.

Air mixed types:

Air/Fire: Gemini.  They intellectualize and motivate
the desire to reach higher goals by activating curiosity.
Air/Earth: Aquarius.   They intellectualize and promote Knowledge that provides a common grounding for the collective social unit.
Air/Water: Libra. They intellectualize the need for emotional bonding with a Significant Other.

Water mixed types:

Water/Fire: Scorpio.  They intensify and energize the passion of action and manifestation through regeneration.
Water/Earth: Cancer.   They intensify the depths
of feelings needed for sharing emotional awareness.
Water/Air: Pisces.  They intensify the Cosmic Knowledge of Higher dimensional worlds and existence.

(c) MDLOP8 2010

Friday, December 10, 2010

Psyche & Eros: Sensitivity and Passion

Either love is in the air--or someone has hot pants--because I keep getting hits from people looking for information on Psyche and Eros.  Talk about lust in the dust!  Okay, I've transcribed the information on these two asteroids from that splendid book by Demetra George at http://psyast.blogspot.com/search/label/Asteroids.

Psyche & Eros: 
  Asteroids of Sensitivity and Passion

The asteroid Psyche represents the principle of being psychically attuned and bonded to another human being.  Often portrayed as a butterfly maiden, Psyche was born as a beautiful mortal, who in her search for reunion with her lover Eros (the Roman god Cupid), mastered heroic tasks set upon her by a wrathful mother, Aphrodite (Eros’s mother).  Through each undertaking, Psyche sensitized her internal telepathic channels.  Depicting the soul’s journey from mortality to divinity, Psyche successfully transformed her earthly nature into that of a deity so that she could become the heavenly bride of Eros, god of erotic love.  Their union produced children named Bliss, Pleasure, and Ecstasy.  Together, their love has come to symbolize soul-mate union.

In perfecting the relationship progression of Lilith (the scorned mate) and Juno (the faithful Life Partner), Psyche represents the completion stage of the development of the feminine as a consort.  Astrologically, Psyche is a higher octave of Venus, expressing a refinement of personal love and psychic attunement to another.  Through following the path of Psyche, conscious relationship provides a path to spiritual illumination.

In chart analysis, a prominent Psyche symbolizes the capacity for psychic sensitivity to the mind and feelings of another person (her symbol or glyph is the Greek letter psi.)  This heightened awareness can produce the yearning for mystic, soul-mate union.  Stressful placements of Psyche can indicate a total lack of sensitivity to others, a blocked psychic awareness, or the inability to enter personal relationships.  Because of their need for deep, intuitive communication, Psyche individuals may often decline to enter into superficial or short-term relationships. Thus, they may have many admirers but remain essentially alone.

When analyzed according to element, Psyche in an air sign depicts mental telepathy; in water, she implies empathy; in fire, she suggests the ability to control and direct energy fields; and in earth, she points to achievements in physical manifestation.

Psyche aspects connect the meaning of the contacted planet with a heightened awareness: with Uranus, she indicates precognition; with Chiron, she indicates abilities in psychic healing; and in Ceres, she can show how the individual can mirror skills in communicating with plants or children.  In synastry, Psyche contacts describe points of intuitive knowing—and understanding—or total lack thereof—between individuals.  Psyche-Eros contacts indicate the potential for soul-mate union.

Eros, god of erotic love, represents the principle of passionate desire.  Mythologically, Eros was a primal, phallic god born out of Chaos (the Void) at the beginning of time.  Embodying the masculine sexual force, he served as the generative masculine power which brought the world into creation.  Thus, he manifested as the son of Mars and Venus in later Roman myths.

Astrologically, Eros functions as a higher octave of Mars.  Eros was able to refine and transform his unconscious, instinctual sexual drive into erotic love as a path to spiritual illumination through his romance with Psyche.  In classical Greece, Eros became a patron of homosexual love and can be one indicator of sexual preference.  Beyond sexuality, Eros’ passion is experienced as simply “whatever turns you on, excites, or arouses.”  Eros is also the powerful emotional force that motivates one toward consummating desires and visions.  

In chart analysis, Eros serves as an indicator of one’s passion, sexual attraction, sexual preference, and vital energy.  The Eros personality is marked by the need to continuously recreate the excitement of falling in and being in love.  Hence, Eros by transit is a timer of sexual activity.

Stressful placements of Eros in the chart may describe potential difficulties in sexual potency and activity, frustrated passion, a depletion of vital force, or obsessive-compulsive attitudes toward love until the individual positively channels passion.  Planetary contacts indicate that the individual will be “turned on” by the aspected planet:  with Ceres, the passion is food; with Uranus, metaphysics, astrology, and music; with Saturn, a love of work.  In synastry, Eros aspects signify sexual compatibility and the reciprocation of passion.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Gardening & Farming with the Zodiac

Using the zodiac is a sensible and effective way to manage animals as well as cultivating plants and gardening needs.  The Farmer's Almanac is an excellent source of the cycles of the Moon's 2.5-day transits through each sign.  Knowing which sign position the Moon is stationed in can be both beneficial and supportive to those who find gardening and farming to be a staple of lifestyle.

Certain garden and farming chores are best performed under specific signs as detailed below.  Each sign of the zodiac is classified as being an earth, air, fire, or water sign. The most fertile signs are the water and earth signs. The fertile earth and water signs are optimal times for planting crops and pruning to promote growth. The air and fire signs are thought to be barren signs and chores such as weeding, tiling the soil, and pruning to control growth can be done while the moon is in one of these signs.

Aries - a fire sign. Insect control, plowing, pruning, trimming, weeding. A good sign for harvesting crops. Pruning done while the moon is in Aries will help to discourage the growth of nuisance plants and weeds.

Taurus - an earth sign. An fine time to sow seeds and transplant plants. A good time to prune plants to control their growth. Taurus is a productive sign for the planting of root crops.

Gemini - a barren air sign. Insect control, plowing, and weeding chores can be conducted while the moon is in this sign. Harvest crops during this sign for long-term storage.

Cancer - a water sign. Cancer is one of the most fertile times for sowing seeds and transplanting plants. Prune plants to encourage healthy new growth. The moon in Cancer is a good time to fertilize plants.

Leo - a barren fire sign. Gardening chores that can be safely conducted while the moon is in Leo includes insect control, plowing, pruning, trimming and weeding.

Virgo - a barren earth sign. Prune trees, shrubs, and herbs during this sign to maintain their shape.

Libra - an air sign. A good time for picking flowers which will last a long time in floral arrangements. Also a good sign in which to prune plants in order to control their growth and maintain their shape. Libra is an okay sign for planting and sowing especially flowers and grain crops.

Scorpio - a water sign. One of the most fertile times for sowing seeds and transplanting plants. Prune your plants during this sign to encourage healthy new growth. Also a good sign for applying fertilizer to plants.

Sagittarius - a fire sign. Insect control, plowing, pruning, trimming and weeding. A good sign for harvesting crops. Pruning while the moon is in Sagittarius will help to discourage the growth of nuisance plants.

Capricorn - an earth sign. An okay time to sow seeds and transplant plants. Prune trees, shrubs, and herbs during this sign to promote healthy new growth.

Aquarius - an air sign. Aquarius is a good sign to perform insect control, plowing, and weeding chores. Harvest crops during this sign for long-term storage.

Pisces - a water sign. One of the most fertile times for sowing seeds and transplanting plants. This is another sign which is conducive to the fertilizing of crops.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Asteroid Goddesses: Juno, Vesta, Pallas, & Ceres

An absolute must-have in the portfolio of psychological astrology.  I recommend this for everyone who studies the subjects.   Additionally, this book covers material that will help men and women in balancing each other's life purpose and mission in the 21st century.  I would also note that this book also discusses the minor goddesses, such as Psyche, Amor, Pandora, Diana, and more.

From Asteroid Goddesses by Demetra George:  The naming of so many asteroids after female deities paralleled an awakening of a feminine-defined principle in women, men and society. Around 1973, when the first astrological asteroid ephemeris was published and astrologers began extensive consideration of asteroids, the women's movement emerged, and new aspects of feminine expression began to awaken in human consciousness. Women became imbued with the seed possibilities of feminine creativity and intelligence that expanded and transcended the traditional roles of wife and mother.

This period also marked the rediscovery of women's ancient history, the growth of women's culture in creative and professional areas, and the rebirth of the Goddess in women's spirituality. The lives of men and that of society in general have also been affected by the activation and growing influence of a right-brain, feminine-polarity, holistic way of perceiving the world.

In the symbolic language of astrology, the goddess asteroids provided new archetypes that specifically addressed the current psychological and social issues that arose from this activation of the feminine principle.

Only two of the usual planets, the Moon and Venus, represent feminine archetypes, and these are of the mother and the wife. Until the asteroids, astrology had to fit all other women's experiences into masculine- defined archetypes. What was needed was a set of symbols by which to describe the other avenues of feminine expression that exist today. During the years since 1972 when astrologers have observed the significance of asteroids in birth charts, they have uncovered a wealth of information that adds insight and understanding above and beyond that gained from the usual ten planets.

The Asteroid Goddesses in the Charts of Men

Just as the planets named after male gods pertain to the lives of women, these asteroids named for female goddesses are also important in the lives of men. The recognition and honoring of one's contrasexual side completes and strengthens the personality, embracing the unintegrated energies that are often sources of trouble.

Ceres expands on the Moon's symbolism by further illuminating the relationship of a man to his mother and also to women and other nurturing figures in his adult life. In addition, Ceres signifies a man's own tender, caregiving side and the ways in which this part of his nature can find expression. Typical manifestations of Ceres energies in a man are teaching and mentoring, pediatrics and pedagogy, farming and gardening, cooking and nutrition, medicine and therapy, ecology and environmental protection, and, of course, his part in helping his own children thrive and grow.

Pallas, for a man as well as a woman, can symbolize his capacity for strategy, his quest for clarity and truth, his sense of justice, the acquisition of skill and ingenuity in useful arts, and the ability to channel life energy for healing. Just as she can in women, Pallas can signify either a man's rejection of the feminine within himself, or the drive to integrate the opposite sexual polarity into his psyche. The placement of Pallas can also suggest how a man perceives the strong, independent women in his life. This usually has to do with his sense of his own competence.

Juno can signify a man's style of dealing with marriage and other forms of partnership, including, in some cases, business partnerships. Her placement determines how the struggle between the self and the other plays out, and whether the partnerships a man enters into are likely to be equal or unequal. Juno may also show the sort of wife a man is likely to pick, and his attitude toward married women in general. This asteroid has to do with the man in his procreative role as husband and father, and, by extension, in any joint venture for the production of a new entity. Just as she does for a woman, Juno may also show how a man deals with the infidelity of a partner.

Vesta signifies a man's relationship to himself as a complete being, apart from relationships with others. Her placement can suggest to a man how he can best become still, look within, and tend to Deity or his inner spirit. Just as she does in women, Vesta can also signify a man's urge to conserve and preserve the home, the state, the culture and its institutions.

The Asteroids as Developmental Stages

When you combine the above basic symbolism of the first four asteroids with the order in which they were discovered, the four great goddess asteroids form yet another self-contained symbol system, one that defines four stages of human, and most particularly feminine, lives:

Ceres, the first asteroid to be discovered, governs the first stage of life, when the person's primary focus is the mother. This is the stage of the Child.

Pallas, the second to be discovered, suggests the time of life when the child starts looking toward the father to be initiated into the rules of the world outside the home. This period starts when many girls become tomboys and dream of their future careers. It continues into the period when young people are out in the world studying or working or pursuing a career but are not yet parents. In a woman's life this pre-reproductive stage is that of the Maiden.

Juno, the third asteroid to be discovered, was the archetypal wife on Olympus and was also a protectress of childbirth. She suggests the one stage of a person's life that is commonly devoted to marriage and reproduction. In a woman, this is the stage of the Matron.

Vesta, the last-discovered of the four, represents the final stage of life when a woman's focus commonly turns away from child-bearing and child-rearing, and she turns toward cultivating herself as a separate individual, apart from her family relationships. In women, this post-reproductive period is the stage of the Crone. This supplements the pre-reproductive or self-contained Virgin symbolism already mentioned in connection with Vesta.

Arranging the asteroids in this way gives further clues to their meaning. Naturally, however, a woman may embody the symbolism of any of these asteroids at any time in her life.  These life stages pertain to a woman's life in particular, something that has until recently been largely neglected. They of course have their analogies in the lives of men, but in a slightly modified form, since reproduction does not tend to be so central to men's lives and many men can reproduce well into old age.

Like women, men typically have a Ceres stage in which their primary attachment is to their mother, a Pallas stage where they are initiated by the father into the outside world, a Juno stage when they are husbands and fathers working to sustain a family, and a Vesta stage when they are free to retire and cultivate their inner lives.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

The Earth is not an active role-player in astrology. HOWEVER....

I've said before that the Earth Herself does not play an active role in astrological analyses; however, there is a way to include Her in a psychological profile:

* An “internal” view of the birth (Sun) sign
* A hidden facet of personality

and identity
* Opposite perspective to birth sign polarity
* Resembles Jung’s Shadow Self as a possible "dark side" quality if mis-used.
* (Not used in charts)

I would also suggest that the birth signs might connect to the Earth in this manner:

(1) Aries (Libra):  I activate the need for internal peace and tranquility.

(2) Taurus (Scorpio):  I accept letting go of what I accumulate that is no longer needed or necessary to possess.

(3) Gemini (Sagittarius):  I learn to see the larger view and apply what knowledge I have gained.

(4) Cancer (Capricorn):  I support and extend my need for security toward the world to use as a platform for others.

(5) Leo (Aquarius): I open myself to share love and acceptance of others who are concerned for the collective group and not only me.

(6) Virgo (Pisces):  I allow myself to serve the Higher Purpose without worrying about results.

(7) Libra (Aries):  I sponsor and actively endorse policies that get me out of indecision.

(8) Scorpio (Taurus):  I bring renewal and change to ideas and property that can be recycled or rebuilt.

(9) Sagittarius (Gemini):  I learn to keep myself open to ideas and not be limited to my own viewpoint.

(10) Capricorn (Cancer):  I use my talents and skills to provide a safe haven for those who are not as accomplished as I am.

(11) Aquarius (Leo):  I learn to accept my own needs for attention and importance when it is offered by others.

(12) Pisces (Virgo):  I learn to focus on the matters of the day-to-day and the importance of being attentive to what I am doing.

(c) MDLOP8 2010

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Polarities - Balances between Active-Passive Natures

A note here:  "Masculine" and "Feminine" have nothing to do with gender.  The words represent a presentation of outward-or-inward display of personality and intuitiveness; they are indications of how an individual shows his-or-her sense of aggressive or passive action.  
One of the reasons I have a previous post about the asteroids has to do with the Emerging Feminine Consciousness, and the polarities have a lot in common with this.  Men in our world's cultures are not encouraged to be attuned to their intuitive nature; this is why they can not handle certain phases of aging, especially after a career has ended or retirement has begun, while in contrast, women seem to gain strength and survive.

Similarly, women in most societies are not encouraged to display signs of a strong dominant nature; the suppression of women over the last 2000+ years and the Goddess principle is a reflection on this.  I hope that in the 21st century, men and women will learn to share their power together and with balance, even toward those who choose alternative gender preferences and roles.  Our survival as a species in the years ahead beyond 2012 will be crucial to this balance and acceptance regardless of our personal values and belief systems.  The Native American people learned this well: women made decisions on key matters (such as going to war against another group) for the tribe and clan, then the men would act on their ideas.

Assertive-Aggressive & Passive-Responsive Postures
of Behavior and Identity

Aggressive-Assertive (Masculine-Positive Polarity)
Fire & Air signs and their qualities:
“warm air—-or a firestorm”
Aries – Leo - Sagittarius; Gemini – Libra - Aquarius

Too much masculine/positive:  too aggressive & assertive
Difficult for women in business
Ego issues overwhelm others’ needs

Not enough masculine/positive: Lacking initiative; 
* needs to be proactive; better social role models and choices

Passive-Responsive (Feminine-Negative Polarity)
Earth & Water signs and their qualities:
“a garden water fountain--or a driving river”
Taurus – Virgo - Capricorn; Cancer – Scorpio - Pisces

Too much feminine: I’m too receptive and responsive
* Needs to establish self-image without compromising sense of self-power and identity/sensitivity to others.
Not enough feminine:  I don’t appear as being sensitive
*Needs to develop sympathy and intuition of nurturing life and values of others.

(C) MDLOP8 2010

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Modalities: Dynamic Forces of Psychological Momentum & Inertia


Transformation as a process of experience throughout a lifetime is inevitable. Modalities offer a plan for delineating how an individual manages the complexities of major Life Change Events.

 Some transformational events are basic:  birth, death, a bonding commitment to another in partnership, or the collaborative effort of working.  The type of modality shows how the subject reacts or encounters these basic transformational Life Events.

  The three types of Modalities are Cardinal, Fixed, and Mutable. 


Cardinal signs hit Life with a bang.

Major Episodes of Significant Change is the norm; these people seem to be constantly involved in deep periods of transition and activity.  One of their purposes in these lessons is to serve as representatives for others in the community.  They observe and act as inspiration that obstacles and challenges serve a purpose as tests of character and spiritual and psychological growth.  Their strength is in their ability to handle crises and shows others how to adapt; their weakness comes when they struggle against mastering lessons in order to gain wisdom and leadership skills.

 Fixed signs operate as the building blocks and support structure of society; they provide steadiness and firming-up for others.  They can be the virtual “Rock of Gibraltar” for support of another (the true “shoulder to lean on”), and a symbol of resolution, endurance, and a calming, sturdy force and presence. Their strength is their ability to stand and face adversity; their weakness is their unwillingness to alter their course when necessary (such as admitting a flaw or fault and modifying their behavior accordingly).

 Mutable signs are noted for their flexibility and adaptability; however, they may be overwhelmed or overcome by outside forces that make them yield when they should instead be holding their position or viewpoint.  Their strength is their incredible ability to fit themselves into the circumstances of change; their weakness is that they often are too distracted by issues and do not hold onto their values or point of view.


Cardinal:  Origin and Renewal of Purpose of Existence & Environment


Significant Life Activities and Challenges. The powerful attraction of people and events for dynamic soul growth. Individuals who are willing and adaptive to Life Change 

Too much Cardinal: Life is an Adventure; I HAVE TO INITIATE ACTIVITY; Need for extreme events and lifestyle. 

Not enough Cardinal:  The Quiet Life;

I WANT NORMAL conditions and peace at any price. Life is in stasis; the soul is not facing challenges, r is using delays in overcoming obstacles. 

Fixed:  Concentration of focus & Resistance to Change. 


Sensitivity to the environment (personal) and physical appetites and needs.

Endurance and persistence to meet goals. Singular focus and determination are gifts and weaknesses. 

Too much Fixed: I’m TOO STUBBORN TO CHANGE. Issues of power and control; Must realize Life will Change regardless. 

Not enough Fixed: I can’t stay with tasks; NO STAYING POWER.

Needs to learn self-value of ideals; Needs to face up to challenges and fears of failure 

Mutable: Change or Adaptation to Existence & Environment 


Chameleon-like qualities that help adaptation to Life Challenges.

Willingness for flexibility that allows learning. Awareness of the duality of nature and the polarity of self as a soul force in human form. 

Too much Mutable: I sway too easily; “I’m a pushover”. Needs to gain self-respect and ownership of values. Needs to develop the courage to face fears.                                           

Not enough Mutable:  I can’t adapt; “I Can’t Make Up My Mind!”

Needs to learn that indecision which leads to failure is not wrong: effort counts, so keep trying.

(c) MDLOP8 2010

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Born on the Cusp of Two Signs?

The 50-50 Signs: 
Cusp Creatures,

Caught In the Middle
of Identity Change!

(Author's note: With some humor here and a thank you for the original idea to Tem Tarriktar of the excellent magazine, 
The Mountain Astrologer. (He originated this idea; I embellished it, so we both get half credit.)

Signs between signs:  the cross-over point known as the cusp, or “doorway” as I think of it between one to another.  It’s like a set of fraternal twins:  both born separate but united in their origins.  This is most noticed when it is the birth (Sun) sign. With 30 degrees to each sign and the 12 components of identity, there is a very slight transition time when the beginning and ending overlaps in the psyche. Such a person has the qualities of both signs, and may find it hard to separate the two main components of the sign’s psychological dynamics and need for expression.  

Obviously, the names are real for the celebrities, but the examples are certainly taken to an extreme and with humor.  However, there is quite a bit on-target with the samples--just ask someone born on the cusp!
I would be inclined to say to anyone who asks, "Read the nature of both signs" because that's likely who these people are.  Well, at least one side of them!
(The other side will deny it because it isn't getting credit.) 

The Aries/Taurus cusp (April 20-21): 
Bullies, the galloping cow 
(or Raging Bull)
The main characteristic of this cuspal creature is a one-pointed charge toward the object of its desire.  (They’re also the belligerent billy goat.  In an especially large individual, consider the bull elephant on attack.) Bullies are compatible with only themselves, and they make great bank robbers and military adventurers.
Famous Bullies:  Iggy Pop, Carmen Electra, and              Catherine the Great

The Taurus/Gemini cusp (May 20-21):
Geminus, the no-fault insurance & used car salesperson
This fast-talking cuspoid combines the clever double-talk of Gemini with the business sense of Taurus.  These curious and sometimes psychic creatures often become political pollsters, corporate lawyer sleazeballs, and sports/film agents.
Famous Geminus:  Cher, Bronson Pinchot, Mr. T., and                Busta Rhymes 

The Gemini/Cancer cusp 
(June 20-21): 
Cancimini, the crabby twins
It is common to see a Cancimini talking to itself and taking notes.  One self tends to worry (about the other self).  Due to their diverse attachments, they collect the strangest little colorful things but can't remember where they are.
Famous Cancimini: Ray Davies of the Kinks and 
Brian Wilson of the Beach Boys   

The Cancer/Leo "fence" (July 22-23): 
Canceo, the regal beagle
This cusp rules any foods in general that quiver and shake: pudding, Jello, etc.) Canceo rules elderly fat house pets. Their lives are largely spent fawning over little dogs and dressing them up in outrageously foolish clothes. 
Notable Canceo: Unknown Inventor of the King Crab salad, Woody Harrelson, Don Imus, and David Spade.

The Leo/Virgo cusp (Aug 23-24):
Lego, the crazed artisan
Lego inspired the Sphinx and rules stage fright.  Emperors of the zodiac, they maintain absolute control over their designated kingdom regardless of size.  These poor confused souls can often be heard to say, 
"How can I help you 
(to meet my needs)?"
Famous Legos: King Louis XVI of France, Kobe Bryant,            Wilt Chamberlain, Keith Moon, Vince McMahon, and          Olympic swimmer Duke Kahanamoku

The Virgo/Libra cusp (Sept 22-23):
Virbra, the pay scales
Virbra rules labor unions, labors of love, laboratory cleaning products, and laborious efforts to make sure everything has its place. These are the creatures who want perfect relationships and write books called Romantic Perfection Despite Your Faults.
Famous Virbras: Bruce Springsteen, John Coltrane, and               Jason Alexander.

The Libra/Scorpio zone (Oct 23-24):
Librium Leepio, the indecisive assassin
They have passive-explosive complexes: a polite Soprano Family, including women. These creatures are also the politicians of the zodiac, combining the flip-flopping of Libra with the desire for power of Scorpio. Their motto:  “Don't get mad, get balanced, then get even and dump ‘em!"
Famous Librium Leepios: Johnny Carson, Tila Tequila,                   Kevin Kline, and Michael Chrichton

The Scorpio/Sagittarius cusp
(Nov 22-23): 
Scorptarius, the boomerang archer
What goes around comes around!
Their motto: "I've uncovered the secrets of the Universe,but damned if I'm telling!"  Some Scorptarians are spies who advertise in  weapons trade journals, or write unauthorized autobiographies.  
Famous Scorptarians: None of your business!…
Scarlett Johannson, Miley Cyrus, and Boris Karloff

The Sagittarius/Capricorn cusp 
(Dec 21-22): 
Sagicorny - the flippant dictator

This cuspoid climbs the mountain of life, reaches the summit, throws both arms skyward, and shouts, “I’m on top, and it proves that I’m always right!”
Famous Sagicornians: Kiefer Sutherland, Frank Zappa,        Josef Stalin, and Jane Fonda.

The Capricorn/Aquarius cusp 
(Jan 20-21):
Caprarius, the bringer of 
hooved animals

The reliable eccentric, these cuspoids surf for ideas like "How to maintain the status quo in new, innovative, exciting ways.”
People born under this cusp often have successful careers in designing co-ops for medicinal marijuana and bicycle-powered machines and events on land and water.
Famous Caprarians: Wolfman Jack & Benny Hill

The Aquarius/Pisces cusp 
(Feb 19-20):
Aqueesies - the limp crystal

These guys are beyond the ozone, pure and simple: not of Earth. Don't try to figure them out—they’re tuned to a different frequency. This is the domain of exotic outdoor festivals, confused bureaucracy, the entire New Age, selfless individualism, lost souls, and decentralized minds.
Famous Aqueesies:  Kurt Cobain, Lee Marvin, French Stewart, and Charles Barkley

The Pisces/Aries cusp (Mar 20-21):
Prayeries, the Great White Shark on land

Picture an ostrich running around in circles with his head stuck in the ground, eager to do something, but unable to act without disaster.  Their motto:  I am one with the Universe, but Me First!”
Known for using all the hot water in the shower and consuming huge amounts of shellfish and beer at beaches and parties.
Famous Prayeries:  Spike Lee and Rosie O’Donnell

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Signs and Social Dynamics

Personal signs
Self-Interest and Care:
Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer

Social signs 
Learning about Other Self:
Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio
Transpersonal signs 
Aware of Global Self:
Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces

Articulate &  Human signs
Associated with communications and contact with society:
Gemini, Virgo, Libra, Sagittarius, Aquarius

Bestial signs
Have strong power but lack grace and tact:
Aries, Taurus, Leo, Capricorn

Mute signs
Not able to communicate freely:
Feelings and emotions overpower ability to speak without revealing vulnerabilities;
Sensitive to information and messages
(All Water signs)
Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces

"Duality" signs (two natures)
“Dual nature” to facet of personality
Two-sided nature to psyche
Jekyll-and-Hyde split (possible)
Caught between Heaven–and-Earth awareness
Gemini; Sagittarius (half-animal-human); Pisces
(*my votes: Scorpio for Life & Death issues &
Libra for balancing two views)

(c) MDLOP8 2010

Monday, November 1, 2010

Capricorn the Sea-goat - Status and Achievement

 (Just a note:  not ALL the classic social role models ("archetypes") will fit the sign's characteristics--but these are good examples of people who outwardly express the qualities of the sign.)

Capricorn (December 22 - January 20)
"I Am What I Achieve"

The persistency and long-term approach to work and the results of effort mark the Capricorn individual. The need for conscientious, organized ambition makes them seem coldly relentless in their pursuit of a career or goal. They really are much more aware of creating and establishing their boundaries of independence and achievement as a base of security in planning for their future. Capricorns are the natural executives, business planners and managers of enterprise. They are constantly seeking to rise up beyond their present level of responsibility. They almost seem to be born "old before their time," and young Capricorn children often reach out for practical ways of earning money and prestige, assuming an air of resolve that makes them feel at ease with older people.

The Capricorn key phrase is "I Use," and Capricorns utilize anything available to see them as successful. Everything has a definite means of fitting a structure for their recognition for status. The world of politics attracts the Capricorn soul, with the emphasis on government, and the ruthless opportunities that can offer the temptation of power. 

There is also a milder side to the Capricorn work ethic, and that is the less aggressive person who can be content with a daily routine in a more established position. This person can be likened to a tethered goat, knowing the limitations of his wandering, while his more driven, tireless representation can be thought of as the sure-footed mountain goat, climbing even higher towards lofty peaks.

Capricorn brings the rigidity of the lessons of Saturn, the planet of discipline and structure, and the Capricorn-influenced parts of the body correspond accordingly. The structural parts of the anatomy: the teeth, the bones, nails, skin, and especially, the knees, are Capricorn influenced. Because Capricorn tendencies make people so uncompromising in their drive for a structured life, they find themselves unwilling to yield at times, hence, the "bending of the knees" to learn humility is emphasized. Capricorn features in a chart can bring a small stature and much body hair, and the ability to bear up to much physical demands to do hard work.

Capricorns often unfairly are considered distant and insensitive to affection and matters of romance. Instead, they are very responsive, once they have overcome their basic need for fulfillment of security in relationships. Many Capricorns have the capacity to marry for money first, and then love. Capricorn women can display a classic beauty based on good bone structure that is sought by the fashion model industry.

Structure, Lessons & Responsibility
Status & Achievement
(Saturn) - Lessons Become Strengths by  being Tested
The CEO   
The Politician   
The Workaholic   
The “Monument Builder

R. Nixon 
Elvis Presley 
Great Depression  
W.R. Hearst 
Citizen Kane
Pharoahs of Egypt