Sunday, October 17, 2010

Astrological Review: Signs, Planets, Satellites, Focus, and Houses

Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer
Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio
Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces

* * * 
Planets:  Symbols of Psychological Drives

The Sun - I am Aware of My Self-Identity 
The Moon - I Feel Comfortable and Secure Expressing my Needs 

Mercury - I Think about Things and how to Communicate Them
Venus - I Experience Pleasure and Enjoyment
Mars - I Act Upon or Express/energize myself dynamically 
Jupiter - I Expand Joyously and Enthusiastically Towards Large Opportunities
Saturn - I Sacrifice and Work for, and Take Seriously 
Uranus - I Seek Divine Perfection and Demand Freedom to Rebel Against Principles of Society that Need Change
Neptune - I Dissolve Into and Yearn For Cosmic Completion/Union

Pluto - I Control, Express Power over Others, or Transform Events and People       
Satellites & Asteroids

Chiron - The Wounded Healer; Facing Up to Pain; Mentorship
Ceres - Mothering/Nurturing to others; Mother-Issues, Relationships; Eating Disorders
Vesta - Dedication of Values, Dedication to a purpose 
Athena - Learning Potentials; Activism, healing/visualization
Juno - The Sanctity of Marriage; Commitment to relationships & their Ideals and partnerships

Lilith - The Energy of Scorned Frustration and Denial
Persephone - Independence and self-assertion in relationships 

             Personal Motivators

Part of Fortune - The Call for Purpose in Life 
North & South Nodes - Our Unrealized Potential &  Prior Life Habits & skills                                         
Retrogrades & Directs - Internalization Process of energy  

HousesWHERE we experience Life Activities & their varieties

  The Arenas of Encounter

1st Personality/childhood environment; how the world sees us
2nd Personal values; personal ownership issues
3rd  Siblings/Communication/day-to-day thinking
4th Home/Parent of opposite sex*/subconscious mind
5th Children/Creative Expression/Romantic Endeavors
6th Day-to-day work/health/service capacity
7th Partnerships (Marriage, Business & Social)
8th Values of Others/Death-Rebirth Cycles; Sexual Nature
9th Higher Education/Moral-Philosophical Issues, Foreign cultural interests
10th Status/Occupation-Career/Ambition, Parent of same sex*
11th Group Affiliations, Humanitarian Endeavors & Friends
12th Undoing/Self-limitations/Secrets about oneself; Unconscious Mind

(c) MDLOP8 2010

Friday, October 15, 2010

Saturn Return and the 29-year-cycle of Time

Saturn transits are often looked upon as a time of difficulty, obstructions, delays, and other forms of restriction.  The 29-year-cycle of a Saturn return is often looked upon as a marker point of oppression and burdens.  A Saturn transit to the 1st house of the physical body can bring pains and complications to the skeletal system or bones.  

However, like all other transits, Saturn is here to teach us to go back and review what we need to accomplish.  Robert Hand, in Planets in Transit, says this: 

   Saturn is one of the most important planets to examine in transits (or movement of activity in the chart that emphasizes change and current conditions): it represents the way we see and experience the Universe as we have structured it on an individual level.  The location of transiting Saturn in a chart indicates the part of life that is being examined and tested at this time.  The house (or realm of experience relating to that area of life) indicates the area of greatest tension to which the individual must direct his or her closest attention.  The planets that Saturn brings up for testing and examination of mastery during a transit represent energies in our lives that are being challenged and behavior patterns that require strengthening and correction.

     Most people experience Saturn transits as if Saturn were an external force that was utterly out of control.  Frequently a Saturn transit seems like the product of fate, usually an unpleasant fate.  However, we must understand that Saturn represents the way we program our personal universe at the deepest, most fundamental level.  Consequently, the energy of a Saturn transit is never truly external.  But our conscious mind avoids responsibility for what is happening, so the unconscious mind takes over by programming the event unconsciously.  We do not experience its effects until the outer world reacts and a “fated” event occurs, which is nothing more than the universe responding to our own actions.

    No matter how unpleasant a Saturn transit seems at the time, it represents what we truly want in life and is helping us to get it.  Most people are out of touch with what they truly want.  If we thoroughly understand our wants and needs, we will find that Saturn simply brings out their manifestation.  The “losses” that Saturn brings are of things that we do not want or need, no matter how much we think otherwise.  Let them go, especially relationships that Saturn may end.

    When Saturn transits a house (wedge of the chart) through its 2.5 year cycle, pay great attention to the affairs of that house.  It is not a sign that everything in that house realm is going wrong, but direct your consciousness there and find out how to relate to those affairs.  If one is in a good position—that is, one that is appropriate at this time in life, the transit will firm up and structure that house experience.  If an individual is not in a good position and insecure, Saturn will bring great changes that will be unpleasant insofar as the person resists the Master Teacher’s lessons.

    Depression, sadness, physical and emotional loss are all signs that one is not well adjusted to the issues of the house and sign ruled by Saturn as well as the house being transited.  Do not be dismayed, however, if one experiences these feelings.  They are normal responses.  Very few people are so in touch with themselves that they can react to Saturn positively.  In a very real sense, Saturn is the Teacher of what we are asked to prove we have learned until the next cycle brings it back again to that respective house in 29+ years.

Rob Tillett, astrologer from New South Wales, Australia, says this:

The Saturn Return

Each twenty-nine years naturally presents us with the challenge to rise to new levels of awareness, or face the consequences of having failed to gain the wisdom required so to do. When Saturn in the heavens returns to the zodiacal degree where he was placed in your birth chart,  you are said to be experiencing what astrologers call your Saturn Return – one of the most important times of your life. It only happens once every 29 years, so at around age 28-30, 57-59, and (if you live long enough) 86-88, you have a Saturn Return. This signifies a time of transformation, an emotional transition from one life-phase to the next.

The first Saturn return (around age 28-30) marks the transition from the Phase of Youth to the Phase of Maturity; the second from the Phase of Maturity to the Phase of Wisdom. The last one, if reached, seems usually to mark the transition either to the next world or else back to a second childhood!

As the Saturn return approaches, often our lives seem to speed up, as if hurrying to clear out old baggage from the past, to lighten the load for the next stage. Important things that either finalize old issues, or prepare the ground for new developments tend to occur with increasing frequency. For those who are unprepared, this is often a time of severe suffering, as we struggle to understand the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune that seem to be aimed squarely at our hearts. Indeed, relationships and major life-decisions are all too often the focal points for this clearing out of karmic baggage.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Singleton - The Solo Performer Element or Planet

The term singleton really should apply with a slight variation to what the peregrine planet was supposed to be:  one single variation on a key focus or emphasized condition in the chart.  This could be a quality of life force (i.e., an elemental nature such as earth, fire, water, or air as an emotional/sensory key for behavior and needs), a planet (a psychological drive or energy that reflects how we act out or experience life activities), or a modality (Cardinal/Fixed/Mutable) as a force of momentum and inertia.

The key here is that the singleton has its own singular existence in the chart; it is a solo entity and therefore acts as a beacon of concentrated dynamic release.  The singleton does NOT include the ascendant, even if the individual has no other element available.  (*In my chart, even though I have an earth rising sign in Virgo, my ONLY earth planet is my Capricorn moon--which is a tremendous influence on me.)
The definition of a singleton also leads to an awkward circumstance by the translation of the definition itself:  a singleton is supposed to be the solitary leader; a fighter and a motivator who is up-front and passionate in its release of purpose within the psyche.  And there lies the trap: because we are dealing with a person—a unique creature by virtue of our own human nature and spiritual origins—the singleton may be anything but the dynamic expression that fits the circumstance.  The singleton may be a weak player and totally ignored within the overall dynamics of the psyche.

The either/or is a unique condition of astrology where a single entity is found to be either dominating or minimized in influence.  It is this fine measure that allows astrology and psychology to walk and work together.  Within the human experience, the variations of each soul to be a unique individual are as unlimited as can be.  However, the potential that may be discerned from its analyses of the psyche is part of the magnificent opportunity of astrology and psychology.  

*This is especially so for the Sun or Moon as a singleton by element or modality:  valuable information as a tool for deciphering emotional life issues or behavior patterns with self-identity and ego issues, the public, authority figures, women in general, and subconscious responses and defenses.  The personal planets (Mercury, Venus, and Mars) as singletons can indicate a soul who potentially is trapped in a mental, indulgent, or hostile attitude about life and dealing with others. Again, there otherwise is no significant deviancy from the subject’s behavior toward society.  Yet the singleton’s power as a solo competitor is so strong that it can turn the mouse into a lion—and this is what surprises people who do not recognize the change of persona.  Nor is the subject truly aware that “this” is one hot button!

The power of the singleton is either to be a tower of strength or a timid restrained mild protest—and only the individual him/herself truly knows which one wins.  But in the match-up of astrology and psychology, this surely has a “yes” as a wrinkle in the methodology of the two.  The presence of the spiritual alongside the physical in the drama called Life is why it is useful to our techniques as holistic practitioners, parents, or anyone interested in spiritual and soul growth.

(c) MDLOP8 2010

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Peregrine Planets: A ship without a rudder

Peregrine planets are Unaspected:  they make no primary contact of challenge or cooperation with any other planet.  They are a maverick or wild card planetary energy, and often the focus of a primary goal or action.

Peregrine Planets:  A ship without a rudder

    Focus of thought and direction is a key to organization, management of behavior, and clarity of action.  Yet there are people who may subconsciously be reacting to unknown conditions that can be identified in their chart as being something of a ship without a rudder, or better, the motor or sails at full speed and no one at the helm!  Such a circumstance may occur when an individual has a peregrine planet in his/her chart.  A peregrine planet as defined here means a planet without a challenge to harness and counter-balance its energy so that it can be applied with some form of structure and management.

    The word “peregrine” here means “wanderer.  The phrase has come under dispute regarding its original and new meaning, and in this example now, is a planet without a major challenge:  a stalemate/opposition of 180 degrees, or a “who goes first?” head-butt of a 90-degree square; the “like minds join together” of a conjunction with less than 10 degrees of union*; the interlocking pyramid of a 120-degree trine; or the distant shining star of a 60-degree sextile.  To explain this, the words of master astrologer, author, and lecturer Noel Tyl’s web site (, from his essay on Analytical Techniques on August 31, 2007:  How Peregrination becomes important

All of us should be able to give a clear definition of peregrination: any planet not making a Ptolemeic aspect in the horoscope. [Conjunction, sextile, square, trine, or opposition]  (Ptolemeic refers to Ptolemy, a Greek mathematician and astrologer who identified five types of challenging interaction and their impact on the psyche.)  The square, trine, opposition, sextile, and conjunction are the qualifying aspects.  

Indeed, there are theoretical strictures that Astrology places upon this base definition that involve {the terms} dignities, debilitations, final dispositorship, and more. In my opinion, trying to define the condition more specifically, theory clouds the issue and diminishes application.

I have pushed the envelope of our learning to go past these ancient strictures, because, empirically, it is very clear that they do not change the manifestation image of a peregrine planet. The classically unaspected state is enough to qualify. [Please see Tyl’s Synthesis & Counseling in Astrology, pages 155-190.]

All of us should know that that the word “peregrine” comes from the Latin meaning “across, through, or beyond the border.” Our word “pilgrim” derives similarly from the Latin pelegrinus, an alternative form of peregrinus. The meaning sense is being foreign, alien.   But what does all that mean? What do we learn from the derivation of the “peregrine state”?

I have an interesting image in my mind every time I discuss peregrination: I think of the United Nations in New York City: the delegates from foreign countries to the U.N. are basically exempt from United States laws. A hit-and-run traffic incident involving a delegate driver or a member of his/her family, for example, will result in a warning to the embassy of the country or to deportation of the individual, i.e., he or she loses the job at the U.N.  In other words, being in the state of the U.N. offers to an individual very special freedoms. A pilgrim far from home is given respectful audience.

A peregrine planet is in such a state. It is “far from home” (the Sign it rules) and will potentially act up, act out, in terms of the House it rules, representing the issues of its home base.  For example, relationship will become a cause celebre in life development if the planet ruling the sign on the 7th cusp of partnerships is peregrine.
Sun/Moon peregrine:  when the Sun {the soul’s core identity of ego) or Moon (emotional sensor; reflexive responses when challenged by social encounters; how the soul was nurtured or not by a mother-figure) is peregrine, we have a core development issue focus: I like to say that the individual learns very soon in life that he or she is basically untethered; i.e, not necessarily “wild,” but not assimilated with others: the world does not quite understand them, and they do not quite understand the world. Usually this leads to a state of idiosyncrasy. Even a dissociated complex about individuality fitting into the scheme of things is possible. I observe that someone with the Sun or Moon (or both) peregrine dances to a different drummer!
Hillary Clinton has a peregrine Sun ruling her 9th of lawful engagement with social and spiritual values, which is an extremely powerfully reinforced area of her life development. Mia Farrow has a peregrine Sun ruling her creative role in the 5th house of care-giving for youngsters; her life is totally consumed with issues with, about, for children. David Copperfield has a peregrine Sun square to his Midheaven of career.

A man I know, a retired police captain, is encyclopedic with specialized fact recall, e.g., the detailed profiles of Russian military officers in WWII! But similarly with so many other areas of knowledge, his Mercury is peregrine!   And recall Howard Cosell, the fabulous statistics-and-memories-engorged sportscaster! Same thing! 

We can feel the focus of a peregrine planet throughout a horoscope, especially founded upon the base orientation within the House(s) it rules.

Famed rock guitarist Jimmy Hendrix had Mars (action/momentum, anger management) peregrine ruling his 4th of home and foundation: his parents were divorced when he was 9, his mother died when he was 16, and, to spare him any further instability in the home, he was sent to live with his “inspirational” grandmother. These 4th house concerns were very powerful within his development.   In another example, sex-focused rebel-broadcaster Howard Stern has Jupiter (believe in Higher Source/Power; optimistic energy) peregrine in Gemini (communications and salesmanship; cleverness) ruling the 8th of sex and other peoples’ values!  Musician, composer, singer, and television host Merv Griffin had Neptune peregrine ruling his career 10th.   And so did Saddam Hussein, as far as we know!  The country of China has taskmaster and Father Time Saturn peregrine ruling its 12th of self-undoing and fears!
Hugh Hefner has Mars peregrine in Aquarius (rebel with a cause) and also Venus (enjoyment and pleasure principles) peregrine in Pisces (the need for beauty).  Queen Elizabeth II has Sun, Moon, and Mercury (mental activities and capacities) all peregrine! --The Sun and Moon rule her public 7th, appropriately, and her Mercury rules her 5th and 8th:  surely a monarch’s critical focus upon succession, progeny, etc.

I have learned to take this concept of peregrinating emphasis a bit further: I have found that two planets that aspect each other (usually the conjunction) but make no other Ptolemeic aspect with any other planet within the horoscope operate as a peregrine island! The focused pair is notably pervasive.  Feminist spokesperson sexual-rights rebel Gloria Steinem has Mercury-Neptune together as a peregrine island, with Mercury ruling the 8th of sexuality and others’ values and Neptune ruling her 5th of creativity!  Famed baseball player/convicted gambler Pete Rose has a peregrine island involving his Sun-Venus conjunction: the Sun rules the 5th of creativity, Venus rules the 2nd of values and 7th of relationships/partnerships!

(Mitch Lopate's comments):  My view is that peregrine planets are indeed renegades without focus—sort of a planet with Attention Deficit Disorder--or a hard-throwing baseball pitcher who can’t get the ball over the plate--or a cricket bowler who just can't deliver a good pitch--until he learns some control

           Looking at individual planets, I would consider that the Sun peregrine would make for someone who is highly energetic at getting his/her ego out on display and being true to themselves and their needs for attention.  Interestingly, I understand that JFK had a peregrine Sun.  
           A peregrine Moon might be very sensitive or empathic without realizing how much they mirror other people to get what they want done for measures of safety and security.
           A peregrine Mercury might be someone (as noted above) who is a walking library of facts, details, trivia, or just versatile with his/her hands, perhaps in art, sports, or music.
            A peregrine Venus might be someone who is deeply into his/her pleasure or hedonistic expression—or perhaps withdrawn from society if it is not in a comfortable sign such as fussy Virgo.  
          A peregrine Mars could be someone who bristles with energy—like a hyperactive disorder—or a person who needs anger management training.
         A peregrine Jupiter could be someone who has issues with “bigger-than-life” (and perhaps, lifestyle).  Compulsive gambling and risk-taking may be an indication of this.  A peregrine Saturn might make the subject an eternal seeker of responsibilities: someone who devotes his/her time to work and nothing else for a personal life.
          A peregrine Uranus could make someone unable to live within society’s boundaries; they could easily find themselves free-lance work within a specialized field of technology.  Their relationships would likely be brief, intense, and likely to be more of a game of tag, you’re it! There certainly would not be anything traditional to living arrangements within a bonded partnership.
          A peregrine Neptune might bring us an individual who is strongly bound to a life on the ocean as a sailor or a soul who thrives and flourishes in the world of music or art but can not manage their love of alcohol or other substances.  A peregrine Pluto could be someone who is unable to deal with their issues of social limitations; they may choose an exclusive reclusive lifestyle which allows them to embrace back-to-basics hands-on survival skills.
           Again, the key with a peregrine planet under the new definition is to give any planet without the major series of aspects, i.e., challenges of interaction by their respective representations of obstacles and hurdles to be overcome as a process of soul growth training.  

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Pluto transits (movement in the chart)

The scientists and astronomers may have banned Pluto from the ranks of planets in our solar system, but astrology has not, and for good reason:  nothing can stop the impact and power of a Pluto transit in our chart.  It is a relentless bulldozer effect that clears away and changes everything in its path over a number of years, moving slowly but effectively in its purpose and plans. 

In my life, when Pluto crossed my 4th house of the home environment, I found myself moving from one coast to the other, then back and forth once more, and in between all this, also to to Alabama for two years, and finally, to the state of Washington.  Being that it will remain in this position for some time, I keep myself flexibly regarding travel plans.  Robert Hand discusses the meaning of Pluto's impact in his Planets in Transit:

Significance of transiting Pluto

The nature of Pluto is similar to that of the Hindu god Shiva, the creator and destroyer.  Pluto usually begins by breaking down a structure; then it creates a new one in its place.  This entire cycle of death, destruction, and renovation is accompanied by tremendous powers, for Pluto is not a mid or even very subtle planetary influence.  You can always see its effects very clearly—ranging from machines breaking down and needing repair to full-scale destruction or death.  Decay at one level or another, followed by new life from the old is the typical Plutonian process.

Characteristically, Plutonian people are those who seek to change, transform, and take control of everything around them.  Often a Pluto transit will signify the arrival of a person who transforms your life, either for good or evil.  Or it can symbolize an event or circumstance that has the same effect.

Pluto also rules those energies inside you that lead inevitably to change.  It rules the death and regeneration of the self, as old features of your life pass away and are replaced by new ones that could not otherwise have come into being.  Pluto does not signify death in the literal sense; instead, it refers to a metaphorical death, something that ceases to be.

The energies of the planet that Pluto is transiting become a source of change and transformation in your life.  You may get involved in serious power struggles with others about changes in the areas of your life associated with that planet.

As Pluto transits your houses, it signifies the areas of your life that are due for radical transformation.  In the area ruled by the transited house, structures in your life have built up to the point that it is no longer possible to patch up whatever is wrong.  It is time for a full-scale reconstruction, preceded if necessary by destruction of the old change-resistance patterns.

It is extremely important that you recognize the inevitability of Plutonian change, which is built into the very structure of things and cannot be prevented.  And you should not try to prevent it, because it is a necessary stage in your evolution.  All that you will do is force the energies to build up until they are explosive.  Then the inevitable changes come about disastrously.

Not only should you go along with the Plutonian energy of destruction by letting go of whatever must depart, you should also assist the rebuilding process that follows, for this is the equally inevitable consequence of the Plutonian breakdown.

For reasons that are not entirely understood, Pluto also has to do with secretive and subversive elements of society—revolutionary groups, organized crime, and the like.  A Pluto transit may bring such elements into your life, although it is often quite dangerous to allow this during a Pluto transit.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Signs - the Actors and Actresses of your Life Expression

The SIGNS emphasize an actor or actress who is playing the role in the movie or play about your life—and how they decide to portray the scene.  They are energized by the planet with which they are working.  Some signs are excitable, some are quiet, some are serious.  They follow the cue of the planet to which they are assigned for that part of your life energies, and are influenced and enhanced by the houses in which they are placed by the time of birth (the natal chart analysis), and current activities (transits, solar return-birthday cycle, or progressions).


(c) MDLOP8 2010

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Dr. Carl Jung comments on Psychological Astrology

I continue to have optimism and hope that psychology and astrology will find the common ground their respective histories share.  It is time for them to join together and embrace the opportunities to help the 21st century and beyond to find answers and fulfillment in human potential.

As I have noted in my book and on this blog, counseling professionals, medical professionals, holistic healers, and educators do use astrological techniques; the lack of knowledge and acceptance from society is more the reason that it is not as mainstream and "publicized" as it should be.

If I may let one of the founders of psychiatry and contemporary of Dr. Sigmund Freud offer his testimony...would you please welcome the honorable
Dr. Carl Gustav Jung:

Astrology quotes by Dr. Carl Jung
(thanks to Dana Panduru at
       * Astrology is one of the intuitive methods like the I Ching, geomantics, and other divinatory procedures. It is based upon the synchronicity principle, i.e. meaningful coincidence. ... Astrology is a naively projected psychology in which the different attitudes and temperaments of man are represented as gods and identified with planets and zodiacal constellations. - C.G. Jung

    * The starry vault of heaven is in truth the open book of cosmic projection, in which are reflected the mythologems, i.e., the archetypes. In this vision astrology and alchemy, the two classical functionaries of the psychology of the collective unconscious, join hands. - C.G. Jung

    * Astrology is of particular interest to the psychologist, since it contains a sort of psychological experience which we call projected - this means that we find the psychological facts as it were in the constellations. This originally gave rise to the idea that these factors derive from the stars, whereas they are merely in a relation of synchronicity with them. I admit that this is a very curious fact which throws a peculiar light on the structure of the human mind. .... C.G. Jung in 1947 in a letter to Prof. B.V. Raman 

    * So far as the personality is still potential, it can be called transcendent, and so far as it is unconscious, it is indistinguishable from all those things that carry its projections...[that is,] symbols of the outside world and the cosmic symbols. These form the psychological basis for the conception of man as a macrocosm through the astrological components of his character. - C.G. Jung 

    * Our modern science begins with astronomy. Instead of saying that man was led by psychological motives, they formerly said he was led by his stars. ... The puzzling thing is that there is really a curious coincidence between astrological and psychological facts, so that one can isolate time from the characteristics of an individual, and also, one can deduce characteristics from a certain time. Therefore we have to conclude that what we call psychological motives are in a way identical with star positions. 

Since we cannot demonstrate this, we must form a peculiar hypothesis. This hypothesis says that the dynamics of our psyche is not just identical with the position of the stars, nor has it to do with vibrations - that is an illegitimate hypothesis. It is better to assume that it is a phenomenon of time. ... The stars are simply used by man to serve as indicators of time... - C.G. Jung in 1929
    * The collective unconscious...appears to consist of mythological motifs or primordial images, for which reason the myths of all nations are its real exponents. In fact the whole of mythology could be taken as a sort of projection of the collective unconscious. We can see this most clearly if we look at the heavenly constellations, whose originally chaotic forms are organized through the projection of images. This explains the influence of the stars as asserted by astrologers. These influences are nothing but unconscious, introspective perceptions of the collective unconscious. - C.G. Jung 

    * Synchronicity does not admit causality in the analogy between terrestrial events and astrological constellations ... What astrology can establish are the analogous events, but not that either series is the cause or the effect of the other.  (For instance, the same constellation may at one time signify a catastrophe and at another time, in the same case, a cold in the head.) ... In any case, astrology occupies a unique and special position among the intuitive methods... I have observed many cases where a well-defined psychological phase, or an analogous event, was accompanied by a transit (particularly when Saturn and Uranus were affected). - C. G. Jung

    * Obviously astrology has much to offer psychology, but what the latter can offer its elder sister is less evident. So far as I judge, it would seem to me advantageous for astrology to take the existence of psychology into account, above all the psychology of the personality and of the unconscious. - C.G. Jung 

    * It is indeed very difficult to explain the astrological phenomenon. I am not in the least disposed to an either-or explanation. I always say that with a psychological explanation there is only the alternative: either and or! This seems to me to be the case with astrology too. - C.G. Jung in a letter to Hans Bender, April 10, 1958, C.G. Jung Letters, Volume 2, 1951-1961, p. 428. 

    * The truth is that astrology flourishes as never before. There is a regular library of astrological books and magazines that sell for far better than the best scientific works. The Europeans and Americans who have horoscopes cast for them may be counted not by the hundred thousand but by the million. Astrology is a flourishing industry. ... If such a large percentage of the population has an insatiable need for this counter pole to the scientific spirit, we can be sure that the collective psyche in every individual - be he never so scientific - has this psychological requirement in equally high degree. A certain kind of "scientific" scepticism and criticism in our time is nothing but a misplaced compensation of the powerful and deep-rooted superstitious impulses of the collective psyche. - C.G. Jung, Two Essays on Analytical Psychology 

    * Astrology is knocking at the gates of our universities: A Tubingen professor has switched over to astrology and a course on astrology was given at Cardiff University last year.  Astrology is not mere superstition but contains some psychological facts (like theosophy) which are of considerable importance. Astrology has actually nothing to do with the stars but is the 5000-year-old psychology of antiquity and the Middle Ages. - C.G. Jung in a letter to L. Oswald on December 8, 1928, in C.G. Jung, Letters, vol. 1, 1973

Monday, September 27, 2010

Houses and Life Lessons, Part II

Continuing with the evolutionary wheel of Life Experiences known as the houses (or "wedges" of the chart...I again credit Steven Arroyo with the idea of this.  (Go back to the previous post on the houses as places to explore spiritual, mental, physical and emotional growth.)
The appropriate type of elemental energy (fire, earth, air, or water) are also labeled for each house's Life Lesson and environmental training quality for the psyche.

1ST HOUSE:  Action of Identity
(I am Who I Am)

2ND HOUSE:  Material Security
(Gathering what I Need)

3RD HOUSE:  Social-Intellectual (mental) Learning Skills (Learning to think)

4TH HOUSE:  Soul/Emotional Needs & Identity
(Why and what I Need)

 5TH HOUSE:  Action of Material Ideas
(Manifestation and Creativity)

6TH HOUSE:  Social-Intellectual Security
(Proving our usefulness & learning)

7TH HOUSE:  Action on Identity of Other-Self
(Becoming “We/Us”)

8TH HOUSE:  Soul/Emotional Material
(Gathering substance of the psyche)

9TH HOUSE:  Learning Social/Intellectual Actions
(gaining values and beliefs)

10TH HOUSE:  Action of Material Security
(making a legacy of Self)

11TH HOUSE: Social-Intellectual Material
(creating the social network)

12th HOUSE:  Soul/Emotional Learning
(Gathering the meaning/purpose of life)

(c) MDLOP8 2010

Monday, September 20, 2010

Sun Signs and their nature of Needs and Behaviors

Who's your (Sun or "birth") sign?  

If you follow this wheel (going clockwise from the top, you can see the natural pattern of the Zodiac as well as the glyph (symbol) that corresponds to your birth date.  

(Yes, I know some people are born right on the split between signs; they're "born on the cusp."  I'll discuss that in a different post.  They tend to follow both the end-and-beginning of each sign...and they really do "start-and-stop" just a few days before-and-after the actual split that's credited to each sign's date.)

Each sign has its own characteristics (element of existence and quality) too, in a pattern, starting with Aries.  They follow a rotation of Fire, Earth, Air, and Water in their qualities.  Each quality is a response to Sensory Needs and Behaviors. It's like being on a varied group of teams, each with its own playing identity and scheme of responses to Life.

Elemental Teams:

Aries, Leo, Sagittarius
Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn
Gemini, Libra, Aquarius
Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces

(c) MDLOP8 2010

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Houses (wedges) as States of Experiences Learned

Think of the houses (wedges) of the chart as States of Existence and Experience where a vital part of your psyche is created, developed and energized to grow through a lifetime of challenges and opportunities.

1st - State of Recognizing One’s Existence
2nd - State of Personal Priorities
3rd - State of Being Able to Communicate
4th - State of Fulfilling One’s Needs for Security
5th - State of Uniqueness 
6th - State of Acquiring & Accepting Discipline and Service to the Collective Group’s Needs
7th - State of Bonding and Socializing
8th - State of Metamorphosis
9th - State of Expanding One’s Consciousness
10th - State of Asserting Oneself
11th - State of Social Unity in Groups
12th - State of Retreating for replenishment 

(c) MDLOP8 2010

Friday, September 17, 2010

Houses: the psychology of the Mandela of Life Experience and Expressions, Part I

The houses of the Zodiac are the 12 "slices" (or "wedges" in my vocabulary) of the chart:  the psychological mandela of Life Experiences and Lessons Encountered.  They function like a Classroom of Life, each with its own course of study and purpose.  They also follow the natural 1-12 cycle of the signs, starting with Aries on the 1st house, Taurus on the 2nd, Gemini on the 3rd, and so on.  

They show where your life story is being played, and what kind of "outward-or-inward" dynamic of the psyche is being taught.  (An outward "strong visibility" wedge is like a fancy theater.  An inward "quiet-and-internal" wedge is like a small school play.)  Wedges go in a pattern of "outward" and "inward" from house #1.  Each "house" has its own dynamic for presentation of YOUR life experience and expression.)  The houses show what area of your life is being cast in the spotlight:  

  1. personality-self-identity (early childhood); how the world sees us.
  2. self-value and earning power; ownership issues
  3. communicating and thinking; relations with siblings
  4. home life and foundation of Self ; "mothering" issues
  5. creativity and romantic nature; children and views toward them
  6. day-to-day tasks, activities and health; service to society
  7. relationships (business and personal)
  8. ability to adapt to the values of others: death-rebirth-sex
  9. philosophical, religious and educational values; foreign cultural influences
  10. career goals and emphasis of status; "fathering" issues and authority figures
  11. friends, associations and wishes; groups and affiliations
  12. and need for privacy and retreat, limitations, self-undoing, and personal fears.
In each of our unique charts, planets and signs are performing there in the respective houses that are designed by the patterns formed by your birthday, latitude/longitude, and time of your birth.  It’s like cable tv, with a different show on each channel.

At our birth, the time, place, and location "spin" the chart so that it matches the mathematical calibrations that work in the astrological system of choice.  No matter which one is used (and there are several, including a Vedic (or Hindu) astrological system), all the respective planets fall in the proper "locations" on the chart.  

It's sort of like watching an opening break on a game of billiards as the balls fall into the pockets--but each planet goes into a house that is part of the 360-degree balance according to specific geometry and measurement within astrological plans.

Each house also has a natural "sponsor" that follows the pattern of the traditional zodiac from Aries to Pisces.  The qualities of each respective wedge will take on the dynamics of the "sponsor" regardless of which sign is positioned on the cusp ("doorway") when our birth chart (or other chart, depending on purpose) is prepared. 

In this way, no matter what planets are placed in our chart, the natural "sponsor" adds something of its own qualities to the activities whether or not the wedge is occupied or not.  For this reason, it's all right to have "empty" houses or wedges in a chart; it simply means that the individual is not dealing with those specific lessons in this lifetime.

(c) MDLOP8 2010

Thursday, September 16, 2010

The Ascendant (Rising Sign) of Appearance and Personality, Part I

Hello, it’s me.
Are you in costume?
Funny, I didn’t recognize you.
Why, it’s The Ascendant!

The sign on the ‘marker’ or cusp of the first house (wedge) is your Ascendant, or rising sign. “I’m not who you think I am,” says the ascendant-rising sign.  “But I’m who you see and think is Me.” Look at the Western equator of the chart (where 9:00 a.m. will fall on our 12-hour clock) and that’s which sign you look like—even though it’s not the same one as your birthday (unless you were born close to dawn). 

Very often, the ascendant will take precedence for the sun sign because it’s a kind of ‘funnel’ or outlet for all the activities of the chart.  It’s also what the world-at-large sees; it’s a physical manifestation that needs release.  I think of the ascendant as those floret-shaped icing-on-the-cake funnels: it releases a specific shape or design, which is reflected by the characteristics of the ascendant’s sign.

Often, also, planets that are camped out in close proximity to the ascendant will “color” it, too. 

 - If Pluto is nearby, look for a VERY INTENSE personality, and probably a strong visual appearance. (Britney Spears, Keanu Reeves, Sharon Stone, Dalai Lama XIV, Steven Seagal, Sting, Stephen King,Ursula Andress, Tiger Woods, David Hasselhoff, Jeremy Irons, Iggy Pop.)

- Saturn tends to either make for a short, dark, hairy person (even females), or a tall, bony frame.  A "serious" attitude comes through also.  (Russell Crowe, Sean Connery, Mick Jagger, Zenedine Zidane, Sean Penn, John Voight, Ringo Starr, Cher.)

- Jupiter can make for a robust physique, or even a charismatic persona.  (Michael Jackson, John Lennon, Napoleon, Marlon Brando, Bill Clinton, Carmen Electra, Joseph Stalin, Kylie Minogue, Robert Plant, Kate Hudson, Anna Nicole Smith, Malcolm X, Neil Young.)

- Neptune will often make the person vulnerable to drugs or substance abuse, or perhaps a bit ‘spacey,’ mystical or detached. (Marilyn Monroe, Michael Jackson, Paris Hilton, Paul McCartney, Jim Carrey, Courtney Love, J.K. Rowling, Denzel Washington, Kim Kardashian.)

 - Uranus makes for eclectic and electric personalities and a social rebel-maverick. (Johnny Depp, Kurt Cobain, Bill Gates, John Lennon,Mel Gibson, Renee Zellweger, Aleister Crowley, Johnny Cash.)

-  Mars makes for a fighter or an aggressive persona. (Catherine Zeta-Jones, Nicholas Cage, Anthony Hopkins, Donald Trump, Winston Churchill, Ellen DeGeneres, Ernest Hemmingway, Steve Vai).

 - Venus tends to make the person very cute or in some cases, downright gorgeous, but certainly attractive or socially accommodating. (Angelina Jolie.  ('Nuff said!...George Clooney. Okay, I found another.) Orlando Bloom, Sandra Bullock, Jude Law, Ben Affleck, Clark Gable, Audrey Hepburn, Luciano Pavarotti, Shaquille O'Neal).
 - Mercury makes for a nervous, talkative type. (George W. Bush, Nicholas Cage, Andrea Bocelli, Barbara Streisand, Dave Grohl)

 - The Moon often makes the person “NEED TO GET MINE” in that sign’s quality as well as being very emotional.  (Madonna, Leonardo DeCaprio, Beyonce Knowles, Charlie Chaplin, Antonio Banderas,George Harrison, Phil Jackson, Richard Simmons, Van Morrison, Joe Cocker.)

 - The Sun will make the person tend to “DO IT MY WAY  and notice me.”  (Brad Pitt, Freddie Mercury, Bruce Lee, Andy Warhol, Paul Newman, Peter Sellers, Claude DeBussy, Tom Selleck, Frank Zappa, Joe Frazier, Saddam Hussein.)

The ascendant (and thereby, the sign found there) also has an ‘other-side’ effect: the opposite sign will indicate what kind of partner is drawn to the individual, both in business and marriage. 

The body part associated with the ascendant’s sign will be emphasized:

Aries            head
Taurus         throat
Gemini         hands, lungs, arms, lungs,

                     nervous system, shoulders
Cancer         stomach (and breasts in women)
Leo               heart and upper back
Virgo            intestines and lower abdomen
Libra            kidneys (and ovaries in women)
Scorpio        reproductive/elimination organs
Sagittarius  liver, thighs
Capricorn    bones, teeth, knees
Aquarius     shins; blood circulation; electrical aura
Pisces          feet

(c) MDLOP8 2010

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

A Psychological Astrologer's Comments

One of the best writers and teachers of psychological astrology today:  The Value of Astrology -  An Introduction not for Kids only, by Liz Greene

   Some people today think that astrology is only superstition, and that the ancient astrologers lived in a primitive and ignorant age. These people forget that their ancestors of long ago were clever enough to build the pyramids of Egypt which have stood for over four thousand years, and Stonehenge, which archaeologists now believe was a wonderfully accurate kind of clock based on the movements of the Sun, Moon and stars.

Sir Isaac Newton, one of the greatest scientists of all time, did not scorn astrology. He practiced it himself, and when one of his friends asked him why be believed in such "rubbish," he replied, "Sir, I have studied the matter. You have not!" More recently the famous Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung became very interested in astrology and wrote about it in his books. And some modern scientists certainly do not laugh at astrology. They are using research methods to try and understand why the beliefs of astrology seem to be true. They are discovering exciting things about the different kinds of energy that each planet emits, and are beginning to realize that the Moon really does have a powerful effect upon living things. Their researches may one day help to explain why astrology works.

Meanwhile, more and more people are beginning to realize that a knowledge of astrology can be a very useful thing. We have already said that a knowledge of it can help us to understand ourselves and others better. In countries like India, astrology has been used for thousands of years to help people choose the right marriage partner, and to select the best time of year to get married. Today psychologists may study a patient's horoscope to seek a better insight into that person's character, and some companies are beginning to use astrology to help them select the right people for the right jobs, because a horoscope can help to show what things a person is good at doing.

 One important thing to remember in the study of astrology is that no sign of the Zodiac is better or worse than any other sign. It is as good to be a Leo as it is to be a Scorpio, and Virgos have just as many special qualities as Capricorns or Geminis. Every sign indicates special gifts and abilities, though no two people can ever have exactly the same qualities and personalities because all sorts of other facts about the position of the Moon and the planets also have to be taken into account in every case.

Where can you learn more about astrology? Some American universities now teach astrology as a serious subject, and all over the world people can take a postal course even if they cannot attend lectures or classes. There are also many more books you can read about astrology. Some of these have been written by a Frenchman named Michel Gauquelin, who produced some fascinating statistics to prove how accurate astrology can be in assessing people's personalities and abilities. His books, as well as many others, have made many people take a new and serious look at astrology, and they are available in libraries and bookshops. Just have a look at them! And do not worry if some people tell you that astrology is silly. They probably know nothing about it. In the world today we know a great deal about how to make things like motor cars, refrigerators and television sets, but tend to ignore the great mysteries of life and death. People are becoming aware of this, and taking a fresh interest in many ancient teachings, including astrology.

There is another way of looking at astrology. The ancient astrologers believed that the entire universe was really one great living being, which they called God. They believed that every part of this universe was connected with every other part, so that although sometimes people feel they are alone, they really are not. They are part of this one great living being, regardless of whether it is called God, Jesus, Allah, Krishna, Buddha, Mithras, or any other name. Ancient astrologers believed also that this great being was growing and becoming more and more perfect, and that every living thing within the universe was also growing and becoming more perfect. They believed there is an eternal spark of life within each person that does not die when the body dies. It continues to live, and returns in many different bodies, life after life, each time becoming wiser and more beautiful and more perfect.

It may be that astrology has something to offer us today because it concerns itself with human values more than most other sciences. It can help us to understand that our lives have purpose. It may be that there is some truth in the ancient beliefs, and that we and the planets are all part of one unified cosmos. Knowing a little about astrology can help to open your eyes to many things, and the most important of them all is who you really are, deep down inside. And maybe that is what life is really about.
Texts taken from "Looking at Astrology", © Liz Greene 1977