Saturday, November 2, 2013

Holst: The Planets - Uranus, the Magician

The German musical letters in Holst’s name G, Es, A H (G, E flat, A, B) are announced like powerful incantation on the trumpets and trombones (Holst’s own instrument). Out of the resigned serenity of Saturn. Holst bursts with confidence, enthusiasm, humour and originality. 
In astrology Uranus governs the forces we cannot see or understand and is illogical and erratic, but also it has a passionate energy not too dissimilar to Mars. All this can be heard and felt in this wonderful but powerfully extrovert movement. -Words by Raymond Head

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Magi astrology synastry & Chiron's Key to Love, Romance, & Prosperity

The Magi astrology system of Love, Romance, Success, Prosperity, Longevity in relationships and marriage, and Happiness Together:
Synastry techniques

 Chiron represents the kind of person we want in a committed relationship, and also our outcome for family, children, and happiness in a partnership or marriage setting. This is the key focal point. Juno is about sexuality and commitment; She represents the Ideal Life Partner quality that we seek and what we offer in return.

The Magi system uses very narrow arcs of aspect from the major planets to/from Chiron, the Master Comet. Magi Planets are the basic 9 (with Pluto) and only specific asteroids.

Tight aspects are the key: 3 degrees for squares & oppositions (challenges), and conjunctions and trines (opportunities), and also the inconjunct/quincunx. Remember that squares and oppositions are flat-out “No!” indicators because they’re stressful. However, the quincunx, even though it’s an irritation, is also an enticement! (One exception: if it’s formed from Saturn—then it’s a more severe “No!” In fact, Saturn challenges are the worst, although the opportunities are neutral.) And no: sextiles are not acceptable in the Magi system.

Once again: it’s the conjunction & trine vs. the square and opposition, and the quincunx USUALLY supports a positive outcome (unless Saturn is the planet of contact with Chiron). Trines and conjunctions (and the odd inconjuncts, excepting Saturn, as noted) from the major planets to Chiron are joyful, harmonious, and promising: love, marriage, family, success, acclaim, adventure, bonding, and more.

Challenges from the Sun are about Trust; Challenges from the Moon involve emotional attachments and past-life memories; Mercury challenges are about communications and exchanges of ideas and views; Venus challenges are "The Impossible Dream" that we can't let go; Mars conflicts involve tempers. anger management, and a lack of emotional sensitivity.

Jupiter challenges are actually reasonable in Magi astrology--it's not bad, but it's not necessarily a boost. Saturn challenges are dead-ends: effort is futile and a potential ultimate disaster if pursued. Uranus conflicts are explosive: the family and friends circles know there's a problem, and they often are outspoken about the toll it takes on you. Neptune conflicts seem wonderful at first, and then fade away into dissatisfaction and departure. Pluto challenges start strong with a powerful attraction, then deteriorate at a rapid pace. Control and power are issues here.
Chiron and the Sun’s Self-Identity and Soul Purpose: This is a positive outcome. It’s a Linkage (success): a special one that usually creates mutual trust, especially on the part of the Chiron person. For that reason, this is called the Linkage of Trust. Another result is great ease when the linked persons are in physical proximity, or even just conversing on the phone. Linked persons view each other as confidants, a part of the family, and long-term partners. The Higher level of Trust also means they need to be aware of each other’s faults and be honest about it.

Chiron and the Moon’s Emotional Intuition: A Chiron-Moon harmonious energy flow creates the intuitive feeling of having known another person in a previous life—often a sign of “love at first sight,” especially for the Chiron person.

Chiron and Mercury’s Communications Network:
Positive energy patterns are excellent for improving the ability (and desire) for two people to be able to effortlessly communicate with each other and have mutual intuitive understanding. It is a very beneficial connection, especially for the woman in the relationship, as females are naturally more aware of needing to talk over matters. In this case, it raises intuitive possibilities and the ability to “read each other’s minds” in a useful manner.

Chiron and Venus, the Bringer of Love, Pleasure, and Beauty/Enjoyment: This is a Magical Linkage, and a Golden Linkage for Success, and is singularly the most powerful and beneficial linkage that two persons can have. It is also a Romance Linkage and a Cinderella Linkage. It brings Combined Destinies, the uniting of futures, becoming one family, money as partners, joining forces, a lifelong relationship, and a charismatic relationship. If this is formed with someone, chances are very high that each will help the other. This linkage greatly improves the chances of marriage with the linked person. This is the strongest of all linkages and helps form enduring bonds. It has almost mystical influences and seems to help the linked persons in anything they do as a pair.

Chiron and Mars, the Male Energy Polarity: This is a strong sexual generator for the man in a relationship, but a woman will want a family with the man who brings this power to her life. In terms of attraction that leads to marriage, the Chiron-Mars connection often creates a level of attraction that is impossible to ignore. It is the one and only Marital Sexual factor where the man will often marry the linked woman.

Chiron and Jupiter, the Bringer of Fortune & Opportunities: This is a 3-way joyfully energetic and positive energy pattern when found in harmonious conditions; it brings Romance, Financial and Material Gain, and a Cinderella-Fantasy. Aside from the Venus-Chiron linkage, it is the most beneficial and powerful energy source that can be found: combined super success, a blessed marriage and relationship, a fortunate family, success as partners, and mutual prosperity by association with each other—“the treasure at the end of the rainbow.”

Chiron and Saturn, the Taskmaster of Life Lessons: This creates a very strong bond; usually the Saturn soul has a high level of control and discipline over the destiny of the Chiron person, and thereby has the upper hand in the overall relationship. It is neither negative nor positive regarding outcomes. Marriage between two people with this linkage is possible if there are also Romantic connections in the Magi system (Venus, Jupiter, or Neptune with Chiron).

Chiron and Uranus, the Surprising and Unexpected: This linkage is powerful in providing mutual respect and combined public acclaim and success. It brings a famous and charismatic partnership or career, and mutually magnified success.

Chiron and Neptune, the Mystical-Fantasy Figure: The harmonious energy patterns are a Lifetime Linkage and a Cinderella Linkage. This is also one of the connections that creates very lasting relationships. It is also a Romantic Linkage and the third most common connection among married couples. It brings a lifetime of togetherness, a lasting role as a member of the family, security in the family bonding and family life, and long-term security through marriage and children.

Chiron and Pluto, the Powerhouse of Personal Change: This is a Financial Linkage of Gain and Prosperity, a combined union of power and success, a prosperous and powerful partnership or marriage, noteworthy affluence, and compelling and effective family ties and emotional relationships. 

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Steven Forrest discusses the 2nd Saturn Return

Master astrologer Steven Forrest discusses the 2nd Saturn return that arrives between age 59-60 and heralds the end of mid-life and the lessons ahead. This is a vital part of the Life Cycle and a very significant story to hear.

Monday, October 7, 2013

Venus in Sagittarius: Love in the Right Places and Open Spaces

When Venus prepares to make Her grand entrance into Sagittarius, we can expect more "Jupiterian" opportunities for love: perhaps some personal growth in our relationships and partnerships, or something (or someone) who brings "higher Truths and Wisdom" to our eyes (and senses). Because Venus Herself said "I do what with whom I want," we could also expect that a partner may say "I'd like to be more expansive and indulgent with myself in some pleasurable way." (Your imagination does not need suggestions if you have a swinging lifestyle already.)

Where would one find Venus in Sagittarius (aside from the bedroom)? Perhaps love or just enjoying social connections or making new ones in places like universities, colleges, religious retreats, ashrams, houses of worship, in legal studies or advisement, at the casino (Sagittarius likes to bet big--see you at the baccarat table, Mr. Bond, or at the Las Vegas Million-Dollar Poker stakes); publishing that steamy romance novel that you've always known is more autobiographical than you want to admit until now.

Or...because Sagittarius is the sign of the Centaur, perhaps you may consider looking for love at the horse races, or even (if you're in the right crowd) at the polo matches. Since running is also a Sagittarian sport, perhaps the track & field events or even at the cricket matches. 

Oh. One last thing: since our Venus-in-Sagittarius theme is Lady Godiva, a suggestion: if you ARE looking for love in an equestrian environment, may I suggest that proper attire be the rule? Saddle up, I say, and ride--perhaps (cough) reverse-cowgirl-style?!

*>:) devil*>:) devil

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Personal Boundaries in the Zodiac

I was recently asked about a comment I made that "Scorpios and Virgos are similar in nature." To explain further, I replied, "It's a way that Scorpios and Virgos have about obsession, actually. Virgo has it for maintaining order in their life--or someone else's--and Scorpio about letting someone else INTO their life. All about control."

The Rolling Stones had a song, “Get Off of My Cloud.” ESPECIALLY for those in intimate and professional relationships, as well as how we conduct ourselves, we are all learning about “personal space.” This is especially so for anyone with 2nd house planets, and more so for personal ones (Sun-Moon-Mercury-Venus-Mars). But this also goes for 7th and 8th house planets: and within those houses, add in Saturn for structure, Uranus for unwillingness to yield to social formalities, Neptune for lack of clarity and personal discernment, and Pluto for control and power. The 4 major asteroids can also be factors too: willingness to bend and yield to a partner (Vesta) as a personal sacrifice of Self; Juno's expectations of commitment; Pallas Athena's sense of championing the less fortunate and also stretching gender roles, and Ceres' ways of caring and extending nurturing.

How we respect and learn our self-value of “being me” and also recognizing the same for others is a significant lesson that we are learning. Each sign has its own potential realization of saying to others (and also to the Self) that “These are MY boundaries.”

So how do other signs handle personal space and respecting (or not) those of others?  Generally speaking--and this is not specifying EVERYONE in any sign:

(1) Aries will run right over someone's space. "You talking to ME?! No, I'm NOT being insensitive--you're just not motivated enough. Here, let me show you...."

(2) Taurus thinks whatever they have (or someone else has) belongs to them: "Well, I want it--therefore, I should have it."
(3) Gemini tries to slip past mental barriers with "I'm curious about something you said/think. Why, no, I'm not being nosy--I was just wondering...."
(4) Cancer tries to protect their own sensitivity because they can sense so much about other people's feelings (boundaries): "You don't care how I feel! Go ahead and hurt me--you'll be sorry for it."
(5) Leo just wants to have recognition for their own boundaries; no one else matters as much: "How DARE you defy me? Don't you know how important I am?"
(6) Virgo...well..."EVERYTHING has its proper place and space! Make sure you know where mine are and what I expect of you!"
(7) Libra wants to be sure everyone's boundaries are respected and equal: "All is Fair in Love and War. But if it keeps us from arguing...I agree."
(8) Scorpio will kill anyone who gets too close to a personal boundary: "None of your damned business! And who asked you anyway?"
(9) Sagittarius wants to expand their boundaries (and that of others): "The bigger, the better! You would gain something from me anyway."
(10) Capricorn wants to use their boundaries for gain or success at the expense of others: "I can use this to my advantage--especially if you don't know my intentions and goals."
(11) Aquarius hides within the Collective Group boundaries and avoids commitment: "If you can't see or find me, I'm not required to validate my boundaries. Besides, I might change my view of them without explaining why."
(12) Pisces just doesn't know boundaries; they're too "far out" to maintain them: "Oh, it doesn't matter anyway. This just isn't reality--so go ahead with whatever it is you want. I'll find some way of adjusting."

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Neptune transiting the 1st house: "Reality has just left the building"

One of the hardest transits I’ve had to explain to a client is a Neptunian transit—especially when it’s a first-house event. It’s a long-term State of Confusion—and reality has gone on an extended vacation. Being an Outer Planet, Neptunian transits last for years. When this appears in a first-house position, and with the time that Neptune spends in retrograde again and again over time, it can feel like a lifetime has gone haywire for eternity. The Escher image can be somewhat helpful as a visual: "That doesn't make sense, but that's how I see things now." The body becomes more sensitive than ever to external influences, especially those which can cloud the mind, emotions, and thinking processes. Chemicals and substance indulgences can be especially hard to manage now, and their effects can be more debilitating when the individual is not aware of dosage or quantity.
Even worse, when these are used for escapism and “getting away from a world gone crazy,” the results can be staggering, both literally and figuratively. But with all transits, there are hopeful and meaningful Life Lessons. A Neptune first house transit can bring heightened levels of spirituality, sensitivity, and inspiration, especially if it brings energy to Venus or Jupiter, and if well controlled, to Uranus. (That is, if Uranus is managed well by natal aspect.)
Artists, musicians, and creative writers may find a Neptune first house transit to be helpful for their craft, and healers and spiritual-religious teachers may also find new levels of attunement with their values and beliefs. But the first house is an angular one (distributing significant amounts of attention for the individual’s personality and self-identity/image that society-at-large notices). In the case of a Neptunian transit here, there is a possibility that the other three angular houses (4th, 7th, and 10th) will feel an impact, especially if personal planets (Sun-Moon-Mercury-Venus-Mars) are placed in any of them. Even Saturn’s rigidness can be confused by Neptune, especially if the Taskmaster of Karma is natally positioned in one of those houses.
Imagine how unstabilizing a Neptune challenge can be to a 4th house position of Saturn—and the home environment slowly-but-surely comes undone to all that structure and discipline. Or consider a 7th house Saturn—and a Neptune opposition makes for all kinds of “is this truly a relationship worth keeping, or am I fooling myself—or being fooled in return?”
A 10th house natal Saturn would also suffer from a loss of foundation and long-term planning if Neptune crosses it via an uncomfortable squaring transit—and all that job security and effort might just be disregarded when someone decides to leave an established career and live as Henry David Thoreau on Walden Pond. And that’s nothing compared to Pluto positioned in the 4th/7th/10th with a Neptune square or opposition (or even conjunction): “My power, control, and domination have come undone: I’m Humpty Dumpty, and I’ve fallen off the wall and my shell has been shattered! How do I pick up the pieces and make sense of my life again?”
 Robert Hand says, “For the next several years, you will be changing your ways of interacting with other people. During this period, self-knowledge is difficult but essential. It is difficult because you will constantly be presented with new aspects of yourself as others see you, and you will try and incorporate what they see into your view of yourself. This is nearly impossible, however, because you are going through a chameleon phase to which you quite unintentionally present a wide variety of faces to people.
“It is essential that you know yourself during this transit, precisely because others will not know you clearly. You have to learn who you are in your own terms and to recognize that the way you project your personality to others is not the true inner you. It is only the aspect of yourself by which you relate to people. “The changes you are undergoing at this time may confuse you and certainly will confuse others.
Consequently, your relationships may become quite difficult because the people you attract relate only to the currently projected image of yourself, not your real needs. And just as you may confuse and delude others, perhaps inadvertently, they may do the same to you. Be wary of getting caught up in weird schemes and projects that others propose. Your sense of reality is not at its best during these years.
“You may also operate very idealistically during this period, acting on the basis of what you want to be true rather than what is true. You may get involved with very idealistic projects that have little basis in reality, with unfortunate results. “Another effect of this transit may be to stimulate your compassion for others. You may take care of someone you love who needs help, or you may want to work in groups with others for people who need help. There is a tendency to want to save others under this transit’s influence.
But avoid having people become improperly dependent on you, for that may prevent them from fully realizing themselves. You may also want to seek out someone who can help you during these years. In your confusion, you may become demoralized and feel that you are a totally unworthy individual. Or you may look to someone who seems stronger in order for you to be sustained by his or her strength. The chief problem with this is that you may become permanently dependent on him or her.”

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Pluto transiting the 1st House: The Food Grinder of Life into Rebirth

Every week, there's a new business email request for advice: "Mitch, help! My life is under so much pressure! I'm not myself anymore! What's going on--and how long will this last?" 

Well, when the origin of this kind of stress is Pluto, all I can say is "A long time." And when it's placed by transit in the client's first house of Personality, Public Image, and Outward Expression of the psyche, all I can offer is the advice that "Yes, you're hurting--because you're being Transformed, Re-designed, and Rebuilt in ways that you can't yet understand--but the results will be amazing when the process is over. It's the Phoenix Principle all over again--but now you're getting it from up-down-forwards-backwards." It's what I call "Being thrown into the Food Grinder of Life": what comes out is a whole new look of the psyche and someone's physical being as well.

This transit, especially as it's Plutonian, will last for years--and if there's an interception in the first house, MANY years--and possibly for two decades or so. It also impacts (as the first house is an angular house, or area of Major Life Experience and Emphasis), the other three angular houses: the 4th (Home Environment), the 7th (Personal and Business Relationships), and the 10th (Career and Status).

I also consider a Pluto 1st house transit to be the quintessential "metamorphic" energy dynamic. Then again, if one desires diamonds, then there's got to be pressure applied to a lump of coal. In this case, it's the individual client who is now finding him or herself to be made of carbon. Hopefully, he or she will find themselves shining with brilliant value from within and externally as a "new person" when the transit has long passed.

With Pluto in the 1st, into the grinder of Transformation, Change, Regeneration, Rebuilding, and Reconstruction we—or you--go!  The way you feel about yourself, and the image you project to the outer world will change radically. Your need to be in control of yourself and of your environment will also change, and you may find that your lifestyle alters considerably under this transit.

I would think of this transit as being caught in a vise, or slowly sanding off the rough edges on a huge carved statue—this definitely impacts the physical form; the body (human, or redesigning a corporate image if this is a business entity—a logo modification or new design?). What the world perceives about us is transformed as our appearance undergoes a change. 

Plastic surgery, having growths removed, applying artistic designs such as tattoos—and mental endeavors such as adapting a new persona and way of presenting oneself are potential 1st house Pluto activities. This is also a time when ‘animal magnetism’ and sexual energy becomes stronger because Pluto will enhance a sense of radiant power.  No matter how it personally is internalized, on an outward manifestation, a 1st house Pluto transit will “remodel” the receiver in some long-term fashion or manner.  An awareness of dynamic potential surrounds the individual like an aura.  I like to think of the caterpillar shedding its skin, or even snakes—and they’re Plutonian for that reason. 

This gives greater control over unconscious drives that have instigated compulsions and irrational impulses.  An individual will gradually become aware of the circumstances that have shaped him or herself.  As noted above, personality traits are more in line and there is greater opportunity to “remake” one’s image.  Actors or actresses who take on new and different roles would be a good visual image.  Physical practices may be undertaken to transform the body, such as yoga, Tai Chi, Pilates, or other movement forms.  Reiki sessions, massage, shiatsu, and Jin Shin Jyutsu are excellent therapies to consider.

Power trips and control can become more open and noticeable during a Pluto-1st transit regarding your personality and how you approach the world. The possibilities for change are open: the choices are for greater or lesser, for better or worse. 

Monday, September 9, 2013

Astrological Poetry Part II

For those moments when I'm thinking of things astrological but not looking at charts, I sometimes find my fingers working on a keyboard without my control--sort of automatic writing--which is part of being a medium. No, not the size; a "medium," or someone who can communicate with souls who have died. That goes along with my 8th house Sun in Aries. In this case, the second poem flew right out of me without pause--and I realized the identity of the receiver and myself as well. Bonus points if you can guess who's who.  

(She had posted a personals ad on Yahoo!—and I was interested. I could tell from her information she was also an Aries—but I didn’t know her birthdate—which I could use as an astrologer to immediately give me more knowledge of her qualities.  I used the topics she included to successfully narrow it down within two days. 
She also refused a second date.)

"An Astrologer's Plea"

Upon this Earth
Thy day of birth
Was ascribed to thee.
Would’st  thou mind
And be so kind
To render such to me?
I know it not;
There is no plot,
And thus I say by letter.
Would you do so
And help me know
To understand you better?
The real key
Which I can’t see
Becomes the exact time.
And so on wings
Of written things
I say these words in rhyme

And then there was the girl who wanted to learn astrology:

"Star Light, in sight" (for Alix Bogart)

In a time quite long ago
You were one who yearned to know
The secrets of the Universe
A person who was sometimes terse.
With someone else who loved to ponder
Things that happened here and yonder.
Both of us would wonder why
Things occurred up in the sky.
And further out; we tried to see
Splendid things that seem to be
Hidden from the average soul
To learn them all became our goal.
I was one who had intentions
Make good use: my mind’s inventions.
You would read and contemplate;
Between us two, we did debate.
Others thoughts in ancient Greek
We scientists did learn to speak.
Powdered wigs upon our head
We challenged what each other said.
You have returned; I’m glad to see
Your name, I think is known to me.
But who I was, I’ll let you guess,
But worry not, nor feel duress.
I told you then of what I know
And now I see ingrained to show.
You did not know the thoughts I shared
But I am glad to see you cared.
Enough to wish to learn them now
I’m back again; I’ll show you how.
But be of cheer; you made your claim
And what you found has kept your name.
It does appear: it seems to burn
Samuel Clemens: he did learn
That when it came to see his birth
He knew his time allowed on Earth.
So solve this riddle and you’ll see
Identities: both you and me.
The Guiding Stars will tell the clue
The hint of what I said to you:
“I studied it (our tempers hot);
I know it, Sir, but you do not.”

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Astrological Fear of Success leads to Self-Undoing

Do you know someone who is afraid of accomplishment?  How about someone whose astrological patterns show "a fear of success" or "a rejection of Life Challenges": someone who subconsciously attracts or manifests conditions which sabotages his/her life (or that of someone in collaboration) so that plans go astray in spite of the best intentions or desires. Or they express desire for happiness, but the fear of "the unknown" and its potential for growing past and through life challenges makes them reject opportunities that would otherwise bring them wisdom.

It's as if they generate a force field of Mercury/Mars retrograde in their lives. These actions are externalized through others, especially key family members, in the form of illness, accident, and other forms of controlled chaos.  Each time a plan is set or about to be implemented, someone close to the subject has an event upon which the subject then postpones, cancels, or delays whatever he/she was going to activate, again, with a second party's involvement.  (Hence, the Mars/Mercury retrograde parallel.)  I've known Crabs who do this with controlled helplessness, but this is slightly different: the subject DOES want to move forward or activate a project or goal, but is too emotionally caught up in the lives of others.

I believe there are patterns which may be clues: the moon in a water sign (especially Cancer) with Mars in tight or inharmonious aspect (conjunction, square, opposition--or even quincunx); Capricorn ascendant (I've seen this twice--they were content to be "tethered goats), and a cardinal sign Sun (or the cusp of Cancer-Leo: the Lion for dramatic effort).  The Aries sun type WANTS to initiate or activate, but keeps being sidetracked; the Libra type is too caught up in relationship issues, including co-dependency. And the Capricorn ambition to achieve is legendary; in this case, the objective (or mountain top) that is never reached.

I've also seen this with personal planets (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, and Mars) in the 12th house--especially in water signs. (The individual gets so emotionally caught up in decision-making that they can't get going. Try telling a Mars in Pisces 12th house to take action! "On your mark, get set...{sink to the bottom!}"

A Jupiter/Saturn opposition or--believe it or not--the conjunction--can also indicate this: the person has great large-scale ideas (Jupiter), but is frustrated (or worried) about achieving them (Saturn). I call that aspect "driving with one foot on the gas and the other on the brake pedal." On the other hand, this could also indicate someone who DOES achieve in spite of obstacles or delays.

Again, psychological astrology looks at the individual and offers options: there is not a "you will do this" condition, but rather a set of choices.  Success or frustration is one example of how and why psychological astrology shows us the way we open or close the doors in our lives.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Astrological-Social Archetypes: Role Models of society

Like the Caped Crusader, there are a variety of archetypes (social role models) found within literature--and psychological astrology. Carl Jung used the concept of archetypes to identify these role models through mythology as examples of the life patterns that the zodiac signs personify.  Note that there are male and female archetypes.  To me, Batman is a Scorpio type of role model: fighting the Underworld figures by using the dark of night and a cave as his hide-out/power.


* Seductive Muse (Aphrodite): Scarlett O'Hara and Emma Bovary
* Femme Fatale (villainous Aphrodite): Cleopatra
Amazon (Artemis): Jo March (and Rose Dawson - Kate Winslet, Titanic)
* Gorgon (villainous Artemis): Nikita
* Father's Daughter (Athena): Queen Elizabeth I
* Backstabber (villainous Athena): Lady Macbeth
* Nurturer (Demeter): Mary Poppins, Meg March (Little Women)
* Over-controlling Mother (villainous Demeter): Nurse in Romeo & Juliet
* Matriarch (Hera): Monica from Friends
 * Scorned Woman/Wife (villainous Hera; Lilith): Mrs. Bennett (of Pride & Prejudice)
* Mystic (Hestia): Phoebe from Friends
Betrayer (villainous Hestia): Blanche DuBois ("A Streetcar named Desire")
* Female Messiah (Isis): Monica from Touched by an Angel, Lady of the Lake in Arthurian Legends
* Destroyer (villainous Isis): Erin Brockovich (movie), Black Widow (Scarlett Johansen
* Maiden (Persephone): Rachel from Friends, Juliet from Romeo and Juliet
* Troubled Teen (Persephone): Ophelia from Hamlet 


# Businessman (Apollo): Mr. Darcy from Pride & Prejudice, Jerry Maguire
# Traitor (villainous Apollo): Loki
# Protector (Ares): Lancelot from Arthurian Legends, Romeo from Romeo & Juliet
Gladiator (villainous Ares): Thor, Atretes from Francine River's Mark of the Lion series
# Recluse (Hades):  Quasimodo, Beast from Beauty & the Beast
Warlock (villainous Hades):  Dr. Jekyll
# Fool (Hermes): Joey from Friends; Austin Powers; Howard, Raj, and Leonard from Big Bang Theory.
# Derelict (villainous Hermes): the Fool in King Lear
# The Woman's Man (Dionysus): Nick Marshall in What Women Want, Will Shakespeare in Shakespeare in Love, Jack Dawson in Titanic
Seducer (villainous Dionysus):  John Willoughby from Sense & Sensibility by Jane Austen
Male Messiah (Osiris): Luke Skywalker, Martin Luther King, Gandhi
# Punisher (villainous Osiris): Malcolm X, Wolverine, Jack Reacher (Tom Cruise), The Equalizer (Denzel Washington)
# Artist (Poseidon):  Jack from Will & Grace, J.D. (Brad Pitt) in Thelma & Louise
# Abuser (villainous Poseidon): Dr. Zhivago
## King (Zeus): Ricky Ricardo (I Love Lucy), King Arthur, Julius Caesar, Tony Soprano Sr. from The Sopranos
Dictator (villainous Zeus): Blackbeard the pirate, King Lear

Friday, August 16, 2013

Taking a Train Ride with the Planets

Here, the planets (and the Sun and Moon) serve as the staff and accessories of a train trip to...your destination in Life.

Sun: The type of train you’re riding on: passenger, working, or other. Obviously, you want to get somewhere by being someone, yes?

Moon: The reason you’re on the ride--where you’re going and what you want on the journey.  We supply what you need--including a full moon for your viewing at night.  An eclipse may or may not be available, depending on departure and destination.

Mercury: the conductor who gives and approves the passes; also, the communication and information about the train, including tickets and fees.

Venus:  the dining/sleeping cars.  Comfort is always part of the service--and don't forget to thank the porter!
We provide a cuisine to match your taste--and check out the dessert specials!

Mars: The locomotive.  Bullet train, if you wish. Faster, stronger, better.

Jupiter: the amenities onboard--as you can see, we strive for luxury for the best!

Saturn:  schedules, routines, and responsibilities of the staff. Promptness is a business, you know.

Uranus: the entertainment--and excitement of the unusual. Viva la difference. Why, Agatha Christie was onboard the other day with Monsieur Poirot...on film, that is.

Neptune:  travelers on pilgrimages--we do travel to India, of course, as well as the Holy Land...and Tibet as well.

Pluto: the fuel that runs the locomotive.  Coal is so...out of fashion--and, well...nuclear power just has

Monday, August 12, 2013

Aspects Part II: Mixing & Matching Planetary Effort

Aspects Part II: Mixing & Matching Planetary Effort

   Arcs:  The Energy Interaction of Signs
6 +/- degrees of REAL separation!

Cooperation & Adjustment

Frustration & Resistance

Resolution Management of Life Crises

 Aspects represent the dynamics of cooperation or resistance between planets; a kind of dance between two distributors of energy. With some aspect patterns, the relationship is fluid, vibrant, resourceful, and collaborative; in other cases, it's a duel between (and among) disgruntled participants.  (Aspects can work in pairs, trios, or even quads.)

Which planets are matched and how this is determined is done through the geometry of astrology, keeping in mind a specific range of contact called "arcs." An arc is like an individual's arm span: as far as he or she can reach, that's within their arc of contact. Some objects may be closer or just at fingertip range; this also is a condition of the arc and aspect formed.  It's an emotional-psychological-intellectual-physical bonding with another planet's energies.

 (A more involved but advanced option is to consider whether the mathematical aspects between two planets are approaching: like two magnets attracting each other--or separating: losing their attraction and drifting apart. If applying, the soul's experience is to LEARN this circumstance; if separating, the soul has already learned this dynamic and is getting a refresher class.)

(Author's note): I prefer the five major "hard" ones most commonly used--the conjunction, square, opposition, trine. No, I think the sextile is too mushy. I do use one minor: the quincunx. It's a minor aspect but it's not easily managed in behavior because it's too irritating to ignore and quite obvious.) 

Each arc/aspect has its own range of mathematical reach for contact with another planet's potential dynamics; if either is beyond the specific range of encounter specified for an aspect, then neither are engaged. That "extended reach forward-&-backward for contact to other planets" gives valuable clues about behavior and choices made. 

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Aspects: the patterns of Cooperation or Challenge in the psyche

Aspects are the patterns of Cooperation or Resistance & Challenge. They make up the game of Six Degrees of Separation: who's working (or not) with whom (signs and planets). It is close, but it’s a plus-or-minus range from zero to 30 in astrology.  Twelve ways x 30 = 360 degrees, or a perfect circle: the continuation of the chart as a Mandala of Life.

Here we find cooperation and adjustment to Life Challenges as well as frustration and resistance to growth patterns and lessons that will not go away.  This is Resolution Management of Life Crises and Opportunities, and the aspects are symbolic indicators of the energy exchanges between different parts of the psyche.  Cooperation and teamwork are the basic structure; adjustment and flexibility are the goal.


•Conjunction  - A Union of two ideals; a tag-team partnership of energies who work as a "co-joined twin"
•Opposition - I stand off against (until I compromise); stalemate that needs balance
• Square - I reluctantly acknowledge (but build with...); the "square peg in a round hole"; the square wheel that takes friction to make smooth
•Sextile - I cooperate with; flexibility
•Trine - I willingly yield to; this is too easy! (may indicate laziness)
 •Quincunx -  I cannot achieve resolution; that itch is driving me crazy and can’t be answered!!

The conjunction can be tricky because two forces are at work--and there may be a "Stop! Go!" interaction between planets (for example, Saturn-Jupiter) at work, or other types of "How did I get teamed with YOU?!"

Squares represent a personal issue; this is something that the individual must resolve from within for character development.

Oppositions represent someone else: this is both an external factor (much like projection, where another person represents the energy and is a factor in the individual's life), or it indicates a tug-of-war that needs negotiation.
Trines are almost always welcomed, although some astrologers and counselors think they can be TOO much of a good thing and not supportive of effort that could be helpful in character development.

Sextiles work like trines, but they're much more casual.

Quincunxes are not always considered by astrologers because they're a "minor" aspect, but I've seen them irritate and annoy individuals with their dynamics of aggravation. (Strangely enough, the Magi aspects consider the quincunx--with the exception of a Saturn pattern to Chiron)--to be quite supportive as an attraction factor.

As noted elsewhere on this site, I have found the work and research of the Magi Society and their historical perspective of aspects to be one of the reasons why people have trouble understanding the variations within astrology.  The Magi Society was originated in China in 1625 and their technique of using aspects as guide markers instead of house systems and cusps made their work that much more significant.  In effect, they have been doing the calculations and chronicles of astrological research for almost 400 years—and the volume of knowledge they have to validate their work is quite substantial.  It could be said that they were doing the work of the Gauquelin’s from Switzerland, but hundreds of years earlier.

In the years of evaluations on the lives of the subjects whose charts were cast by the Magi Society, they became more convinced than ever that aspects are truly what characterizes the individual; that these dynamics of tension and cooperation are the keys to the psyche’s growth.  They see that the house systems can change depending on what type is used to delineate the chart, and so placements of planets can vary up or down within a cusp (doorway) if that planet is close enough by degrees to “move over.”

With the aspect system ONLY, the psycho-dynamics are revealed in a more open way as “either resolved or learning to be resolved” nature:  the subject has either shown soul achievement and growth through a challenge, or they have not—and all the “avoidance and excuses” that we use as denial methods will not hold validity because the aspects define the life challenges and opportunities, for better or worse.  There’s not much room for rebuttal with an aspect.

Frustrating aspect patterns can be both blessings and frustration: they can inspire someone to great endeavors or they can act as hindrances that an individual may not want to develop. Astrologers and those who use charts for psychological analysis have their own views on which ones are helpful and obstruction. (Some astrologers would disagree, but I have dropped the sextile from my work because I find it too mild. There are also secondary aspects that some astrologers favor--and I don't--but it's all useful depending on who is interpreting the chart.)

And in a comical view of the potential of astrology and education, I have found that aspects are simple geometry and that I quite enjoy finding the patterns--which is remarkable because I failed geometry twice in high school. So much for "when will we ever use this knowledge?" from the student's chair!

(c) MDLOP8 2014