But THESE kids are priceless--especially the way the Leo/Sagittarius just glowers at her assailant and then delivers the perfect response. Same for that little Aries girl: she gave Dad a shot that sent him reeling--and did he ever deserve it! So, on this first day of May, be thankful for the child you may have, either as your own or a family member, and remember to honor YOUR Inner Child too. Learning about ourselves, especially in the array of wisdom that astrological concepts can bring, is a marvelous way to understand the world around us. (I'd say there's a bit of a Saturn twist to the adults who were on the receiving end.) And have an egg while you're at it.
Psychology and astrology in the 21st century for holistic healers, parents, counselors, personal and family dynamics of challenge-cooperation, Soul Mate patterns. mitchLOP8@yahoo.com / 840=216-1014
Wednesday, May 1, 2024
Sun sign by egg--and lesson
But THESE kids are priceless--especially the way the Leo/Sagittarius just glowers at her assailant and then delivers the perfect response. Same for that little Aries girl: she gave Dad a shot that sent him reeling--and did he ever deserve it! So, on this first day of May, be thankful for the child you may have, either as your own or a family member, and remember to honor YOUR Inner Child too. Learning about ourselves, especially in the array of wisdom that astrological concepts can bring, is a marvelous way to understand the world around us. (I'd say there's a bit of a Saturn twist to the adults who were on the receiving end.) And have an egg while you're at it.
Saturday, April 20, 2024
Child*Star reports for parents--and grandparents
Wednesday, April 17, 2024
The Lunar Return and month-to-month Activity cycles of the Moon
The lunar return is yet ANOTHER reason that I encourage you to follow the potential flows of Life Activity during the course of a year. Note: "lunar types" (4th house Moon or Asc. or Cancer Asc or 4th house stellium) should ESPECIALLY follow the lunar returns throughout the year!
Wednesday, April 10, 2024
Magi astrology Cinderella/Prince Charming Romance Timing for Soul Mate connections
The comet Chiron is the planet of Cinderellas. Like any other planet, Chiron is constantly moving as it orbits the Sun. As Chiron moves in the sky, whenever it makes a special harmonious energy to your Venus, Jupiter, or Neptune, you are at the peak of your Romance Cycle. The same is true when the position of Venus, Jupiter, or Neptune in the sky makes a harmonious energy flow to your Chiron. It is at these times that you are in your Cinderella Time and you are most attractive, most charming, and most fascinating. (A Pluto Magi time would likely bring someone who has a great $$ opportunity.)
During your Cinderella Time, people forgive you for everything. They overlook your faults and you are at the peak of your popularity. It is during your Cinderella Time that you are as irresistible as you can possibly be. You can almost walk on air.
***This is when you have the greatest chance of meeting your Prince Charming (or your princess), fall in love together, and marry him (or her). But as you must have guessed, your Cinderella Gateway is open only for a few times in your life and only briefly each time. Don't miss it. It is crucial that you take advantage of it whenever it occurs in your own life.
Saturday, April 6, 2024
Uranus the Liberator Frees Your Life for the Unexpected!
She said, "Mitch! My life is turning upside down!! What's going on--and while you're at it, why is it so crazy and hard to handle?"
Friday, March 29, 2024
Astro-physiology for diet and health
Some observations on this very unique part of astrology: the study of the human system and its physiological needs and components is fascinating because it comprises both the mechanics and the dynamics of how we function within the principles of the zodiac’s existence. Foods, herbs, flowers, fragrances, colors, and even sounds are found in the signs. Therefore, astrological physiology plays an integral role in the maintenance of the body and its requirements.
Aries will likely have some presence of force or power from their head, or have ear-nose-throat problems. Headaches are also problems. Arians need potassium, so tomatoes and bananas are a must. Garlic and onions are also an Aries food. Because they can be so active, Aries often need mini-meals or sustained nutrition rather than large servings from a routine schedule.
Taurus may be inclined to gain weight and have an overall thickness to the
body; over-eating is a weakness. A sweet tooth is also a culprit
here. Their singing helps exercise the throat. The thyroid, vocal
cords, tonsils, and neck are areas of emphasis. They are sensitive to
sodium sulfate, which controls water in the body. Celery, cucumber, and
raw nuts provide this; natural iodine in fish also helps the thyroid.
Gemini needs
dexterity toys as children: musical instruments, especially keyboards; coloring
and movement for their hands, and games of catching objects. The lungs
and upper respiratory system can be vulnerable; the nerves can be high-strung
and tense. Stimulants should be avoided, such as coffee or sugar.
Mini-meals may also suffice. The body salt potassium chloride is
needed: lettuce, celery, almonds, and apples will help. Smoking
should clearly be avoided, as this is a direct challenge to a Gemini’s lungs!
Children will get an upset stomach faster than most over internalizing
emotional issues that turn to tears and frustration. More than any other
sign, they are the most sensitive to the meaning and timing of the Moon’s
phases. The breasts and digestive system are vulnerable. Calcium
chloride is needed: lettuce, broccoli (steamed, not boiled, to save
nutrients), yogurt, and tomatoes will help. Spicy food is a risk!
Milk and dairy are often recommended (but not advised due to mucous build-up).
Pineapple and papaya fruit are especially helpful for digestion.
Crab females especially are more tuned to the lunar phases of the Moon’s
gravitational pull on the water levels (i.e., hormones and neurotransmitter
flow during their menstrual cycle). Emotional sensitivity and response to
stimuli of any kind (especially social or personal issues) will kick off the
worry and fears that make a Crab into a “sourball.”
A Leo is
a born sun-worshipper; they need more solar energy than other signs. This
does not mean they can ignore the warnings about skin cancer and the sun.
Their heart and cardio system are key areas; the upper back and spine are
others. Leos need magnesium phosphate, available in figs, egg yolk,
sunflower seeds, and romaine lettuce. Meats are also important; iron is a
second need, and cashews, dates, and raisins can help, along with oranges,
beets, and spinach.
need to be exceptionally careful about their digestion; the stress and worry
they put themselves through (especially a Virgo ascendant) will play havoc on
the intestines: colitis, bowel problems, skin eruptions, and distress is
the result. Analytical by nature, Virgos (and ascendants) should limit
their intake of animal flesh and focus instead on vegetables and greens.
Lemons will clear their digestive system.
should mind their kidneys, and females should keep tabs on their ovaries.
One of the blessings of a Libra ascendant is beauty in some form; the social
graces are also enhanced. The subject has a charming personality that may
mask a subversive nature if there are other indications to support this (such
as a Scorpio moon). The skin quality is often supple and needs extra
attention to maintain a youthful appearance. The lumbar (lower spine),
and buttocks are also areas, and the throat and skin are secondary.
Relationships and the environment are a key area of stress for Libras:
any disturbance, disagreement, argument, or distress greatly unsettles them.
Libras must have balance in their lives: moderation and calm.
Sodium phosphate helps them maintain acids and alkali, and their skin can help
them: yellow-sallow when a deficiency is present. Strawberries,
apples, almonds, brown rice, oatmeal, and carrots will help, as well as a lot
of green foods. Water is a must: they must have their skin
hydrated. Skin treatments such as clay or mud baths will also help, and
massage too.
A Scorpio
especially should be attentive to any type of urinary or anal irritation; the body
tends to clog up easily and retain toxins. Natural, carefully scheduled
detoxing and cleansing procedures are urged; this can include sauna and mud
baths too. Irrigations are also useful, especially because Scorpios are
prone to hemorrhoids or other blockages and irritations.
Sexual diseases are another issue, and a Scorpio has a powerful sex drive that needs a positive outlet. Alcohol is another issue: of all the signs, a Scorpio’s skin shows the damage done from drinking, and it also enflames their hair-trigger temper.
Calcium sulfate is needed: figs, prunes, yogurt, cheeses, and radishes, and fish, green salads, wheat germ, and pineapple are excellent. Scorpios need their seclusion and a place for privacy; a place or area that is near water, like a beach or lake, is very helpful.
Sagittarians tend to go for rich food much like Taureans and Scorpions, but the Centaurs tend to over-tax their gall bladder and liver. The pituitary gland is also influenced. Hepatitis and gout can be signs of indulgence. Sciatica, hip disease, and lameness can be problems too.
Sagittarians find walking (and outdoor activities like hiking or golf) is an excellent way to energize and exercise the system; stationary bike or running machine work is also recommended. Silica is needed, and found in green peppers, strawberries, skins from fruits and vegetables, potatoes, oats, and raw salads. Foods to avoid include rich gravies, creams, and too many sweets.
Capricorns should mind their teeth, bones, and knees. The joints in general can be a sign of trouble (arthritis, neuralgia, orthopedic problems, or rheumatism), which can be helped by eliminating calcification (cheese and dairy) that the body can not process. The knees represent the Cap’s lessons in facing up to humility and being humble. The gallbladder is also sensitive.
Capricorns are prone to depression. Their
attitude clearly impacts their health, but they are a sign that actually grows
stronger with age.
Protein and calcium are necessary because a Capricorn tends to work without watching the diet. Calcium phosphate is needed to prevent tooth disorders, spinal curvature, and joint pain. Oranges, figs, celery, broccoli, walnuts, almonds, and fish will go a long way in preserving their well-being. The skin should also be kept supple with plenty of water, and body massage with oils is excellent.
Aquarians should eat more citrus (especially the white part of the peel called “rutin”) in order to help with blood flow and circulation. The body’s electromagnetic energy field may be lower or restricted; the use of magnets may help balance this as well as massage. The calves, shins, and ankles are vulnerable; varicose veins are a problem. Hardening arteries, anemia, and low blood pressure are also issues. The pineal gland is also associated with Aquarius; as the “seat of the soul,” its function and purpose are unknown but associated with mental abilities that the human mind has forgotten how to use.
Sodium chloride is needed, but sea salt will work better than common table salt. Seafood, fish, celery, spinach, lettuce, lentils, almonds, and fresh fruit and vegetables will aid the veins. Aquarians tend toward grey hair early in life. Exercises that offer limited impact on the shins and ankles (mini-trampoline, stationary bicycle, treadmill, or walking) are excellent for them.
Pisces should watch the feet for fungus, nail problems, arches, and other complications. Of the 12 signs, Pisces is the most vulnerable to alcohol and substance indulgences. Their bodies will show the aging effects from alcohol faster than other signs. Their health is not the strongest by nature, especially when the sign is found on the ascendant. Colds, sinus problems, water retention, and sensitive systems with delicate immunity protection are often faced by Pisceans.
The thalamus and central nervous system
are other body sites that need attention. The strong intuitive, gentle
side of a Pisces can be overwhelmed by outside stimuli, and they need a place
for isolation and recovery if their emotional levels are upset.
Ferrum phosphate is
needed; iron is the mineral. Cashews, beets, spinach, egg yolks, beans,
liver, apples, oranges, apricots, raisins, grapes, and lean meats are necessary.
Swimming is an excellent Piscean exercise; they are
fond of long showers and hot soaks in tubs. Dancing is almost natural to
them; any form of aerobics is also good. Foot rubs and reflexology massage are
delightful treats for them.
Sunday, March 24, 2024
Pluto direct (and retrograde) - Coal into diamonds of the soul
Thursday, March 7, 2024
Astrological job and career factors
Some ideas now about psychological astrology and employment, working habits, the job market (in general), and human resources tips:
Tuesday, February 27, 2024
Saturn Lessons by House Placement
Saturn in the chart is always a place where many people do not want to go for answers. However, it's one of the most profound areas where we can learn about our need for soul growth, lessons to achieve this, and how to find answers to day-to-day life challenges as well as long-term needs. Here are the Fear Factors that must be overcome, and their respective Saturn Life Lessons and goals.
States of Saturn, Fear Factors,
& Life Mastery Goals: Houses 1-12
1st house: State of Being
Fear: not existing; not having recognition for Self; not being recognized for accomplishments; fears of not being adequate enough; disputing ego validation: “I will prove myself to you.”
Duty: commitment. Rebuilding the persona, body, image, and presentation; Rearranging and rebuilding the personality; actions that prove Self.
Mastery Goal: Adaptation. Courage to face change.
2nd house: State of Security
Fear: That nothing lasts; loss of love, property, assets, and resources. Questioning guarantees, self-value; ownership; and being stuck in ruts. “I’m a loser: nothing I ever wanted had wanted to stay in my life, and neither did anyone.”
Duty: Commitment to values that define Self; economic responsibilities; establishment of self-worth; validation of the ability to earn or show monetary or trade flow of goods; learning to speak up for self; affirming needs.
Mastery Goal: self-establishment of self-worth; ownership of assets and resources.
3rd house: State of Mind
Fear: not being intelligent enough; fear of speech & learning; doubting the use of ideas and words. Difficulty with tests, written materials, and responses, basic and higher education fulfillment. Difficulty with sibling relationships and how to manage them. “I don’t have brains for this!”
Duty: education; public speaking; writing; conceptual competency and strong communication skills; coursework - class work; teaching. (I have a 3rd house Saturn; oh, boy, is this ever real!)
Mastery Goal: intellectual commitment concentrated mental efforts.
4th house - Home State
Fear: no home or family; worries about “end of life”; no “roots"; "belonging” anxiety; not close to group & distrusting attachment. Avoiding grounding and establishing the foundation of self: “I have no place to call my own.”
Duty: Manifestation of home and family as a social hub for transition; safety in the present environment; building a home base; owning land; Ability to live by oneself.
Mastery Goal: Emotional commitment and dependability.
5th house - Creative State
Fear: no love or affection; not sure about the desire for children; questioning the authenticity of love; doubting creativity. Little or no interest in arts or sports; “I’m not talented.”
Duty: dignified presentation and acceptance of artistic endeavors or creative integrity through coordinated activities: dancing, movement classes (yoga, Tai Chi, Qi Gong); working with children in groups (Scouts, camping, pre/nursery school, or daycare).
Mastery Goal: artistic discipline; recreating oneself through creative endeavors.
6th house: State of Employment
Fear: hard work; responsibility; skeptical of one’s real usefulness to others; reluctance to do dirty jobs or daily routines; superstitions & (over)-attention to health matters. Not willing to follow a schedule: “I don’t know what I want to do.”
Duty: designing vocational potentials; (human resources); competent employment record built and maintained; following schedules; following a proper diet and eating habits.
Mastery Goal: commitment to apprenticeship; service to others.
7th house: State of Intimacy
Fear: no Life Partner or enduring relationship; uncertainty about being bonded to another; needing distance. Not wanting to give up freedom of Self and choices: “I’ll never find someone who wants to be with me.”
Duty: Stable, committed, and lasting relationship; union with another; willingness to share life with someone on a mutual schedule.
Mastery Goal: Accepting rituals and protocols of attraction and acceptance by and for another.
8th house - State of Surrender
Fear: change; sharing assets; ($$, home, car); resources; Afraid of death; sex; intimacy; Reluctance to surrender to another body and soul: “I don’t feel safe sharing (myself) with someone else.”
Duty: commanding the proficiency of sharing resources and values of others; blending self with Other; exploring other beliefs and information about end-of-life processes.
Mastery Goal: commitment to growth; learning to share; incorporating others’ values to promote growth.
9th house - Intuitive State
Fear: nothing to believe in; skeptical about faith in any Divine System. Reluctance to pursue education as a path for wisdom. Distrust in authority figures of moral or social impact and influence. "I can't trust what I'm being told by those who say they speak the truths that I need to learn!"
Duty: structuring one’s cosmology; commitment to teaching others Higher Social Values, Truths, & Spiritual Ideals.
Mastery Goal: authority to establish and represent one’s metaphysical values. Acceptance and awareness of own knowledge of Spirit within Self and internalizing this as Wisdom.
10th house - Professional State
Fear: being nobody; doubting fame, lacking recognition and public involvement; issues with father/authority figures. Reluctance to create a career goal or accomplishment; no ambition for reasonable work. “I’m not interested in that kind of work--and don't know if I WANT a job.”
Duty: commitment to developing and delivering one’s knowledge and achievement.
Mastery Goal: Pursuing and establishing concrete skills, training, and application in a path of growth; steady advancement of rank or structure within a large environment for society.
11th house - Community State
Fear: not belonging; questioning the significance of friends and groups; not wanting to be part of a team; claustrophobic in crowds; not wanting to join in social gathering places.
Duty: social responsibilities; building friendships and associations.
Mastery Goal: social shaper; group co-op membership; effective association with groups and humanitarian projects; networking.
12th house - Unconscious State
Fear: need to disappear from the world; blaming fate; questioning the substantial nature of one’s reality; not living in this realm; afraid of life, the Great Unknown, or unseen things; phobias. Fears of death or losing one’s sanity.
Duty: commitment to solitude and spiritual discipline; intimacy with Void, Higher Realm, or Divine Creative Source.
Mastery: Manifestation of a sanctuary as refuge from suffering and retreat for regeneration; compassion and depth. Willingness to sacrifice for others.
Monday, February 26, 2024
The psychological astrology of the Titanic tragedy (and others) in our history
Eileen’s research of more than 1000 charts connected to the Titanic’s legacy and disaster has revealed a very valuable and important set of markers to consider in psychological astrology. In my view after reading her book and recognizing my personal association beyond my birth date with this tragedy, the Titanic stands as an indication of the hubris, or elevated arrogance, of mankind; in the case of the Titanic, that it was about the Edwardian time period’s infatuation with glamour and amenities rather than practicality for safety that stands as the greater part of the reason more than 1500 people lost their lives. This too is about Ego, and that word itself is an Aries trait—which certainly ties into the latter half of the sign and the above-mentioned date of the Titanic’s unfortunate voyage.
What Eileen has identified are four major cardinal points within a range of degrees that are consistent with the building of the ship, its voyage, and the important people associated with it, ranging from passengers to the board directors of the White Star Line and the crew. These marker points are within the range of 19-25 degrees of the Aries-Cancer-Libra-Capricorn cross. As cardinal signs, these are the ones which psychologically indicate that the soul is prepared to accept a lifetime of challenges and experiences that are demanding and more direct in nature regarding significant soul lessons. Depending on a person’s birth date, they may or may not have a number of these ranges of cardinal sign placements and degrees; one variation is to use midpoints as a determination. (For reference, a midpoint is the mid-range of two signs: kind of a 50-50 position. Most computers can provide this grid.)
Other events in society also mark this way of imprinting us in the ways that we are cautioned to heed the warnings after disaster strikes: the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire in New York City in 1911 that killed 146 young women, mostly immigrants; the 1966 Aberfan, Wales, coal mining disaster that wiped out a school and its children; the Tenerife (Canary Islands) airport disaster of 1977 when two 747 airliners collided and killed 583 people, the greatest air catastrophe ever known; the Bhopal chemical accident in India which killed anywhere from 4,000 to 20,000 people; and of course, the Challenger shuttle explosion in 1986, the Exxon Valdez tanker spill of crude oil in Alaska in 1984; the Olympic luge athlete who died in the 2010 Winter Games event after warning his family that he was concerned about the safety of the track; the Gulf of Mexico oil well explosion of 2010, and the nuclear plant disasters at Chernobyl in 1986 and the Fukashima reactor in Japan in 2011. Update 2020: the world is swept up in COVID-19. How many countries were unprepared and even worse, after the realization of the epidemic?
The messages are clear each time: when we forget to care for each other’s safety as members of society or ignore the hazards and dangers to the environment, we are forced into action that is devastating and overwhelming in its overall price. Unfortunately, these cardinal degrees are potential signals of being motivated to learn a major phase of responsibility—like the influence and legacy of a great ship that was doomed for failure because no one thought of looking at the synchronicity of the event until Eileen mapped out the possible identifying coordinates.
Regarding the sign positions that indicate a "Titanic connection" in my chart: counting planets and midpoints, I have six natal--and eight midpoints--that qualify that I was involved from the beginning...and onboard--in a significant role. And the implications are something I don't enjoy by reincarnation. However, they are part of my life pattern and astrological awareness. And I accept my culpability.
Friday, February 23, 2024
The Yod: "The Finger of God" that touches your chart like you're a Cosmic Tuning Fork
A Yod is "the Finger of God," meaning that the Creative Source of All is tapping on your forehead--a "Big Energy that is Powerful in its Expression is coming your way." Think of it as a Cardinal sign dynamic: "Life Events are Magnified."
What are you going to do with it? What's the message?
Truly: get yourself some astrological advice here. Pick up a natal report and LEARN your strengths, talents, abilities--and also your challenges and limitations that NEED to be tested and proven to develop your character and personality. Order the asteroids-Chiron profile and understand/fulfill deep understanding about your Life Partner quality; your nurturing/caring need to share with society; empowerment & courage, and dedication to a cause or purpose. It's better to be prepared than to wait for lightning to strike, and you're on target--or THE target.
So take this as a signal to do something: order a report or book from me, or get involved as you please with your astrological studies. The stars are saying it's time you tap your empowerment by learning why you're unique.
Monday, February 19, 2024
At home with the 4th house qualities of each sign's potentials
The 4th house naturally operates in that function. This is a sample of potential needs and interests for each sign, how each might enhance the quality of their respective homes, or how each sign on the 4th house marker (cusp) might respond:
Aries: an exercise room; a private shooting range; sporting equipment, or a home where rugged and austere living is required and a challenging routine.
Taurus: gardens, a nursery or greenhouse, birdhouses, gazebo, running water, stables or barn.
Gemini: computers and large-screen displays; multiple phones throughout; multi-car garage,
Cancer: focus on the kitchen: appliances, utensils, baker’s racks, shelves, cookbooks. Multiple bedrooms; bunk beds; flannel sheets.
Leo: quality furniture, wet bar, surround-sound stereo and entertainment system, swimming pool, tennis court, recreation/game room.
Virgo: central vacuum system, garbage disposal, recycling containers/bins, laundry room with full capacity washer/dryer.
Libra: bathroom 3-way mirror and oversized tub; grand piano, guest bedroom, flower garden with sitting bench, crystal chandelier in the dining room with an accent-colored wall.
Scorpio: privacy hedge; long driveway with house off-set and hidden; finished basement, security system, large dog outside; underground target practice range.
Sagittarius: woods or natural setting; stable-corral/barn; garden; tennis/basketball court; multi-car garage; regional décor and setting in one room, library.
Capricorn: stone or wood fence; Tudor (English or German-style) or Victorian-style; fireplace, wood stove, landscaping, deck, terrace.
Aquarius: electronics; deck, den with large couches; time-sharing; townhouse or condo; bed-and-breakfast or revolving Euro-hostel setting; back-pack/tent, log cabin.
Pisces: houseboat, pond, lake, beach-side, swimming pool, large tub or shower, aquariums, garden, piano, or musical practice room.
(c) MDLOP8 2010